Lee Home
(Freddie sitting in the living room)
(Thomas, Timmy, and Mark walk in)
Freddie: Guys what took so long. We were supposed to go to the movies an hour ago.
Mark: Blame these two.
Freddie: What did you do?
Thomas: Just some jokes.
Mark: Inappropriate jokes to the gym teacher. That got all three of us cleaning duty at the gym for 2 months.
Thomas: In my defense when I made the kicking the bucket joke I didn't know his grandpa actually died from tripping on one.
Freddie: Still surprised you got two months cleaning for a misunderstanding.
Mark: That part was Timmy's fault.
Timmy: It just seems more logical that his deceased grandfather died from age or bad health , which most elderly people die from, than just tripping on something.
Thomas: Unless it bounces off the wall and hit his head. Then he should be called grandpa bucket head (laughs).
Mark: Your two have gotten ke in trouble for too many times.
Thomas: Come how many times could that be.
Timmy: 24 times in school and 10 outside of school.
Thomas: Really, that's actually impressive.
Mark: Not to me.
Freddie: Come on Mark you know Thomas and Timmy long enough to realize that's how they don't mean any harm, that's how they are.
Mark: Maybe but sometimes I think you two bring a lot of trouble together. I need to rest.
(Mark walks in the basement)
Freddie: I never seen him this mad.
Thomas: Yay, that's a bad mix up for a guy that knows Kung Fu.
Timmy: Is karate.
Thomas: What is the difference exactly?
Timmy: Well that's long complicated. When martial arts were first created…
(Mark sitting on the basement step)
Mark: Just need a moment away from those two.
(Mark falling asleep)
(Mark wakes up)
Mark: Man, did spend the whole night here.
(Mark walk up stairs and sees the changes)
Mark: What happened here.
(Kevin walks down stairs)
Kevin: What are you doing here?
Mark: Listen Mr. Lee I didn't mean to disrespect your sons like that I just in a bad mood.
Kevin: I have no idea what you're talking about or who you are.
Mark: Are you joking? Is I Mark, the guy who has been hanging around your house for three years and your son's best friend, even though they don't act like a friend to me.
Kevin: Boy, you're insane now get out before I call the cops.
(Kevin pushes Mark outside the house)
Mark: That was weird.
(Freddie walks over)
Freddie: There you are, Mark.
Mark: Freddie can you tell me what's going on?
Freddie: We can talk about that later. I'm trying to get the gothic girl, Sarah, on a date.
Mark: Come on Freddie. You are better than trying to steal your friend's girlfriend.
Freddie: You're dating here, respect dude.
Mark: Not me, Thomas. The joker and older brother of Timmy, the smart one in our group.
Freddie: Timmy Lee has never been in our group or anyone else.
Mark: What?
Freddie: Come we going to be late for school.
Mark: Yesterday was Friday. We shouldn't have school for the next two days.
Freddie: Not anymore.
Mark: Where am I?
Madison High School
(Mark and Freddie walking through the hallway)
Mark: Everything seems dead.
(Alex bumps into Mark)
Mark: Not cool Alex.
Alex: Please don't hurt me.
Mark: Is fine dude I won't hurt you.
(Alex runs away)
Mark: What happened to the clever Alex that we use to make fun of.
Freddie: He has been that way after new punishment for the disobedient students.
Mark: What's the punishment?
Freddie: Something you pray never to experience.
Mark: What is going on here?
Freddie: I should be asking that. You're acting like this time dealing with these rules, the mayor made.
Mark: It is for me, it's like I'm in a new dimension. Who is this new Mayor anyway.
Freddie: We can go see him after school is over, at 7:00 PM. Good thing your karate class was canceled.
Mark: 7:00 Pm and a canceled karate class, this guy is a monster.
City Hall, Mayor Office
(Lady brings Freddie and Mark in)
(Timmy up from his chair)
Timmy: You're lucky I have 5 minutes and 25 seconds to talk gentlemen. Speak fast and clear.
Mark: Timmy, you're the Mayor.
Timmy: This is our first time meeting each other, so your shock of me being the mayor is confusing.
Mark: Part of the reason I'm so confused is you being the mayor when you're younger than us.
Timmy: That's because they aren't legal age restrictions of me being the mayor in this town.
Mark: That still doesn't explain why you mess up our town.
Timmy: You're meaning mess up is what I call order. A town where people are focused on the logic we need in life and no outside distractions, just like was a few years ago.
Mark: But what about your brother, Thomas.
Timmy: My half brother and I haven't met in years.
Mark: What? Timmy I don't know what's happening but we're friends and as your friend I'm going to knock some sense into you.
(Mark tries to grab Timmy but he flips Mark to the ground)
Mark: That didn't go as planned.
(Timmy guards throw Mark and Freddie outside)
Freddie: He was more of a cold blooded manic than I thought.
Mark: That's more Timmy than I know. I think I somehow mess everything up by wishing Timmy and Thomas never lived together.
Freddie: How can that help?
Mark: It doesn't matter if you believe me or not the town needs to change, the only way to do it is if Thomas talks some sense into his little brother.
Freddie: Ok I'm in. I heard rumors about a guy named Thomas Lee in the next town over. But I heard that town is nuts.
Mark: Compared to what Timmy did in this town, how crazy can it be?
Next Town, Ruined Street
(Mark and Freddie captured by a gang)
Mark: Maybe a little more crazy.
(A person wearing a creepy skeleton mast walks over)
Mark: Who are you?
(Masked taken off to reveal Thomas)
Thomas: Just a bone head (crazy laughs).
(Gang laughs)
Thomas: Get it.
Freddie: It just hard to laugh when we're in mortal danger.
Mark: Thomas, you're in charge of these freaks.
Thomas: More like my freaky friends. We had fun all across this town and those he didn't get us paid the price.
Freddie: You killed them?
Thomas: Of course not, we just played the Wheel game.
Mark: What's that?
Thomas: A game that decides what we do to you two.
(Thomas spill the wheel)
(The wheel lands on pass)
Thomas: Let them go.
(Gang members upset)
Thomas: Don't be upset there's always next time.
Mark: Thomas I know you don't me but I know you. You're a fun guy who always tries to make your friends and family happy.
Thomas: Man and people call me crazy (crazy laughs).
Mark: I'm taking you to your brother if you like it or not.
(Mark tries to brag Thomas but he flips Mark to the ground)
Freddie: Wow, you're really weak.
Mark: Only in this wacky world.
(Mark thinks of an idea)
Mark: I know a place that needs your fun touch.
Thomas: Then let's our hands do our talking there (crazy laughs)
Outside Timmy's Office
(Timmy and body guards walking outside)
(Mark and Freddie arrive with Thomas and his gang)
Timmy: Thomas?
Thomas: Timmy?
Freddie: I think your plan is actually working.
Thomas: You really messed up this place little brother good thing I hear to style this place.
Timmy: Your version of style will destroy my order and won't let that happen.
(Timmy guards and gang fighting)
Freddie: So much for your plan.
(Mark grabs a microphone)
Mark: Stop! Listen I know both of you don't realize it but you two need each other. Both of your lives changed for the better when you met. My life also changed. I had friends who showed me crazy stuff and were always there when me or Freddie needed you. So stop fighting, it's not the way.
Timmy: He's right.
Thomas: It's pointless to get rid of each other.
Both Thomas and Timmy: When we can get ride of them.
(Timmy and Thomas army charge at Freddie and Mark)
(Mark wakes up from his nightmare)
Mark: Oh man it was only a dream.
(Mark walks in the living room)
Timmy: That's how material arts was formed.
Freddie: How do you remember all this stuff?
Thomas: Well he isn't called a box head for being empty.
(Mark walks in)
Thomas: Mark, are you still mad? We didn't mean to get you in trouble.
Timmy: We can talk to the gym teacher if you want.
Mark: You don't have to.
Freddie: You're not mad anymore.
Mark: Let's just say my life hasn't been normal when I met you two but is always enjoyable.
Thomas: You're not wrong.
Timmy: Being normal is a waste of effort.
(Kevin walks down)
Kevin: Hey Thomas I found your old Halloween mask.
(Mark looking freaked out)
Freddie: You look like you see a ghost.
Mark: Let's just say my imagination can be as crazy as Thomas's.
Thomas: Not even close dude.