Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 54 - Chapter 54 The First Gathering of the Tarot Society, Level 10 Beast Speech Talent

Chapter 54 - Chapter 54 The First Gathering of the Tarot Society, Level 10 Beast Speech Talent

Jin Congxue said with a smile,

"These masters are all retired from the Jin Merchant Guild, and they are industry leaders in appraising equipment and managing transactions. They are also the cornerstone of our Tarot Society's future..."

The white-haired appraisal masters waved their hands modestly after hearing this,

"President, what are you talking about? For us old bones to serve you is already your grace..."

Su Xing, of course, knew that these appraisal masters were just being modest.

After all, the older you get in the appraisal and transaction management business, the more sought-after you become. These masters have immersed themselves in this industry for dozens of years, and it must have taken quite an effort for Jin Congxue to invite them over.

With these experienced elders on board, Su Xing could rest easy playing the role of a hands-off shopkeeper.

Jin Congxue then pointed to Su Xing and introduced him,

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: