Chereads / The supreme guardian's heartbeat / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33: I want snacks and desserts from the wedding

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33: I want snacks and desserts from the wedding


 "I'm here mother, we can leave now" Elena said to Queen Rachael when she got to where to the latter was waiting for her with the first princess "Ava, what are you doing dressed like that, you're Elena's handmaid and you should be dressed like that and not like a bride" Sophia said to Ava looking surprised as to why she was dressed like that, Elena smiled softly then approached her sister, she stood in front of the latter then spoke up "I've told you severally to stop picking on my friends, its either you stop or you become my sworn enemy" she said sternly causing her sister to take a step back and she smirked.

 "Scared?" she said with a raised brow in a very intimidating tone and Sophia swallowed hard "one more thing, Ava is not my maid, she's my friend and that's why she's dressed like this" she added in a low tone and the Queen sighed.

 "Elena dear, you shouldn't threaten your older sister like that, if she said something you don't like then simply correct her" Rachael said and Elena smiled to her "it's not a threat mother, it's just a friendly reminder and I hope she wouldn't dare me" the latter said and Ava touched her shoulder "Elena you should listen to her majesty and stop threatening her highness" Ava said and Elena opened her mouth to talk but Ava stopped her "no more arguing" she said and the princess pouted.

 "Stop that pouting or I'll just change into my maid's outfit" Ava threatened and Elena instantly smiled, ditching the pout and Ava couldn't help but shake her head. Sophia was on the verge of saying something to Ava when Rachael spoke up "alright, enough bickering ladies, let's leave now" she said and the trio nodded then she opened a portal leading to the main entrance of the empyrean cloud palace and they all entered before the portal disappeared like it was never there.



 Riley got to his bedchamber and drew in a deep breath before pacing back and forth, thinking how he would take Ava away from the wedding later without arousing suspicions in anyone especially Dylan "sigh, that brother of mine is really a problem" he said sighing exasperated "why can't he just live his life and let me be" he asked himself and decided to get ready for the wedding as well.

 Riley had another bath then called for a maid; he was sitting in front of the mirror in his undergarment when the maid arrived.

 "May I comb your hair, your highness" she asked him and he was about to nod when he thought of Maya doing it for him "no, get my robe instead" he said and she bowed then retrieved his ceremonial robe from the closet. After getting fully dressed and leaving his hair undone, he summoned Justin.

 "My lord" the knight said bowing when he appeared in the bedchamber, he was confused when he saw his liege fully dressed but had his hair undone and was going to ask about it when the prince spoke up "take that and come with me" Riley said pointing at his crown and other hair ornaments as well as his comb that was placed on the dressing mirror.

 "Yes your highness" the knight said and picked up then followed the prince to the door before speaking up "your highness, may I ask where we're going with these?" he said but the latter ignored him. 'I guess his highness wants Maya to make his hair' Justin thought and smiled to himself.


 Richard stood in front of the human length mirror in his bedchamber, staring at his reflection "finally the day I've always been waiting for is coming to pass" he said to himself with a satisfactory smile plastered on his handsome face "the day I would be marrying Sarah and making her mine for life" he added while adjusting his crown.

 "May I come in father" Dylan asked, standing by the door of the bedchamber "yes, you may" Richard replied his son then went to sit on his bed where Dylan also joined him "you appear to be so polite , I hope you remain like this till the end of today at least" the emperor said and his son smirked.

 "Where is your brother" Richard asked his son "I don't know where that phoenix is, I guess he should be getting dressed in his bedchamber" the latter added and the emperor simply nodded "I also hope you both wouldn't get at each other's throats during the wedding" he said "that I can guarantee, your majesty" Dylan replied, "brother and I behave ourselves well in the presence of mother" he added and Richard looked at him "you better, because I would spare neither of you if you ruin this day for Sarah" he said making his son chuckle.

 "Alright your majesty, I'll take my leave now" Dylan said standing up and bowed slightly and Richard nodded in return then the former left for his bedchamber.



 Stephanie sat on her bed looking gloomy, with legs folded against her chest and arms wrapped around them 'I've been trying to summon Riley for a while but he seems impossible to reach' she thought and a frown crept on her face "I've tried looking for him in the mortal realm, gone to places where I saw him most but he's nowhere to be found" she said and a tear dropped from her eyes "what do I do to find him" she thought aloud in a teary voice and just then, Lewis walked in.

 "Stephanie dear, what is the problem and who is it you want to find" he asked her as he sat beside her and she wrapped her arms around him "father, I've been trying to summon him and even tried looking for him in places I've seen him but it's all to no avail" she said to him and he sighed.

 "Who is he, and why have you been doing all that just to see him" the Demon Lord asked his daughter confused and curious and she disengaged from the embrace to look at him "the man I have fallen in love with" she said leaving her father speechless "you?, in love with someone?" he asked and she nodded "that's good but where could he be" he asked and she shook her head "sigh, you'll find him soon" he assured her and she nodded.

 "Anyway, I heard the heavenly emperor is getting married to the mother of that crown prince today" Lewis said causing Stephanie's eyes to widen 'could that be the reason Riley has been off limit for the past few days, he's been busy with the arrangements for his parents' wedding' she thought then an idea popped into her head and she smirked 'I'll go to the empyrean cloud palace to find him' she thought and smiled satisfactorily to herself. "Father, please I hope you could excuse me, I'd like to be alone" she said and the demon lord nodded then left after patting her head.

 Once Lewis left the bedchamber, Stephanie changed into a nice dress and applied a little makeup then teleported to the heaven realm.



 Ava took a very deep breath when they arrived at the entrance of the empyrean cloud palace, looking really nervous which was noticed by Elena "are you nervous Ava?" the latter asked as they walked towards the massive door and Ava nodded "it's my first time attending a royal ceremony as a guest" she lied and Elena chuckled "why are you laughing" she asked the princess "the bossy Ava is nervous, why won't I laugh" the latter replied and Ava frowned a little "I'm always at your mercy, today you'll be at my mercy" she added and winked Ava.

 Unbeknownst to the childish princess, there's a certain someone who is scoffing and murmuring words from time to time at the other side of the Queen.

 Rachael showed the invitation to the guards and they made way for her and the ladies with her "the Flower Queen has really beautiful daughters" one of the guards said after they left "she's personally beautiful so all three of her daughters has to be beautiful" the other guard replied thinking Ava was a princess, then they focused on their job of ushering guests in.

 A servant approached the quartet and introduced herself as the one who would show them to the throne hall and care for all their needs during their stay in the empyrean cloud palace. "If you don't mind your majesty, I'd show you to the hall or I could just take you around the palace in time for the wedding" she said and Rachael smiled in return "no need, we'll go to the hall directly" she said and the servant bowed her head then led them to the hall.


 Riley told Justin to stay in front of Maya's door then he collected the items from him and went into the bedchamber alone. Maya was standing in her makeshift garden when he entered the bedchamber, he placed the items he was carrying on her dressing mirror then went to the garden.

 "Maya" he called out her name and she turned to look at him "Riley, you're here" she said then went to stand by his side, she looked at him then creased her brows "why is your hair undone when you're fully dressed" she asked but he took her hand and pulled her towards the room "where are we going" she asked but got no reply. Riley stopped in front of the dressing mirror then sat on the chair before pointing at the items he dropped on the table.

 "So you want me to make your hair" Maya asked with arms folded and he nodded "what do I get in return" she asked and he looked at her through the mirror "stop looking at me and just answer me, what do I get in return" she asked in a childish tone "what do you want" he asked and she pondered for a few seconds "I want snacks and desserts from the wedding" she replied and he smiled.

 "I'll get you special delicious snacks and desserts everyday from now" he replied and her eyes widened in surprise "also mother's signature delicious flower biscuits, which are my favorite" he added then she held his arm "thank you, thank you, thank you" she said smiling widely and he smiled back at her.

 She picked up the comb then started to comb his hair "I promise you'd be the best looking person at the wedding" she said causing him to raise a brow "why would I be" he asked "it's because I am the best at styling hair" she said proudly with a smile and tilted his head to look at her "yes, just stay still" she commanded turning his head with her hands.

 He smiled to himself while looking at the reflection of the beautiful woman styling his hair 'I hope it remains this way for good' he thought then breathed out. After combing his hair, Maya tied the upper half in a ponytail with a golden hair brooch and let it fall on the lower half which was let down on his back, she then placed his crown gently on his head.

 Riley was shocked to see his own reflection, he couldn't believe she was right about being a good stylist "wow, I most certainly would be the best looking man at the wedding" he said and she giggled "I told you" she said and he poked her dimples "you're amazing" he said "so where's my snacks and desserts" she said making him look at her wide eyed "I don't have it now" he said causing her to pout.

 "You promised, Riley" she said like a little disappointed child "I'll get them for you when Ava comes over so you can have them together" he said then she pressed her lips together and widened her eyes then nodded "I'll get them ready in time" he added and she sighed "okay, are you leaving now" she asked and he nodded. He stretched out his palm then a golden thin necklace with a red feather pendant appeared on it "this is phoenix feather necklace, wear it around and it would keep you safe at all times" he said and she nodded looking at the necklace. "It's sacred to phoenixes, so keep it safe" he said and she nodded.

 Riley then stood behind her to help her put the necklace on, she admired the feather by touching it then she looked up at him "would this really protect me" she asked "yes, I'd also know if you're in danger" he replied and she looked at the necklace in awe "the phoenix feather is really cool" she said and he nodded "I'll leave now" he said and she nodded in response then left for his bedchamber.