Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 57 - Chapter 57: Escape from Death

Chapter 57 - Chapter 57: Escape from Death

[In the Alchemy Furnace, surrounded by pitch darkness, you felt the temperature continually rising, making you feel exceptionally hot and uncomfortable.]

[Outside the Alchemy Furnace, Protector Zong's sinister laughter rang out. He told you that he intended to refine you into a supreme replenishing elixir that had never been seen before, to help him break through to the Return to Void Realm.]

[You remained silent, yet your mind was still racing with plans to escape. At this moment, inside the Alchemy Furnace, as long as you could reach the Spirit Field Blessed Land, you would surely be able to evade the torment of this old dog.]

[Alas, entering the Spirit Field Blessed Land required the stimulation of Spiritual Power, and all of yours was sealed, rendering you completely incapable of entering the Spirit Field Blessed Land.]

[And your storage ring had already been taken away by Protector Zong, leaving you without a single Spirit Stone to gather Spiritual Energy anew.]

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