He shouted at me like an angry lion, I'm getting used to that but the increase in his mood swings and anger is what I don't like.

Just like few days ago when he sent his guards and warriors to look for Tessa, he's screaming again but today is worse.

"Yes I saw her but I couldn't get closer, I wasn't able to see Tessa but my source told me she's in the mansion and,"

I didn't say anything or talk because I know what to expect, Aloha Trevour had stopped pacing and was moving toward his beta.

"Are you in any way sensible? It's a question and I need an answer, I asked you to bring my mate to me and you are here speaking gibberish!"

When he spat those words at his Beta who's also the head warrior, everything in me wanted to yell and curse out at him.

What exactly is he saying, talking about wanting Tessa back this whole time, I knew I have to do something or I will lost him to her but now it's more glaring. 

"We tried but the security is tight, the Lycan king can smell guest from afar, he has special abilities that cannot be toyed with, we even heard that he's punishing one of his mistress,"

Again another warrior started to talk but Alpha Trevour moved closer to him and hit his face with a loud slap, the quiet murmur went off at once.

"Why are you covering your mouth, this same mouth that keeps spitting out rubbish!, the instruction was to go back, return the money and bring my woman!"

"What's my concern about his fleet of women and his scary powers or whatever, why can't you approach him!"

It was getting unbeatable, nobody can talk back at the Alpha but I can, I won't let him humiliate me further, my best friend who has been warning me to take a long leap would laugh at me today. 

"What's really happening? Why are you screaming on them?, you sent away Tessa with your own hands, declared her to be taken away and sold! They sold her even if it wasn't to who intended to buy her, so what!"

He turned abruptly to glare at me, I had walked into his study room quietly and he didn't know I was there until I spoke up

"I won't take this humiliation, you will not treat me like you did with Tessa, you keep asking them to bring her knowing fully well that she won't return with them, she hates you now,"

"You can glare and flare your nose for all I care but remember that I'm not poor and hopeless like Tessa, I won't let you ruin my plans,"

He was about to yell at me, so I had to use my last card, it seem to work because he instantly relaxed his muscles, gesturing with the people to leave us.

"What should I prepare for now Alpha Trevour?. Are we still going on the journey?" His beta asked after going back and forth between me and him for few seconds.


Obviously the man is disorganized and isn't sure about talking about Tessa in my presence, it made me feel much better, to know that they feared me

Trevour said nothing except for the deep frown he sent to his way, the poor man rushed out without looking back at once.

"You know me too well, your threats and anger doesn't work on me anymore, I'm Sylvia not Tessa and I won't go down without a fight," 

"You promised my parent that you will marry me and they in turned promised you something, don't you ever forget that, don't!" It was a very real threat because I won't watch him cry over Tessa and do nothing.

"You don't understand what's going on right now so stay the hell out of it, I'm not pinning for her because I love her, it's all about the bind mate, she's still my mate," 


The response he threw right in my face should have calmed me down, I have always believed everything that came out of Trevour mouth but not again!, not after all I have heard and seen since he heard about Tessa. 

"Really? What is it about! Your ego or what? That she's with another man more powerful and influential than you!"

"You keep ordering your guards to bring her back, let me ask you a question what is your plan once she comes back here? Or aren't you aware that we are getting married in few days, that's what baffles me the most Trevour!" 

The tremors in my voice couldn't be helped, he looked at my face finally and I sighed in relief when his furious face calmed a bit. Warning my heart that I still had some sort of effect on him.

"I don't love her Slyvia. The plan was to send her to the Rolack green pack and now that she's with the Lycan king the old man is asking for what I promised him,"

When Trevour mentioned his new excuse, I almost burst into tears, instead I rested my two hands on my lower waist for support and a former stance.

He's lieing and by the look of his hooded glance, he knew I had found out, I couldn't stand anymore. The whole shock and adrenaline was coarsing through my body and it felt too much. 

"Your father isn't in support of this nonsense, I called him and reported all your weird behavior to him and he's livid, he will be back soon."

It was a simple threat but I knew it would infuriate him, Aloha Trevour doesn't like it when I bring up his father, he hates it when anyone tries to use his father to make him behave.


Of course he's their only child and his father pampers him but he just doesn't like failing or doing anything that his father disapprove of.

"Are you with me because you love me or because of the benefits you will get from me, the pack strength and connections with the seer line? Is this what all of the drama is about,"

Trevour has paused to breath and calm his body when I asked that question, he must be looking for a response to my threat about informing his father, the shock on his face when I threw another unexpected question at him was obvious

"Is this really what you want to say Sylvia? To question my love for you!, I rejected her for you!, I punished her for no reason for you, do you really want to know how I feel about these whole situation!"

Trevour was no longer trying to see reasons with me or talk calmly, his voice was loud and filled with hatred, I know he would scream and yell because I have finally caught him.

"You just have been so glad to successfully fool me for years!, wanting to be with another woman but never being able to!, isn't that why you want Tessa back at all cost!"

He has the guts to walk out on me and I know Trevour. Only a slap on his ego will make him respond to my question, I really want to hear the sincere answer.

"Do you really want to know who I'm in love with! Who's been on my mind all day all round the clock? You doubt me now and I think it's time we get more realistic,"

I knew from the time of his voice that he's finally ready to tell the truth, whatever comes out of Trevour mouth now is going to be my future truth and reality.