Chereads / Frozen Empress / Chapter 34 - Trying out something new

Chapter 34 - Trying out something new

It's good to just walk to feel the breeze flow through my hair, the scent of iron in the air...

Huh? Is that blood? The scent is divine..

Looking around on the dirt road I notice signs of a conflict, carriage skid marks lining the road, seems like I've been unconsciously following the scent of carnage for a while now.. the scent of blood is fresh in the air.. if i was a hero I'd rush off to look for survivors but im no hero.

However I am curious, activating my Spiritual sight sending it a few miles ahead..

About 3 miles in front of my current location a regal looking carriage in shambles one of the wheel is broken as it leans on its side, nearby splatters of blood dot the dirt road as several corpses of men lay scattered about 20 of them a bit away from this scene a girl about my age with golden hair and blue eyes shakingly holding a sword while a group of men are starting to encircle her.

"Fuck it.." I place Dan's magic mask on my face changing my appearance to a handsome man with short black hair and green eyes l, my cloths shift to form a male figure and I active my qi as I dart ahead with extreme speed, "Guess I'll try my hand at being a hero for once.."

It was a matter of moments before I reached the scene and right as when the bandits were about to disarm the woman I waved my hand creating a circular halo of frozen blades around me and above me, "Halt bandit scum! You will face justice for your crimes as I Jareth Misfenn Hero and protector of the innocent weak and innocent shall cut down all evil that stand in my path!" I shout out to the croud.

In my past life I took an acting class just for shits and giggles.. didn't think I'd ever utilize it.. also my speech made me cringe so hard inwardly..

"Hey boys look at this joker.. kill him then focus on the chick." A rather routund bandit barked.

More than half tured to face me with toothy grins on their faces 12 bandits out of a total of 20 charged towards me brandishing their blades, I decided to implement some more of my limited acting skills but looking serious.

Summoning one of the ice blades from my halo I ran towards the band of bandits deftly parrying one blow and countering another I made sure to look as if I was struggling slightly before cutting down each bandit, after dragging out the fight for a few minutes I finally cut down the last one...

Now mind you I could have snuffed all of the bandits out with a snap of my fingers.. but I was feeling a bit dramatic right now.

Leaving the corpses I approach the remaining 8 bandits and the now tied girl, "Surrender the girl and I will spare your lives!" I shouted.

"Heh.. you think your hot shit just because you took out some of the weakest in our band? Looking at you, you seem out of breath.. spent all your mana?" The rotund man said.

As he said that I smirked and willingly cut off some of my mana that was supplying my halo of ice blades, a few of them started to disintegrate and shatter leaving only one, the blade in my hand.

"Worry not young woman, the Gods have blessed me I will prevail and save you."

A tear fell from the girls eyes as her words were muffled from the gag.

"Last chance foul bandits." I sneered.

The bandits looked at each other the started laughing, the round bandit turned to his left as a huge muscled man walked towards me dragging his great axe behind him as he approached I sent a telepathic message to the girl, "Close your eyes this will be over in a moment." As soon as I saw the girls eyes close i activated my Qi, time slowed to a halt as I stepped forward casually sliced at the big man's neck cutting it clean, then I moved past him still frozen, I made my way to the group of 8 including the girl. I made casual but precise slices through each and every bandits neck beheading them all before they even knew.

Lastly I cut the ropes of the tied girl and held her in my chest turned away from the bandits. Finally i deactivated my Qi movement as I did the sound of arterial spray and collapsing bodies hitting the ground, "You can open your eyes now.. you are safe..." I feigned exhaustion.

"Wh..who are you?" The girl said as she looked curiously into my eyes as I held her.

Smiling i replied before loosing consciousness "My.. name.. is.. Jareth.."

While I was unconscious I was curious what she would do so in activated my Spiritual sight and to my suprise she dragged me to a tree, leant me up against it and took care of my body..

I made sure to get cut a few times in the previous fight to make it look as if I was normal.

She took the upper half of my cloths off leaving my trousers on as she tended to my wounds, this mask is amazing.. my breasts are completely gone.. wearing this mask is like wearing a new set of skin.. very powerful.. kind of broken.. oh well it's mine to abuse now..

After half an hour I decided to stir awake a voice rang out from the side, "Don't get up too fast.. you will open your wounds." As she pressed her hands on my bare chest holding me down.

She continued, "I am very much in your debt for saving my life.. please let me know how to repay you."

Smiling I spoke weakly, "We can start with your name."

"Ah yes.. my apologies my name is Jesemine Van Altaria I'm the oldest daughter and Heir to the Altaria Barony in the capital of Eldoria.. i was on my way home when I was attacked by these bandits all of my guards were slain... Mr. Misfenn I beg your assistance on protecting me until we return to the capital, upon arriving I will see to it you being well rewarded, for both saving me and returning me safely home." She said while bowing her head.

'Perfect I'm glad I decided to play hero.' I thought to myself.

"Of course my lady I'm would be honored to escort you back to the capital.. I am headed their anyways but please call me Jareth."

Jesemine smiled brightly and nodded then she blushed, "Then.. call me Jes.. just until we get back to the capital.."

"Okay Jes.. I should be ready to go in an hour.." looking down at my bare chest and the various bandages on it.