_In the throne hall_
The servant directed Elena and her group to the space provided for the guests from Flower realm "you all can have your seats here while I go get tea" she said and the quartet took their seats "thank you" Rachael said to the servant who bowed then left to get the tea.
"The throne hall in the empyrean cloud palace is really beautiful; I thought the flower realm had the most beautiful throne hall" Sophia said while looking around the hall "the flower realm still has the most beautiful throne hall and palace" Elena remarked sarcastically "though, the white and golden designs here are very beautiful" she added and Ava nudged her arm "stop that" the latter said and the princess stuck out her tongue.
"Keep it low ladies, you're in the presence of high immortals you should behave yourselves" Rachael said and the ladies nodded in agreement. "The beauty of the immortals is on another level" Elena whispered to Ava who agreed with her "I'm sure the crown prince would be more handsome" she added and Ava's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the word prince "I bet he would" she seconded so as to not let Elena suspect a thing.
_Somewhere else in the empyrean cloud palace_
Stephanie reappeared in the empyrean cloud palace and hid herself from the guards and servants who were parading the area. She decided she would go in as a guest since not everyone in the heaven realm recognized the warrior demon princess; she took a deep breath then step forward but stopped when she realized her dress was black in colour and only demons wore black.
She stopped then changed the color of her dress into white with purple hems she then advanced towards the throne hall, skillfully dodging anyone she thinks would recognize her and blow her cover.
'I have to see Riley and talk to him at all costs' she thought as she headed towards the hall 'that pretty boy prince better not come in my way' she sighed then entered the throne hall which was filled with immortals and guests before deciding to sit at a far edge to avoid people's gazes.
"Your highness, it's time for you to show up in the throne hall" Jimmy said to Dylan who was sitting on his bed in a regal posture "that's good; I've been waiting for that moment "Prince Riley has also been summoned, and you both would have to make your appearance together" the knight said and the prince nodded "have all the guests arrived yet" Dylan asked "yes, your highness" Jimmy replied.
"If that's the case, let's leave then" Dylan said standing from the bed then headed towards the door and Jimmy followed behind.
"Let's leave now your highness, it's time for you and Prince Dylan to make your appearance" Justin said to his prince as he entered the bedchamber "hmm, let's go" Riley replied and headed for the throne hall with Justin tailing behind him.
Riley arrived at the entrance of the throne hall at the same time as Dylan, they stood side by side completely ignoring the other one and they signaled the guard to announce their presence.
The servant assigned to the guests from the Flower realm arrived with the tea and served it to them "your majesty, this is for you" she said and handed over a cup to Rachael "thank you" the Queen replied with a smile "your highnesses, these are for you" she said and handed each of the other ladies a cup, including Ava who felt quite uncomfortable being treated as royalty when she was one who serves royalty.
"The tea is really nice mother, what do you think?" Elena asked with a smile "I think you're right, they make good tea in the Heaven realm as well" Rachael replied then faced Sophia "Sophia dear, you judge tea best, what do you think" she asked her first daughter "I think the tea's great mother" Sophia replied and just then the voice of the guard echoed in the filled hall.
"The heavenly princes, Prince Dylan and Prince Riley arrives!!!" the guard said and the door opened, the crowd stood to their feet the moment the door opened and the twin princes stepped in with regal strides.
They were a sight to behold; a pair of identical handsome men, tall and regal, hands on swords, one in red and one in blue, a personification of fire and water walking side by side.
"Isn't that Riley?" Elena asked herself shocked when the duo passed by them "and, there's two of him" she added with mouth agape and Ava swallowed hard "yes Elena, that's Riley, the guard said his name" the latter said and Sophia hushed them "keep it down you two, the heavenly princes are passing" the princess said without taking her eyes off the handsome twin princes.
In one corner of the hall, Stephanie was also on her feet looking at Riley with admiration and Dylan with disgust 'I'm here for you my love' she said in her mind, 'pretty boy prince better not annoy or flirt with me today' she added.
Riley and Dylan stopped at the foot of the throne's elevation then turned back to face the crowd, the moment they turned, all the guests including the high immortals and Flower Queen bowed to greet them and they nodded in acceptance.
They went up the stairs then sat on the seats which were placed on either side of the throne, and then they nodded for the guests to have their seats.
_Inside Maya's bedchamber_
Maya laid on her bed facing the ceiling playing with a sunflower stalk that she held in her hands "sigh, Ava I hope you come soon, I really can't wait to see you again" she said then turned to her right side "I miss how much you boss me around and scold me if you don't want to play with me" she said then sighed before turning to her left side. "Hurry up Riley, send Ava in quick, I'm bored" she said then turned to lie on her back again before seating up and staring at the door.
'Riley said I can always tour his chambers anytime I want to' she thought then smiled to herself. She went to the mirror then adjusted her hair which was in a mess then left the bedchamber.
The moment she stepped out of the bedchamber which she rarely does, she decided to go in the direction she's never gone and went towards Riley's bedchamber. After walking for a few seconds, she noticed the door of the bedchamber which was next to hers was quite huge and had more designs than any of the ones she's seen in the chamber.
'I guess this must be Riley's bedchamber' she said in her mind standing before the huge door 'I'd like to take a look' she thought then went towards the door, unbeknownst to her, maids were staring and gossiping about her.
It's not like our Maya cared anyway
"That's his highness's special guest"
"Why is she snooping around and trying to enter the Prince's bedchamber"
"We should stop her"
"Don't even think about it, his highness has placed an order to let her do whatever she wants, wherever and whenever without disturbing her"
"If so, let's leave so as to not vex his highness"
Maya opened the door then went inside, the moment she stepped in, her eyes widened "what is a portrait of me doing in Riley's bedchamber" she asked herself then rubbed her eyes to check again "I wonder why he placed my portrait here" she said then ventured into the bedchamber.
_Sarah's bedchamber_
"Are you ready, my lady?" Sarah's newly appointed handmaid asked her "I think I am, Evelyn" she replied staring at her reflection in the mirror "it's alright to be nervous my lady, every woman feels nervous on her wedding" Evelyn assured the nervous swan who kept looking at her reflection "is it time for me to show up?" Sarah asked and the maid nodded "the Princes are in the throne hall already" the latter said.
"How about Richard, is he there?" "His majesty is on his way to the throne hall, he would wait for you by the entrance so you can go in together" Evelyn said "is my appearance okay, Evelyn?" Sarah asked and the maid nodded "yes my lady, you're very beautiful" Evelyn assured her then she took a deep breath.
"Let's go now, Evelyn" Sarah said then stood up from the chair, she adjusted her dress the exited the bedchamber with Evelyn walking side by side with her.
Richard was standing by the entrance of the throne hall with his guardian knight when Sarah arrived with Evelyn, he was mesmerized with her sight that he didn't know when she got to his side "greetings, your majesty" Evelyn's voice broke him out of his trance. He hurriedly cleared his throat then he turned his face forward before nodding to accept the greeting.
He signaled the guard at the entrance to announce their arrival and the next moment, the guard's voice echoed in the throne hall, "His majesty, Heavenly Emperor Richard and Lady Sarah arrives!!!"