We aren't going to refuse it, that does sound pretty tempting right now. The brothers bite their lip and weigh the decision to leave it all behind.
[I can see you're still indecisive about what to choose. So I'll give you some time to think about making your decision. The time given will be hour, but after i will have to get your
answer though. If you don't want this once in a lifetime chance I can always give it to somebody else]
With that… the bizarre animalistic voice vanished, but it didn't feel like we were alone. Though everything went back to the way it was before the voice interfered.
The brothers watched people start moving again at the same time as the world came back to color. The brothers let out a long exhausted sigh. It took twenty minutes to get home, everything else felt like a strange dream.
* * * *
Twenty minutes later, after cleaning mom's little shrine, we left the couple of pictures we had of her at the shrine. We have a picture hanging down in the diner behind the counter, we could have the feeling of her welcoming us for the whole day's work.
At this moment the brothers are laying in their two separate beds. We have been pondering on the offer that we have been given by the voice. The more we pondered on it the crazier we felt about considering the offer, the better it sounded each time we went over it in our head.
We both have enmity for our own family, maybe you would think that would sound ironic… hearing that come from two teenagers, but our family only loves the money. Those sorry fucks were there when it only benefited them. The filthy mongrels had rob our mother of our inheritance. Money that could only have been used for our mom to help them stabilize their own situation, but then they disappear when we needed them the most.
Just thinking about it made the brothers burn with resentment, and both of us started to calm down because it honestly feels like a waste of time.
We both don't have girlfriends, we are both solely focused on survival. Well the rumors surrounding us are not good either, not to mention our family is dog shit. So even if we dropped dead right now no one would really be concerned for us. Only thing we had to look after was our mother's shrine. We worked at a diner that barely anyone visits anymore.
The more we think about this the more depressing it seemed to be, but we both shook our heads. Focused on our work, after all this was our decision.
[I see you are a finally at the climax and it came much quicker than I thought it would]
So were you spying on us this whole entire time? The brothers frowned.
[Nope, too busy for that… you two are users (provisional)], the system will be on your side until you accept or decline my proposal. I8 see that you've already accepted]
"We've got not much to lose… this life is so monotonous it is killing us. We probably would have commit suicide by now…" The brothers that are weary sigh.
[Why not just dispose of them?]
" We haven't done anything other than snap at them because our mom would not want us to have blood on our hands. Nor do we want the satisfaction from those filthy mongrels." While the brothers gritted their teeth in frustration.
[That's truly a pity… cuz the only thing you'll see in [origin] is gore beyond belief… Do you still wish to go through with it?]
"Only if it means we can have our mother back then we don't care what we have to do? Even if it means she'll hate us, we just want her by our side once again."
[Just to make it more interesting, is there a departing gift that you want to give to someone?]
The brothers looked at each other with a malicious smile and said "we would like to give our family 5 years of bad luck"
[Perfect I love your conviction, children. Well, anyway I recommend you to bite something and be prepared for pain…]
The brothers didn't hesitate; they quickly grabbed a bed sheet from the closet and stuffed it into their mouths. Only to feel a very sharp pain run through every inch of their body.
[Hang on for five minutes, and please try to remember this is only the easy part ~]
The brothers could only let out choked screams while constantly squirming on the floor.
[Listen here kiddos this is a procedure called (Fate erasure) and when it stops hurting, your body will leave this control of this dimension… it will also be the "property" of the [Origin] system, everyone who you will think of you will forget who you are… you'll be like a phantom].
The brothers were phasing in and out of consciousness, they couldn't really hear what the man with black and purple highlights was saying. The man walked closer and gently whistled to wake the brothers up. The brothers sweated profusely while waking up after squirming for 13 minutes
[It's so good to have you two awake again, the man said. Oh by the way congrats for passing the first step of the [Origin] system. Well I guess this is the part where I inform you two about our goal, but you don't have to worry it is pretty easy to understand. We wish to find the [Origin] of all things.]
"The origin?" One of the brothers said weakly.
[Correct that is pretty much the main objective of this whole system, and as for the reason why we want to achieve this is because we were the first humans that managed to ascend even though it was in the past. Anyway they decided to create a council of immortal beings to discuss trivial problems, and what's more boring than listening to old fogies brag or talk about their issues. Immortality is this boring as fuck with nothing to do, in their endless quest for knowledge. They came to a dilemma that they did not solve yet that was… The origin of everything. They wanted to find out the origin of everything, and how did it all begin? We have searched for this answer for quite a long time, no one managed to figure it out, years passed and everything was still the same. The council members thought it would be a good idea to search through alternate dimensions, interacting with other people like me. Slowly over time more people joined the council for the cause, and the system we created for one sole purpose to reveal the ultimate truth.]
"Wow that was a lot" one of the brothers said, but "it was the most interesting thing I've ever heard" said to the other. "I see," muttered the second brother.
[Yep, anyway enough of the boring backstory… now comes what's most important to you.]
The brothers are staring closely at the pop up tab in front of them.
[In order to move thought [Origin] you two will have to go through certain tests in the form of worlds. These worlds are based on stories that were created by millions of authors in your world or should I say… These stories were inspired by different worlds.]
"I see why you talk about connection," muttered one of the brothers.
[Yep, though you are free to ask questions whenever you want. Anyway getting back to the point the system is always updating to make sure the users are able to get the info you guys need about your power level, Which is divided into [stats], [skills] both active and passive.]
[Stats are divided into the following]
[Str: (strength) which increases your offensive power, it can also help you with how much you can carry]
[Dex: (dexterity) increases your overall speed, reaction time and flexibility]
[Int: (intelligence) which helps you with processing and analyzing, as well as helping you control the energies of the Omniverse]
[Vit: (vitality) increases your resistance to all attacks, it also makes regeneration higher. It helps you with the amount of energy you can keep contained in your body.]
[Luk: (luck) an innate [stats] look to not be improved by leveling up although it can go up during certain situations, it can also be given as a reward. Can help you find rare or special items, skill scrolls, hidden missions, and information about secret requirements about recruits.]
[Every 50 stat points base off of regular stats
You will need 1 other stat point to level it up. If I were to put it in another words after you get 50 stats and if you want to raise your stats 2 more [Stat Points], with the max being 10 [Stat Points] to get a single point.
There are different categories items and skills rarity like [common], [rare], [Sr: super rare], [special (mission items)], [unique], then there's [Ex] which borders on the divine.
Anyway, moving on to the missions there are four types: They are [Mandatory] missions you two need to complete to leave the world. [Secondary] missions will give you a better score in whichever world you're in. [secret] missions will give you a better chance of having better or rare recruits. [World] missions are far and few between but have a lot to do with the plot of the world you are in.
The world will be divided into levels depending on how hard the world is or how complex the could. Whether it has a certain type of energy for advanced technology. Anyway the higher you go the more mechanisms there will be like magic or divinity. It can vary as you've reduced as much, but I highly recommend you children be on your toes in the [challenge] worlds. So I will give you more information on that later.]
The brothers were left with a very sharp migraine from all the information invading their minds. They were gritting their teeth so hard blood started to leak from their lips trying to resist the pain.
[Calm down… said the man with black and purple hair, this is only normal procedure anyway this is the only way for the system to make sure the users have the correct information. As well as some other information I forgot but I can always give it to you later.]
Both brothers thought their heads were both about to pop from all the information that they were given. Although the twins had to admit the information was nice to have but too much to give at once. The twins headphones have the information about the missions and the skills for the most important. So they still had many more questions to ask the mysterious man.