The sun was scorching hot as scouts tried to hide under the shade that they made with straws. It was rare to see sun in the isles but once they appeared they were like a venomous snake, biting their skins with heat.
" Bloody sun is scorching us. Where is Blackie?"
The scout captain wiped his sweat with his clothes, chugging down water to quench his thirst while his men followed his actions.
No one could go outside and look afar, knowing the mirage would affect their visions. Besides only birds could fly off to the distance, scouring the whole area but for some reason their bird wasn't returning to them.
" Captain, should I go out for him? Blackie should be returning soon."
Johnathan packed his tools to go out but the captain pulled him down, gesturing him to sit for it was too hot outside. He couldn't risk men getting sick on this horrible day.
" Wait for a moment. The clouds should cover the sky soon."
The captain believed no sane people would cross the hills during this heat before they succumbed to their dehydration. Furthermore, the river was dried up during this season which would discourage most courageous travelers.
" But why is it so hot today? The morning was fine and we even had wind."
They couldn't tell what was wrong with the weather today. Recently the weather was changing to either scorching or freezing in the afternoon.
" God forbade what is wrong with this year. If we hadn't prepared extra water and food, maybe we would be dying inside this shade."
One of the scouts said with a bitter face, sipping his water to quench his thirst slowly. Although it wouldn't make a difference if he drank it all, he thought his mind would adapt to it.
Meanwhile in the distance
A ten-man squad slowly made toward the hills while hiding under the shadows of their horses.
" What a dreadful day! Thankfully we prepared enough water and food to get through this. How should we proceed Halfdan?"
Harold asked lightly, wiping his sweat with the cotton cloth. He then pulled out his flask, drinking his water in one gulp while looking at the sky. The clouds were still drifting toward the sun but they still needed at least an hour to cover the sun.
" We don't have a choice but to march. The scout team location should be near since this is close to the bottom of the hills.
The wind is cooler here and birds can fly here, but their dog shouldn't be able to smell us since the wind would cover our smell."
Halfdan believed they were near the most ideal scout location. It wasn't unbearable like the hilltops and the wind would softly blow here to help them.
" I see something, Halfdan."
Without hesitation Halfdan drew his bow from his back, aiming at the sky while waiting for the perfect moment. His pupils shrunk like eagle's eyes, looking for the tiny dot that he was aiming for.
An arrow sped from his bow, slithering like a snake toward the bird in the distance. The squad immediately got on their mounts, heading toward the direction where the arrow flew over.
" Arthur, chase the bird and find their hideout. We will encircle from their back to surprise them. You hold them off with Arne."
Halfdan commanded Arthur to rush toward the bird which was fleeing with its life with an injured wing.
The fresh trail of blood was more than enough for them to track the scouts as the bird couldn't shake them off.
" Found it!"
Arthur looked at the shade with a calm face while charging toward them with furious might. The hooves of their horses woke up the sluggish minds of the scouts as they shouted.
" Prepare your weapons!"
The captain knew the situation was bad by the looks of Arthur who was adorned in knight equipment.
" We have to retreat. They aren't robbers. They are hostile knights from the enemy."
He immediately decided to retreat while catching his bird in his hand. Then he threw it to Johnathan who had the fastest horse among them.
" Notify the lord. We are under attack!"
The captain grabbed the hilt of his sword while praying for God to return safely to his home.