[I'll give you a short description of what type of skills you might like, and what category they belong in before continuing with your selection.]
The two young boys nodded with boredom and sat together on a big bean bag chair.
[It's quite easy, [skills] are innate techniques that you can get under different circumstances… That is why they are divided into different categories such as their element, rarity and type. The letter being divided into a separate category of passive and active.]
[Passive skills: are skills that are mostly active, and they can enhance or improve a player's body, but there has to be other skills to balance it out although every skill will have its own disadvantages. This will all be assigned by the system]
[Active skills: are mostly techniques of a wide variety of weapon types normal, short, mid, long range, dual wielding… and the other subtypes for example the skill [assassination] this is obviously a dagger type skill… it be wise to choose your skills carefully]
[Hmm… yes I'll send it info now, we should get down to business at this time. Skills will be divided up into element categories such as normal rare, super rare, epic, EX, which will evolve into [authorities] if given the necessary requirements are met at the right time whenever that may be. By the way this information will be sent directly to your brain.]
The two brothers gritted their teeth in pain as they could feel new information piercing through their mind.
"What are authorities?" Zach asked though his brother looked curious but didn't ask.
[These are requirements to get an authority whether it is divine or demonic, but it's too early for you to get this information right now…. But what's going to happen is pretty easy, I will show you two categories of passive and active skills. These skills could be basic talents of your character that you have chosen. You can gain more talents through extreme training though you will need to open a skill slot for that to happen. You will be able to see your [stats] when we finish customization.]
"we're bored, can we move on already?" said Zach with a very dull tone. As they started to look at the long list of skills.
* * * [Active skills Acquired] * * *
(Clouds skills)
1- [One handed weapon [plus]: +50 % damage dealt with one handed weapons]
2- [Firearms [Plus]: +50% damage caused with guns]
3- [Rapid movement: +10% to general speed(evasion, attack and reaction)]
4- [Bloodlust: can cause (paralyzed) state 5 seconds prohibits any action from made]
5- [Fighting instinct: +20% evasion, does not add up to same effects (unique)]
6- [Martial artist: + 15% when using martial arts an additional +4% when using just newly learned martial art skills]
7- [Stealth: decreases the presence of the user. It also stops user from admitting any sound or sent from the body which will give the status of (hidden)]
8- [Hawkeye: +15% more accuracy, can see a farther distance than a regular human]
9- [Absolute control: +10% for (str) allows the user to gain perfect control over one's movements over time]
* * * * * *
(Zach skills)
1- [One handed weapon [plus]: +50 % damage dealt with one handed weapons]
2- [Stealth: decreases the presence of the user. It also stops user from admitting any sound or sent from the body which will give the status of (hidden)]
3- [Martial artist: + 15% when using martial arts an additional +4% when using just newly learned martial art skills]
4- [Bloodlust: can cause (paralyzed) state 5 seconds prohibits any action from made]
5- [Firearms (Plus): +50% damage caused with guns]
6- [Rapid movement: +10% to general speed(evasion, attack and reaction)]
7- [Clear mind: this would allow one to gain or maintain a calculating composure in a time of crisis, it also increases the users thought and reaction by +5%]
8- [Cooking: +10% to dexterity for holding a knife,+5% to intelligence for learning of recipe]
9- [Poisonous aura: allows one to devour poison and emit poison from the body +5% to every poison devoured to added to (end or vit), the more poison devoured the more your immune)
* * * * * * *
Both brothers were excited about the skills they now have. The skills we have aren't overpowered but they'll do for a starting point. One or two that might be rare but that is good enough for now…
[Not bad for your first time picking skills…]
"Well we aren't going to lie, but these skills could come in handy in a pinch" both brothers said honestly.
[I'm glad you like it now, time to move on to innate skills. I have to warn you that these passive skills are picked randomly, have fun!]
"Wait randomly?!" Cloud furrowed his brows in slight frustration. Zach shrugged indifferently "well whatever we get it must be something useful that's all I care about…"
[Hmm… well it's more like Russian roulette where luck heavily influences the outcome, this is how the sages decide the best outcome they say "that luck is the strength of every person out there"so I wonder how strong your luck will be?]
Both brothers were excited to see what they would get praying and hoping they would get something lucky!!
* * * [Innate skills acquired] * * *
1- [Weapon Mastery: (passive) when having blade type weapons in hand it becomes +25% more accurate to handle. Either the skill is passive or active it may succeed the basic limit]
2- [Steel Skin: (passive) +39% more resistant to physical attacks (non-stackable)]
3- [Blood Boost: (passive) able to boost a bloodline by +15% if user has acquired a bloodline this effect will be doubled]
4- [Ambidextrous: (passive) whether it is a pen, a weapon or gun you are skilled in all manners of art. Both hands are dominant +50% damage to anything you wield]
5- [cat's feet: (active) user can reduce fall damage +25% can only be used twice a day]
* * * *[Innate skills acquired]* * * *
1- Blood Boost: (passive) able to boost a bloodline by +10% if user has acquired a bloodline this effect will be doubled]
2- [Keen Senses: (passive) enhances the all senses by +15%]
3- [Lucky: (passive) +15% of (luk) a chance to reduce requirements to recruitment, +20% chance to find treasure]
4- [Weapon Mastery: (passive) when having blade type weapons in hand it becomes +25% more accurate to handle. Either the skill is passive or active it may succeed the basic limit]
5- [Ambidextrous: (passive) whether it is a pen, a weapon or gun you are skilled in all manners of art. Both hands are dominant +50% damage to anything you wield]
6- [Animal Spirit: (talent) user is assigned with an animal type spirit that can boost (bloodline) user gains the trait to speak beasts of all kinds, can improve sight, smell, stamina and speed. Permanently increases affinity with (bloodline) type beasts]
* * * * *
[Well, I can see you've already made your decision about what skills you will have chosen… but I can see you went over the recommended amount, not that I care. Ho~ I see someone has picked the talent of animal spirit]
"I would like to confirm these skills," Zack said with indifference.
[Perfect choice!]
What the two brothers felt next was a horrific headache of epic proportions, all sorts of information started to pop up in their head. They felt their stats increased by a good amount. When the headaches were over they got off their hands and knees and started to study their abilities and what they could do.
[And since there's one thing left, we should get it done and I'll send you with your first assignment]
All of a sudden hundreds of animals different shapes and sizes started to materialize started to ran gracefully around the black haired boy
All Zach could do was gape in astonishment at how many spirits there were. Cloud could only grin at such a sight.
Suddenly all the spirits stopped what they were doing and sat down, Zach walked up to the gigantic group of animal spirits, all the animal spirits stepped to the side and a beautiful black fox walked up to the black haired boy.
Zach held out his hand to the inky black fox the Fox's nose touched his hand and suddenly like black mist swirled around him and entered his body.
Zach fell on his hands, and knees. He could feel himself changing form from a human to furry four legged creature. When he opened his eyes again he looked around but everything was taller than he was when he looked down he realized he had paws he turned around and he saw a black tail. When he went to the mirror, what stood there was something astounding in the reflection. It was not a human but a four-legged creature with unusually beautiful amethyst eyes he couldn't help but keep at his reflection.
Zach felt like he could turn back to human and he did so flawlessly. And suddenly he could feel his transformation go dormant Zach felt confused for a while but thought it was only natural
[Ah, I almost forgot here the information you will need about your assignment in the first world good luck users]
The two brothers felt their consciousness fading into darkness…. While they were listening to the administrator.
The last thing the two brothers heard was the sound of a robotic voice….
[Entering the tutorial world (HighSchool of the Dead) mission will be assigned in 18 years: 2 months: 1 day 19, hours, 25 minutes, 30 seconds]
[Good Luck Users…!]