Chereads / Inner Beast / Chapter 94 - Chapter 87: Elemental Affinity/ Fusion Versus Life, Dark, Life and..........Death 3

Chapter 94 - Chapter 87: Elemental Affinity/ Fusion Versus Life, Dark, Life and..........Death 3


"Wow! Look at those stars!" Ixolde said, while laying down, looking at the stars

"I know right? This is the best spot I could find to stargaze!" I replied

Both of us lay down next to each other, looking at the sky.

"Anderson..... I have something to tell you"

"What is it?"

"This is embarrassing to say but do you love me?"

"Love you? Why would I be friends with you if I don't love you? Of course I love you"

"Is that so? I've been hearing some from adults, the word couple. And couples are meant together forever. You've been protecting me since the day we met. You've protected me from bad guys, from bullies, you've always been there for me, protecting me, helping me. I really appreciate what you have done for me"

"Well, Ixolde, what do you expect from a friend? Real friends do anything to protect a friend. I've been there for you because I love you and I will show that I am a real friend to you"

"Is that so? Then, will you be my couple? I... Really want to stay with you forever. I want you to protect me, and be there for me, I am weak, and I can't protect myself, and I need you..... To be on my side"

"Yes! I want us to be a couple! I will promise to protect you who ever gets on your way! And I will stay by your side forever!"


"Yes! Forever!"

Ixolde raised her pinky finger to me


I wrapped my pinky finger to her

"I promise!"



"Hands off to my girl Anderson!" Vence shouted

"What do you mean you girl? She is mine!"

Vence kicked on the stomach, the kick was too strong, I couldn't breathe.

"Hey Ixolde! Talk a sense to this guy!"

"No, you are the one who needs to talk to your senses"


"Ixolde! What are you talking about!?"

Vence kicked my mouth, why..... Can't I fight back like before?

"You are just someone I know, not a couple. Do you think I would marry someone as ugly as you?"

Ugly? I am not... No, that's not the time for now!

"You heard that Anderson! Your brain is just.... You know what they called that" Vence said, doing circles with his finger on the side of his head

I am too speechless on what is happening right now! It's like, playing a shooter game with a headset on! The sound of shooting coming from the right, from the left, then again from right, like you got war-shocked! You don't know what to do in that situation.

"Starting today Anderson, do not come near my girl. Let's go Ixolde, I'll take you away from this crazy dude"

I looked at Ixolde's face,she gave me a menacing look, before going away with Vence. I thought..... I thought we made a promise Ixolde! And you were the one who made that promise! And that promise has been in my mind since the night we made that pinky promise!

I've done everything for you! Everything! And anything! All those actions I did for her... Will be in vain. I loved her..... I loved her with all my heart and she did this to me? But why!!!!!!!!??????


Oh, I get it now. I get why she cheated on me! It is because I am a poor... Broke... Guy with no money! When everytime we go out for a date, she always complains to me why I only bought a small amount of money and after that.... She complains to me why I am not rich! She started to give me no happy faces and reactions and she started to ignore me!

The only reason why she went won't Vence is because he is a rich guy. He can buy anything that Ixolde wants.... Anything. Heh.... Hahahahahahah! One day..... One day! I will bring justice to that bitchy-ass slut! I will give her the pain she gave. No, I will multiply the pain she gave me!

But Vence..... I should stay him out of this... He just..... Don't know what Ixolde is planning. Even if Vence is a big scary guy





Inside him, he have a good heart. This is the only time I see him like this, because of Ixolde's corruption.








Why..... Why do I start thinking about beating the crap out of Ixolde one day? Did I.... Also changed like Vence... Did I change like Vence? Just because of a girl? I should stop thinking about this.


Ah, it's 4:51 now, time to go home.

*End of Flashback*

"Oi, master, wake up" a squeaky voice... Calling out for me

I opened my eyes... Oh my eyes! I was suddenly met by a very bright white ceiling.

"Looks like you are awake" the voice again from the right said

I adjusted my eyes from this bright white environment. AAAAAHHHHHH, it's only not the ceiling that is bright! It's the whole surrounding!

I am laying down, I stood up and looked to my right. There is something that looks like a wisp, a dark wisp floating.

"Who are you? And is this..... Heaven?" I asked

"No no no master, you are not in heaven, you are inside your ability and I am your ability" the dark wisp replied

"What? How does that make any sense? How did you become my ability!?"

"I also don't know"

"What do you mean you also don't know!?"

"I just don't know, I was just summoned inside you, it felt like I was just alive"

"Well, I'll let that pass. Even my elements don't know they came from and they got life inside me as abilities. Did you say you are one of my abilities? Then what do you have as my ability?"

He moved out of my view, there is something in front of me. 6 small pillars with something floating above the small pillars, the floating are bubbles and there is something inside it.

First pillar is Fire blazing inside the bubble. Second pillar is water, moving inside the bubble. Third pillar is air moving inside the bubble. Fourth is dirt just floating inside the bubble. Fifth is a clump of ice, just floating inside the bubble. And last is a side view of a human with its eyes glowing and blazing sky-blue.

It kind of reminds me of Mateo's eyes, glowing and blazing with red color that we can't see his pupil. And also Lovely, her eyes glowed and blazed with blazed pink, we can't see her pupil.

"What are these?" I asked

"They are your abilities" the wisp replied

"And why are they in a bubble? What am I going to do with them? And what is this sixth one with a humanoid head with its eyes glowing?"

"I'll first answer this sixth ability... I also don't know. Somehow it's here so I think it's a hidden ability you don't know. Now what you are going to do with your ability. Now that you are dead-"

"Wait, I am actually dead?"

"Y-yes I am afraid so. Your head got cut off by Ixolde's Reaper, I was also watching your fight. You want to live right?"

I want to live? Oh yeah, my promise to my girlfriends.

"Yes, why?"

"Then you need to sacrifice one of your abilities or elements to live again. That's how I work as an ability, cool right? Making you live again but of course you need a sacrifice to live again"

Sacrifice an ability?

"Is that really how you work? Like there's no other to sacrifice?"

"Sad to say, yes"

Sacrifice an ability... I looked at all of my abilities. I need to live again, I have a promise with my girlfriends. Fire, Water, Air, Wind, Earth, Ice and this random thing. I pointed at the sixth bubble.

"That random ability? Even tho I am just an ability but I can also help you choose. Are you really sure you want to choose that ability? Maybe it is a powerful ability, you know what happened to one of your teammates Lovely? Her eyes started blazing with pink and she looked more powerful? What if that is the ability that is similar to her?"

Hmmmm, he got the point. I started looking at my elements..... Why does it feel hard to choose? If I sacrifice one means I can never use it again? Then I have to choose carefully then.

Uh, uhhh, what, the, tsk damn, it's hard to choose, all of them are valuable to me that I dont want to talk about their uses for me! Nunnunununununununun. I can't pick! They do so many valuable things for me!

"What happens if I don't choose either of them?"

"If that's what you choose, then you have to go to that door right there and choose permanent death. We die along with you"

Hmmm, permanent death? My girlfriends are cheering up for me..... And I died in front of them, I have this second chance, it's a good thing I have this second chance.

"If this really is, then I finally chose one" I replied, tears started to come out of my eye

"Well that's great master, I know I know its sad that one of your abilities will be gone forever, so which one"


I raised my hand and pointed to one of my elements, it is..... Ice. A hand with sharp claws grew out of the wisp. The wisp puts its hand above the bubble of my ice element, he is like ready to grab it.

"Are you really sure it's this one master?"

"Sniff.... Sniff... Sniff"

The hand of the wisp disappeared and went to me, it summoned its sharp hand and started patting my back. It's okay, it's okay, this is how life goes, and of course you cannot live again without a change"

"Sniff sniff"

It felt like... Those elements are humans to me. It felt like I was picking a human to make me live just for me.

"Oh right, a reminder. After picking a sacrifice, you will live again after 5 seconds so you need to be ready. Plus Immortality for 10 seconds to prevent you from dying again after reviving"

"Sniff sniff, okay"

"Now.... Are you ready?"


"Hey! We have a rule! No killing!"

"What even is that Ixolde!"

"Fuck! He severed Anderson's head off!"

"I-I-I think I am going to throw up!"

"A-A-Anderson! Ixolde you monster!" Luma Ina shouted

The four girlfriends of Anderson started running to the battlefield, but they prevented her.

"Oi! Ixolde! I know we are a team but what the fuck did you just do!"

"Hmmm? Oh right, he was just pissing me off. I am sorry, it looks like my Reaper slipped"

"I don't think that's a good rea-!"

One of Ixolde's team stopped and his eyes widened.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I-It-It-It-It's Anderson standing up!"

"Anderson! My..... Love, you're..... Alive!"

Ixolde looked behind, her eyes widened to see Anderson, standing up. Anderson's eyes is blazing with bright sky-blue color.

Okay okay okay, I should go attack her before I waste 10 seconds of immortality mostly mostly that I sacrificed my Earth element.

Thank You For Being In My Life..... Earth Element

I ran up to Ixolde, she summoned her Reaper again and floated to attack me. Ixolde summoned a shadow to the ground. Arms with weapons came out. I run as fast as I could.

After having these blue blazing eyes, I felt much stronger. Is this what Mateo felt during his fight with Bill? Is this how he got stronger? And why do I smell like, something familiar, something that I want to smell.

It smelt like.... My favourite flower.... Himalaya Blue Poppy. My favourite flower that was my favourite since childhood. I arrived at Ixolde, I only have 4 seconds left of immortality. I froze both of my fists with my Ice element.

I jumped and punched Ixolde on the face. The punched felt looked more powerful than before. Spit came out of her mouth, she started to nosebleed. Her face still burned, does she really have life ability? And what does life even do?

I started to give barrages of punches on Ixolde's face. I only have 1 second of immortality.


Something hit my shoulder, I looked at it. It's a scythe, trying to stab me. I turned around and punched the Reaper away, giving it a heavy blow on the stomach. I turned back to Ixolde.


Ixolde tried to slash me with her Shadow Claws.



I made a string blow to Ixolde's stomach. She flew, I caught her hand to prevent her flying away. I froze my knee and hit her stomach with my knee.


A shadow hand tried to slash my other leg. I froze my leg and kicked the hand making it throw away its weapon. I have to give it my all! I won't let my Earth Element go in vain!

Each element of mine was like a family to me! My elements protected me! They helped me! They made me look stronger! Even if an element is useless! It is still my ability that could protect me!

My precious element is gone because of this girl! The one who betrayed me! Was the reason why my element is gone! I am going to freakin kill you!

*Thud smack thud*

Take this and this and this!


My body turned into air, why? Who attacked me? It's another arm the ground! I kicked the arm making it unarmed.


Shoot! I can't see! Ixolde flashed me! I turned my body into an ice, turning it as my armor.


What was that! Some kind of explosion hit me! I froze the ground to keep me still and without flying away. My vision came back, my Ice Armor was shattered into pieces. I looked at Ixolde, she threw something bright to one of my shattered pieces of my Ice Armor.

*Sing sing sing sing*

The light started to bounce to the other pieces. It bounce.


The light went for my head, my body turned to ice on its own, blocking the light and making it bounce to the sky. I have no more elements to protect me!

Even if they are a pain of having a 1 minute cooldown to protect me! They are still someone I know! They are my weapons! My family! They can talk with me only if I am not battle mode. When everytime I am alone, they talk with me! Making it feel like my friends!

I have to play this safe! I dodged below and deliver a heavy uppercut to Ixolde.



I used my wind to dash, dodging one of the arm from the ground.



Ixolde shoot out another sharp light to me, hitting my chest. It travelled and hit me like a bullet, going past through my body. It felt painful, I covered my wounds with my Ice element.



My vision darkened

"Master! Master! You died again"

I opened my eyes, it's so bright. Am I... Dead again? I stood up.

"Master! You should be careful this time" my wisp shouted



Not this again!

"I need get the battle again right now!"

"Please! Be careful next time! Which element!"


I pointed to one of my elements


"Holy shit! Her Reaper killed him again!"

"What the fuck!"

"This is the second time we will say it to you, no killing!"

"Wait, what is happening to Anderson's body!"

People looked at Anderson's body, it looked like his body is dissolving to his ice, until his body is gone, his clothes are left to the ground.

"What happened to him!"

"Where did his body go!"

"Wait, is that ice getting larger?"

I am not done yet Ixolde! Because of you! Two of my Elements are gone! We really have a golden rule! No killing and you did not follow! Two of my element are now freakin gone!

It's Great Pleasure Working With You... Water Element

I only have 3 elements left and I am not sacrificing them because of my clumsiness and you! I jump out of my ice ground, jumping behind her for a sneak attack. I covered my body with Ice, covering my body.

People are shocked to see me, Ixolde turned around. Her eyes are full of horror, looking at me alive. I made a ice wall behind Ixolde. I mixed Fire and my Air element, my a Pyroclastic Blast on my fist.


I blasted it to Ixolde, she flew away, landing on my Ice Wall. I flew away because of the explosion, no, it's too risky if I get away from her! I made a chain hook with my Ice element. I threw my hook to my Ice on the ground, I made a hole on my Ice floor so that my hook will be really stuck there and can really pull me.

I pulled my self with my Ice Chain, I also used my Air element to make me go there faster. I only have 6 seconds before my immortality gone off.


I landed on my feet, heavily. I made Ice Wall around me, around me and Ixolde. To prevent her army attacking me.

*Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud*

I started punching Ixolde on the face with the help of my wind to give more devastating blows. Left Right Left Right Left Right LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT WHY WON'T YOU GO TO SLEEP!


*creak clack*

My Ice Wall on my right destroyed by something, it the Reaper with the help of the hands on the Shadowy Ground. The Reaper swung it's scythe to me.


The scythe only bounced off, I don't know why.... No, I still have 2 seconds of immortality. I grabbed Ixolde by the neck and threw her to the Reaper.


She landed to the Reaper, but I am not finished yet. I used my wind to dash to them.


And punched Ixolde on the stomach with my right arm with my Ice Gauntlet still on it. Both flew farther away. I put my Fire element on both of my feet.


And use my fire to use it to boost me to them, I also use my wind to boost me more.

*Chngchng chack thud*

Ow! My head hit on something. What the! Something trapped me, a light cage, it might be Ixolde's. I stood up and started punching the Light Cage.

*Thud thud thud*

Damn, it's indestructible! I crouched down and put my hand to the floor, trying to make an ice floor.


Wait, no! I can make the floor below me turn into ice but I can't widen my eyes outside the cage! I looked at Ixolde, she is resting on the ground, the Reaper taking care off her. The shadow entered the Light Cage.



I dodged one of the attacks of the arm on time, I punched the arm, destroying it. When will this cage go off! I dodged around the cage, punching and dodging the arms as fast as I could.


My body turned into Fire! That means I got hit! I have 2 elements left to protect me! I use my Air Element to make me dodge around the cage. Please please please please please PLEASE PLEASE GO OFF.

If I die... I will only have 2 elements..... 2 elements....

"Anderson! You can do it!" A voice, a familiar voice

It from the enemy team... It is.... Vence

"I am counting on you Anderson! Beat the shit out if her!" Vence shouted

"You can do it Anderson!"

"Yeah! You can do it!"

The enemy team.... Started cheering for me.... But why?

"Anderson! Anderson! Anderson! Anderson!Anderson! Anderson!"

They are counting on me.... Then... I won't break that promise. I mixed Air and Air, give me more boost and swift around the cage.

*Swift swift swoosh swift*

I dashed and dashed and dashed, dodging and punching the arms. For how long will this take!



My body turned into air..... No... I only have 1 element left.

*Swift swift swoosh swift swoosh*



No no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO, I have no more elements left!


The Light Cage come off... THE LIGHT CAGE COME OFF. I boosted my self with my mixed 2 same Air. Dashing and dashing towards Ixolde. I jumped up, I raised my hand, ready to hit Ixolde on the face. Ixolde raised her hand to me.

"I... Gave.... Up"




I punched the Shadowy Floor near Ixolde's head.

"I... Gave up" Ixolde repeated, her voice weak

I straightened my body, Ixolde withdraws her Shadow Ground, clearing the arena. The referee came to Ixolde, Ixolde made a sign.

"ANDEEERSOOOOOOON WIIINNNSSS! 1 point for the Jones University Public School!"


People started cheering for me, including to the enemy side. Our healers came and healed us up, the burn on Ixolde's face healed, turning her face back to normal. The heal massaged me, it felt majestically. It healed inside me, but it didn't heal the pain for my sacrificed Elements.


"Shut up, I don't want to see your face again"

I took my clothes from the ground and walked to my group. Ixolde also walked to her group.


"You did it Anderson!"

"Your so badass during the fight!"


"Come here you 4! How about a big hug!"

They came to me and hugged me tightly.

"AAHHHH! This ice is so cold!" Anya said

"Sorry, oh right! Didn't I promise for an ice cream after the fight? Let's go get some! And let's get some fast, I don't want to miss our next fighter's fight!"


We are on our way outside, haaah, such lovely girlfriends.

Allen's University Private School-0

Jones University Public School -2

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