Lee Home, Thomas Bedroom
(Timmy and Mark playing against each other in a fighting video game)
(Timmy beating Mark badly)
Mark: Come on let me get one hit in.
Timmy: Talking doesn't increase your chances.
Freddie: I told you don't use the character who can only kick and punch.
Thomas: At least he does a good punch line (laughs).
(Mark readying his finishing move)
Mark: Got you now.
(Timmy evades the attack easily then counters attack)
(Timmy wins the game)
Timmy: You did good. You lasted 20 seconds longer than the last 6 games I beat you in.
Thomas: That's better than Freddie. I beat him twice that amount.
Freddie: I still couldn't find anything in the game menu that explained the moves you were using.
Thomas: Well me and my brother think differently than most people.
Freddie: You can say that again.
Timmy: You didn't hear him the first time?
Freddie: Atleast you two aren't boring.
Mark: Will we have plenty of things to do tomorrow, for Sports Day.
Thomas: Yay Sports day. What's a sports day?
Timmy: Is a fun competition between our skill and Lane School from next town over.
Mark: We get to play all sorts of games from basketball, tag, and one random one.
Freddie: Yay like charades which I dominated.
Mark: Maybe you can talk less often.
Thomas: I'm so in.
Timmy: Physical activities are healthy for growth.
Mark: Good thing I signed you all four of us in then.
Freddie: Hey how do you know we have anything else to do?
Timmy: We don't.
Freddie: Not the point.
Madison High School
(People getting ready to sports day)
Thomas: So who are Lane School guys?
Timmy: They are a tech school with highly intelligent kids with brilliant experiments.
Thomas: Do they have jet engines packs, I want a jetpack.
Mark: Dude if you used a jet pack you will never be seen again.
Alex: Then I hope they have one.
(Alex walks over)
Freddie: What do you want Alex?
Mark: Did came over here so mess with our heads and make us lose.
Alex: Of course not I actually hope you win.
Thomas: Alex did you wake up on the right side of the bed this morning.
Timmy: I thought the expression is the wrong side of the bad.
Thomas: It is but since is Alex the wrong side would be the right side for him (laughs).
Alex: If you know me at all you release I enjoy winning and since we're all in the same school if you lose I lose, so don't lose.
Mark: Don't worry Alex we're won last year and with all four us playing this year we going do it again.
Alex: Don't be cocky. My cousin, Neil, is playing and he is as clever and brilliant as me.
Thomas: Then we don't have anything worry then (laughs).
(Lane School coming in)
(Neil walking over Madison school team)
Neil: You must be Thomas and Timmy my cousin told me about.
Thomas: Alex talks about us.
Neil: Nothing good actually.
Timmy: That fits his character.
Neil: Let's all have a good game.
(Neil walks away)
Mark: Are we sure they related by blood.
Thomas: Well me and Timmy don't act alike.
Freddie: Not under the surface at least. Let's just keep an eye on him.
(Principal Brian on Microphone)
Brian: I happy to start sports day, a day fun and fair play. Now being.
(Thomas winning at capturing the flag)
(Timmy winning at Ping Pong)
(Mark winning at arm wrestling)
Brian: The score is 3 for the home team and 0 for the guests.
(Freddie the dodge ball)
Timmy: I didn't know Freddie was so good at dodge ball.
Mark: That because I told Freddie girls love dodge ball.
Thomas: Good idea. Still can't believe we're winning so easily.
Timmy: Maybe too easy.
(Freddie knocks down the last two)
Brian: That's one more point to the home team.
(Two appearing to be injured)
Freddie: I guess I don't know my own strength.
Neil: Sub.
Timmy: I wonder if they have enough replacements.
(Two robots walking in)
(Everybody shocked)
Neil: I like to introduce Lane tech newest invention, the sports buddies. Programmed to know how the human plays a game and does it better.
Brian: Wow slow down, this has to be against the rules.
Timmy: Actually principle Brian, rule 4 about subbing new members, as long as the new member is part of school in anyway, that doesn't including teaching, they can play.
Neil: Plus this testing new technology is how we have fun at our school and today is about having fun, right.
Thomas: Dad always says don't play on devices he never said about them playing with us.
Mark: Whatever, we're still four points ahead.
(Everybody getting ready for baseball)
(Mark throws a baseball)
(Sport buddy 1 hits a home run then run to at high speeds to home base)
(Sport buddies dominating the other games)
Thomas: These cans are kicking our cans (laughs).
Freddie: I think Neil made those fake a injury so they can put those things in.
Mark: Rule or not having robots who know how to win any game is disadvantageous.
Timmy: Maybe for next year but for today nothing stopping them.
Thomas: Breaking the rules before it become a rule cleaver.
Alex: I told you my cousins thinks just like me.
Mark: Wait since we won last year we decided the final game is, right?
Timmy: Correct.
Freddie: Doesn't matter those robots have studied how humans play.
Mark: I thinking they haven't studied two human brains.
(A few minutes later)
(All of them setting up a video game fighter)
Neil: A video game? That's not a sport or physical activity.
Timmy: Actually they are competition for video games.
Thomas: The rules ate leveling up.
Neil: You're underestimate our invention. Before they got a body we tested their intelligent with with video games. There is no way you can beat us.
(Thomas and Timmy about to play against the Spirt Buddies)
(Sport Buddy one unable to block Thomas attacks)
(Sport Buddy two attacks being blocked and countered by Timmy)
Neil: Impossible.
(Thomas and Timmy knocking the Sport Buddies back)
Neil: How is this happening.
Mark: Because Thomas so unpredictable your robots can know what he's going do next and Timmy can predict any predictable outcome.
Neil: No human thinks like that.
Alex: You haven't listen to me cousin, those two think in a different way.
(Thomas and Timmy beating the robots and winning Sports Day)
(Robot heads explode from failed)
Thomas: Well I can put beating a robot off my bucket list, or bucket head list (laughs).
Timmy: I don't think there heads are made from buckets.
Freddie: I'm really glad you two aren't normal siblings.
Mark: After meeting you two I don't think there such thing.