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Copyright 2003 by Leil Lowndes. Click Here for Terms of Use.
greased lightning, Harry must have hot-breathedly called Cousin
Sonny to give him the big headline: Evans Would See Him! Then,
by dialing Ms. Evans immediately, Sonny made it seem the bigdeal interview was the most important event in his otherwise dull
and dismal life.
True or not, one verity remained—Little Cousin was insensitive to an unspoken rule big winners always obey: don't jump
immediately when someone is doing you a favor. Allow the person granting the favor time to savor the pleasure of agreeing to it,
before having to pay up.
Both brother-in-law and potential employee slipped in Evans's
estimate, all because of timing. To ensure the kid wouldn't call his
real-estate-mogul sister-in-law too quickly, Harry should have
waited a day before telling his cousin the good news. Also, young
Sonny should have asked Cousin Harry about Evans's schedule.
Sometimes an immediate call is advantageous but not when someone is granting you a favor.
One might think Evans was unfair judging Sonny harshly just
because he didn't let her savor the favor. It runs deeper than that.
Evans's subconscious thought process goes something like this: "If
this kid is insensitive to the subtleties of timing when getting a
How to Make Them Want to Do Favors for You 307
Technique #81
Let 'Em Savor the Favor
Whenever a friend agrees to a favor, allow your
generous buddy time to relish the joy of his or her
beneficence before you make them pay the piper.
How long? At least twenty-four hours.
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job, how sensitive is he going to be when negotiating the sale of a
house?" One agent's overanxious call to an owner can mean thousands lost in commissions for the firm.
Big winners have supernatural vision into your future. They
see every communications blunder you make as a visible blotch on
your x-ray. It dims your prognosis for being successful in life.
Let's look at yet another tenuous thread between favor asker
and favor grantor that must not be severed lest the relationship