The place soothed my soul and body at once, it felt like the huge room could breath and sense me. The coldness and beauty of his office calming my nerves.


"Should I switch off one or more of the air conditioner, you are wearing a silk armless gown, it suits your skin color," his thick and sexy voice slap me hard on my inner core.


I had to pause on my heel and press my legs together, it was that bad because my whole body felt his presence and voice.


"You are not my mate why do I feel like this around you, uhmmmm I mean, I'm sorry," it was already too late to pick back my question, he rested into his huge leather chair and stared sweetly at me.

"You didn't mean to say that right? I know. It just came out and I can relate, Tessa this thing between us will drive us fast and hard, I started feeling it first so peeing me to say welcome aboard,"

I haven't seen him smile like he's doing today, he's grinning and his eyes are so relaxed, maybe he's so happy that I intentionally came to his house today.

"You should have your seat and let me make you something to eat, what do you want and don't say nothing please," he asked me again.

Getting out of the chair and moving toward me, I looked behind me to see a kitchen it too far, although we were both standing in one of his office parlor it felt like I'm in his bedroom.

I couldn't hide my blush when he intentionally brushed last me and allowed his hand slide past my waist, it took every thing in me not to moan aloud.


"I'm not cold and I will have pancakes and maybe with some chocolate sauce and grape fruit," I told him, his surprise look warming my hearts.

"You know my mother love pancakes and she comes here some night to make me make it for her, she leaves all of her maids and chef and come here, one day I will make you two eat my pancakes together," 

I sat slowly into one of his high stools facing the kitchen to watch his rippled arms and beautiful face, now that he's all smoky and happy, I can see his eyes and the bright colors in them.

He knew I didn't respond because I was checking him out but he said nothing, instead he kept jute and also concentrated on bringing out the tools and ingredient needed for the food.


The aura and atmosphere is serene and calm, no one would ever believes that the great and scary Lycan king cooks, or laugh this much. Maybe I'm the problem like my sister would say.

"Uhmmmm, I came to thank you and say how grateful I'm for," when I saw him toward me with a tall wine glasses and an exotic wine impost my reasoning and voice.

Cursing Cecilia jokingly in my head for making me come down here, she kept insisting on me coming to thank him for the dinner they had last night. 

"You should drink that while it's cold and let me cook for you, and yes please don't bother to thank me, your mum is like my mum now," he didn't look at my face when he replied.


Also he made sure is back behind the kitchen counter before responding to me, I took that as a cue to pour the wine since he had already opened them, although I heard no noise or whatsoever when he was opening the wine, he just have use his special abilities because it was fast

"You should relax Tessa, like you know our wedding is coming up and you need to be properly prepared for all the rites. Some are painful and most are hectic." He told me.

Suddenly sounding distant, I know this man is very unpredictable but at least can I get a warning sign before his mood changes.

"Coming here was intentional and I didn't come for fight, I came to thank you and maybe visit you since you are home today," 

Sounding angry and offended was one thing but I wasn't expecting to feel very bad because he stopped smiling or beaming at me.


The funny look he gave me made me realize to be that he knew why I suddenly became unsettled and pissed.

"Okay, what's the problem now? Is it the punishment I gave to Doreen or your public fainting?," I smiled when he mentioned how I fainted.

"It was scary and I couldn't take it, you also called me to your high seat and made me seat on your lap, that was embarrassing,"

Relieving that day together felt like magic, talking to Shane like this with the pancake aroma and the chocolate Sauce filling the air made me horny and further think about kids with him.

"She had to be punished and I know many people are shocked, the exact reason why I set her straight. She's my mistress and I," 

"You don't have to talk about your women, please!" I jumped in and almost yelled, my eyes frowning. I Jumped out of the tall chair. Telling him with my voice and body stance that I'm jealous.

But he lowed his lips and eyed me seductively with his eyes before walking slowly away from the kitchen counter, putting off his gloves.

"Everyone know I'm crazy and hot tempered and some days are like that, I have seen so many evil and been in many dangerous situations, I can't really be the man you dream or want,"

"But we know that this, all of this. The look in your eyes and your wolf calling until mine is real, you make me cook for you. I would never do that for anyone except my mother," 

"Come here, come here, let me hold you," the way he changed his time when he called me to walk into his embrace got me running toward him like a child.

He kissed my forehead and I leaned into him, of course I know we might have another toxic fight tomorrow where I say I don't want him and I will never marry him but right now this is what I want.