Chereads / Inner Beast / Chapter 83 - Chapter 76: The Gamer

Chapter 83 - Chapter 76: The Gamer

1. Rohas Miguel-Natie Gin


2. Thomas Merik-Tenor Hilton


3. Mateo Valentino-Arinet Vicinit


4.Anderson Lopez-Hit Austin


5.Reed Elias-Noelle Denis


6. Lovely Rose-Ryder McAllister


7. Gasil Finn-Lee John


8. Jasper Clint-Blake Siño


9. Arthur Vince-Sarah Vane


10.Alex Lance-Nicole Cane

"Is that you Heart-Eyed Cosplayer?"

"Don't call me that"

I knew I would be famous for it. Not by the name, but by the face.

"Damn, both of you and your friend are getting popular all over the internet"

"Yeah, we even earn money from it. They already made plushies of us, a filter they use in platforms, they donated us money, and even make technologies"

"How much money are we talking?"

"500 dollars a day"

"Hohoholy shit"

"Now back to business, what's your Power?"

"My power? Is called The Gamer"

"And what are its abilities?"

"Power-up bubbles"

"... Is that all?"

"No no no, I have some more abilities. A Power-up pop up is like power up. How can I get it is whenever I hit my opponent 3 times or wait 45 seconds, there will be a Power-up that pops out of my enemy or after 45 seconds. It looks like a circle and a question marks colored yellow inside it so I called the circle bubble because it looked like a bubble. When I touch it, I will gain a power-up"

"And how many power-ups are we talking about?"

"10, 10 power-ups"

"Give me the offences"

"I have 5 power-up offences. First is Attack-up, it increases my attacks by 30 percent in 30 seconds. Second is Crits, it will increase my chance of getting a critical hit by 20 percent, what critical hits do is it 4 times the damage I do. Third is Shadow Claws, I gain temporary sharp claws that allow me to strike swiftly and deal piercing damage. Fourth is Shadow Duplicate, it summons a phantom version of me and charges at the enemy without fear and attack, my shadow version is invincible and will go away after 15 seconds, the phantom version can also pop-up Power-ups from the enemy after hitting them 3 times. Lastly is Shadow Shroud, it will turn me into shadow, increasing my attacks and speed and of course invincible since I am a shadow and when an enemy hits me, they can't because I am a shadow, their attacks will go through me like a dark smoke, but it will go away after 10 seconds"


"I have 5 defences. First is Defence-up, it increases my defence by 30 percent for 30 seconds. Second is Barrier Deflection, it will summon a barrier around me, following me where I will go, when you attack the barrier, no matter how strong you are, it will deflect to you so you have to wait for it to go away, it will go away for 15 seconds. Third is Attack Absorption, kind of very similar Barrier Deflection but my opponent's attack deflect to them but I gain them, when you attack my barrier with explosion, attack magic, bullet gun or whatever, it all go to both of my arms and legs, charging up like yours, so when I attack you, I have 4 chances to deflect all of damages you have done back to you. Fourth is maybe a support but I'll just say it as a defence, it's called recovery, yeah, heals all my wounds and missing body parts. And lastly, Armor, protecting me from attacks. Yeah, my defences sounds repitetive"

"Any more?"

"Well, there is still something with my Power-up, there like very rare or very hard to pop-up to get. During one of my practices, a bubble suddenly popped up from my partner. The question mark is colored red instead of yellow. When I touched it, it gave me something that is not familiar. I asked my partner to damage me, I didn't feel any. I punched my partner, it made him flew away, like I am an all powerful being, when I move, I move much more faster than before. I don't know how this happened but since I am a gamer, I called the bubble God Mode"

"Most of it are for those fighting games" my Gigantosaurus said

"What game are you playing?" I asked him

"I played Vere Fighters, The Silent King, Rupture, Elk Survival, and I Hate This Zombies!" He replied

"Oh damn, we have the same taste of games"

"Wait, you also played this games?"

"Yeah, I played a lot of games, but those you have just said are my favorites"

"What's your favorite character in Vere Fighters?"

"That would be Tina, the hot chick one"

"Mine's Gerold, the big one"

Both of us started talking about the games we played.

"Okay okay, back to the practice, or do you still have more abilities?"

"There's more, Save and Load, Mini-Game Challenge, and Lag"

"I'm feeling a sense of unfairness on him, he has more abilities than Tenor who only have cards" my Gigantosaurus said

"And what does this 3 do?"

"Save and Load, I can of course, Save and Load like you know, in games. When I see something of a good advantage spot, I will of course Save so that I can load in that spot later, but saving has a cooldown, which is I need to wait 10 minutes to save again. And of course Load, I can Load or go back to the place I last Saved including my opponent and spectators like it went back in time. My opponent's powers or energy won't come back, but mine will"

"Sounds a good one" my Gigantosaurus said

"How about Mini-Game?"

"Just like its name, Mini-Game. When I activate it, I can summon a sphere all around me. Whoever is inside the sphere will go with me, my sphere can detect which one is my enemy and which one is a spectator. There are spectators will be watching on a site while my enemy will be the one who I will be playing with. It sounds very powerful if I say that it will disable all of my opponent's abilities and powers but mine will also be gone, it will sound like a fair fight. Some examples of mini games are randomized. Mini-Games I got when I activated it are Quick Draw with fake guns, Obstacle Course, Word Scramble, Tower Defence and a lot more, sounds very very fun for me, my opponent and the spectators. But there's a catch, whoever won the Mini-Game, will have a reward, so it's a risky ability, maybe my enemy won or me. Cooldown for the next Mini-Game is 2 minutes"

"Damn, this guy has catchy and fun abilities" my Gigantosaurus said

"And how about Lag? Or am I thinking what you are thinking"

"Yep, Lag, Lag is such a painful experience for us gamers. Things get a little... choppy. Imagine, your opponent is moving, they're trying to attack, but everything slows down for them, like their connection to the game is bad. They're stuck in a brief moment, while I can move and attack freely. It's like they're lagging, and I'm running smoothly. It's duration is 8 seconds and can be activated again after 2 minutes"

"Kind of sounds good" my Gigantosaurus said

"So, ready for training?" Arinet asked

I made a distance from him

"Yes, I am ready" I replied

We both stretched, something we have to do if we reduce risk injuries.

"Ready? 3....2....1....Go!"

Arinet ran up to me, I charged up both of my arms. He slid down below me, he stood up and grabbed me, pinning me from behind, looks like this guy is also good at martial arts. He kicked me on the leg, but I remained stood up.

Blake teached me how to counter grabs, attacks and combos. I grabbed his head, carried he and slammed him to the ground, I crouched down and punched him on the chest then stood up.

"Are you also good at martial arts? And what kind of martial art?" Arinet asked while standing up

"I don't know, Blake just taught me some" I replied

He ran up to me again, I swung my left arm to him but he dodged it. He punched me on the jaw and hit me on the chest.


Something pooped out of my chest, a perfect circle, a question mark inside it, it is Arinet's Power-up bubble, it landed on the ground. Arinet pushed me away, he ran up to the Power-up bubble, grabbed it from the ground and swallowed it.


A sound, sound like from games. Suddenly, Arinet multiplied, a shadow, shadow like him.

"Looks like I got the Shadow Duplicate"

The shadow, looks bad-ass. The humanoid shadow of Arinet, it looked like a dark smoke. It had white bright eyes, and a dark shadow body. Tails of it sway by the strong wind.

The shadow looked up at me, and charged up to me. It looks so creepy the way how the shadow ran up to me, it ran very fast. I prepared, it suddenly went to my right. I have no time to react to the move, it leaped up and punched me below my chin.

I grabbed its face and threw it to the ground. It regained itself and kicked me on the leg, I remained standing up and kicked it below the chin.


It flew away, I looked up.... Arinet is in front of me with his right fists ready.


He punched me in the face


A Power-up came out of my face, Arinet caught it with his mouth and swallowed it.


Arinet gained another Power-Up, Arinet's but went bigger and musculine.

"Looks like I gained Attack-up"

"Looks like 3 hits is enough to farm for him for Power-Up bubbles" my Gigantosaurus said

Arinet punched me in the stomach,making me fall to the ground. It felt much more painful and stronger than his previous punches. I grabbed his hand to make him come with me to the ground.

I landed, I put my left feet on his stomach.


Green particles came out behind his back, he gasped out of air. I rolled behind him and made him fall to the ground, holding his arm to pin him.

"Watch out for the Shadow Duplicate, 15 seconds still haven't passed!" My Gigantosaurus said

I looked behind me


The shadow duplicate kicked the side of my stomach, and vanished away. Arinet escaped, then hit me with his elbow. I stood up hastily before something bad happens. Arinet stood up, I charged up again. I ran up to him and swung my left arm, he caught it, and pushed my left arm away. He gave me multiple punches on the chest.


2 Power-up bubbles came out of me, he caught and swallowed it.



He powered up, a shadow duplicate again and his body got shinier and looked like a stone.

"Looks like I got a Shadow Duplicate again and a Defence-up"

Both of them went to me, their arms ready. Both of them hit me on the chest, making me go backwards. Another Power-Up came out of me. The shadow duplicate caught and threw it to Arinet, Arinet swallowed it.


An armor spawned on him, a shadow armor.

"Yep, this is bad, he is gaining Power-up bubbles easily" my Gigantosaurus said

I swung my arm to the Shadow Duplicate


I hit it on the chest, it flew away and landed on Arinet. I charged at them, Arinet pushed away the shadow.


I swung my left arm which is already half charged now, Arinet swayed his head to try to dodge my attack.


I accidentally hit him at the side of the neck. He painfully gasped out air. Then fell to the ground. His shadow duplicate faded away.

"Uhhhhh, Arinet?"

He didn't reply


"I think you hit his neck causing him to got unconscious" my Gigantosaurus said

"Wait what?"

"A blow on the neck could make people unconscious"

"Mmmmmm, is that so?"

"Y-yeah, you got to wait for him to wake"

"Ahhhhhh fuck, sorry Arinet"

Bonus Content:

I decided to go to the arcade of the mall since I've got nothing to do. I literally covered my face with a black bandana, my black cap, and the hood of my black jacket to cover myself up and avoid a mess again, looking like a terrorist or a kidnapper.

I looked around at the arcade. I saw Arinet nearby walking.

"Oiiiii, Arinet!" I shouted his name

He looked at me, I lowered my bandana to reveal my face.

"Ohhh, it's you Mateo" he replied while walking towards me

"I didn't expect to see you here" he said to me

"Yep, gotta use all my earnings from this popularity to play" I replied

"Wanna play? My treat" I added

His eyes widened in surprise and nodded. We went to a fighting machine game, Vere Fighters.

"How about a 1v1?" He said


"Choose Your Character!"

I picked Tina

"Oh, heading for your main? Then I'll use my most main!"

He went for Jona instead of Gerold.



I did my most favorite combo at the starting of the game, I damaged Arinet, IT ALWAYS WORK.

*Click click click click*

*Click click click click click click*

The sound of our controllers repeated, doing aggressive combos. We made sure to smash the buttons to really make sure we executed or clicked the button.

"RightDown, then mix Low and High attack" I whispered to myself


"Fuck, I got defeated!" I shouted

"We still have 2 rounds"

"Round 2"


*Click click click click click click click*

*Click click click click click*

I give all my might

"Haaah! I've won!" I shouted

*Click click click click click click click*

*Click click click click click click click*

"I've won!"

*Click click click click click click click*

*Click click click click click click click*


*Click click click click click click click*

*Click click click click click click click*


*Click click click click click click click*

*Click click click click click click click*


We continued playing, continuing to smash the button.

"KO! Player 1 win!"

"Haaaah! I won!" I shouted

"Please insert a coin"

"Let's play another one" Arinet said

I nodded, we got our reward ticket from below and looked around.

Vere Fighters Winner:

1st Round:Arinet

2nd Round:Mateo

3rd Round:Mateo

4th Round:Arinet

5th Round:Arinet

6th Round:Mateo

7th Round:Arinet

8th Round:Mateo




"How about this one!" Arinet said, pointing at the shooter game

Ohohohoho, one of my favorite, I Hate This Zombies! We went to the machine.

"Who's going to shoot from the back?" Arinet asked

"Me!" I replied and took the gun and pose a flashy style

"Then I will be watching the front" Arinet said, who also picked up the gun and did a flashy pose

"Hey, remember, the player watching the back has a lot to do since they multitask like protecting the player who is going to protect the player watching the front, help, boss fight and lots of more" Arinet said

"Hmph, don't worry, I played this multiplied times now since it's release last month" I replied

We started the game

"Okay, Teamwork Dreamwork"

*Click click click*

*Bang bang bang*


"Drive safely while I shoot this big boss!" I said




"Hold on a little longer!" Arinet said while finding out how to open the door


*Bang bang bang*

"Hurry!" I panickingly said


"Boss fight now!"



"Whooo, a cutscene, gonna take a break with my fingers" Arinet said

I also rested, until the end of the cutscene starts to fade out.

"We're about to go into 'God Mode' together. Prepare to be amazed!" Arinet shouted

The screen went black, I saw the reflection around us. There are a lot of people watching, taking a video, some are in amazement, Arinet also noticed, we readied our gun.

*Bang Bang Bang*



*Bang bang*


"Hurry up Arinet and defuse the bomb! I am running out of ammo and you don't want me to use your weapon"

"Just wait... I am trying!"

*Bang bang*

"High Score Reached!"

New High Score:5631....5991....6633

"We are almost there!"

"Go! Go to the chopper!" I shouted

He rushed to the helicopter while I covered the back.


A zombie suddenly grabbed my character

"Wait, what the... What is happening!" Arinet and I shouted

My character got devoured by the zombies, Arinet and the other soldiers escaped.

"Whaaaaat! I don't remember that happening!" Arinet and I shouted

"High Score:10,000, Perfect. Secret Ending Unlocked"

"What the, that was a secret ending!?"

"Wait let me recall.... Hmmmm, oohhhhh I remember now. You said you accidentally chose the wrong choice and a zombie bit your leg so it made your character hard to walk"

I got disappointed after remembering it. We took the ticket from below and looked back, there is a lot of people watching than before. They clapped for us and cheered for us.

"Woah, that was great!"

"The first one I ever saw some to beat this game"

"High score beaten!?"

"Secret Ending!?"

"Hey bro, let's give it a try"

We went outside the crowd, looking for another game to play.

"Oooohhh, how about this one!" Arinet pointed to the dancing game, it titled

*Dance Boom Dance!*

"Well I like dancing but not those kind"

"C'mon, let's give it a try! It give a lot of tickets, and I remember you saying that you are getting tickets to gift someone?"

I nodded and went to dancing game, Arinet taught me how to do it and some tips.

"Okay, give it a try, lets do a multiplayer after your practice"

I picked the easier ones, I followed the rhythm. I dance making my body wiggly to easily move and of course, do an actual dance. I also did what Arinet reached me.

"Boom, great, a perfect score!"

"You are actually good at this and even got a perfect score! No try the difficult ones"

♪Winner winner! As for one!♪

"Perfect score!"

♪To the left to the right let's go♪

"Perfect Score!"

I took my sweet time practicing, getting a straight perfect scores. Arinet's teaching was actually pretty good I might use it on a fight.

"Wait, let me take a rest" I said to Arinet

I rested and showed a thumb ups sign. Both of us went to platform. Arinet started picking a song to dance.

"Ooohhh, this one!"

He saw something, he went selected it, but it suddenly went down selecting the most difficult one of the game.

"Oops, my hand accidentally slip"

"What did you just selected!!!!!"

He sound like he did that on purpose

"Just chill and let's do this together, you literally got straight perfect scores during your practice on hard mode. To be honest, this is my first time doing the hardest mode"

First time!!!! The game is about to start.

"This song is a beast, but I think we can handle it. Ready to move?"

"Nu uh"


An arrow suddenly went to mine, with instincts I stepped the to execute it.

"Oooohh, that's a good one. If you want to get 2 gifts then let's do a perfect score on this"

Seriousl? A perfect score in the most hardest song of the game!!!???

*Left right left right left left front front back front back left right right left*

The race race through my mind, they move so fast I only depended to my instincts.

*Right right left right back front left left right back front back left*

Both of us dance gracefully, I could see and hear people around us. I jumped jumped to execute the arrows, until my bandana came off.


"Wait, is that Heart-Eyed Cosplayer!?"

"He is!"

"And is he the one and this guy beat I Hate This Zombies Arcade!"

"No way!"

"Where is the other one?"

Hell naw, my cover has been blown.

"Hey, wanna switch?" Arinet said

"What do you mean switch!? I really want to get the high score of this and switching is risky!"

"321 go!"

He said it hastily and jumped while spinning, I got shocked. But I also did what he did, I also jumped and spin. I landed and executed the incoming arrows.

"Hohoholy shit! That was the first time I ever did that!"

The crowds are in awe after we landed.

Wait what!!!!? That was the first time he did that!!!???

"Finished! Congratulations, a perfect high score and a perfect score!"

That took 8 minutes to finished, people clapped and cheered. I am very tired, Arinet is also gasping for air.

"Now way!"

"These 2 deserve to be a legend for beating the high score and also got a perfect score"

"The thing that this guy is one of the popular Heart-Eyed Cosplayers!"

They come at me to take pictures with me, not this thing again.

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