Chereads / Inner Beast / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10:A New Ability, A New Discovery Part 3

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10:A New Ability, A New Discovery Part 3

People from the Avengers squad kept on cheering for Lance

Lance kept on hopping, Elyzer just kept on focusing


Lance hit Elyzer,it looks like Lance waited for Elyzer to go focus mode when he will be the best time hit Lance


Elyzer tried to punch again,as again,Lance hopped away and hit Elyzer on the stomach and fell to the ground.Elyzer is losing hope...he stood up again,I thought Elyzer got beaten in just the start of the match,Elyzer started swinging his upper body left and right,wait,what is he doing,is this a plan or a technique?.

I looked at Lance,I could see frustration in his face,I'm still not sure why Elyzer is swinging his body and how it made Lance frustrated.



*Smack* Elyzer hit Lance on the face,Lance face is full of focus, *smack*smack*, Elyzer again landed two hits.


Lance saw his opportunity when he saw Elyzer start to swing to the left,he raised his left arm and try to land a hit on the left.Elyzer noticed and swung his body back to the right.Lance missed and his eyes widened, he's out open with no guard, Elyzer now saw his opportunity,he raised his right arm*smack*landed a hit on Lance's face,the people from the Shadow Unit Squad and The Elite Squad Screamed and cheered for Elyzer .

Ohh,I get it now, Elyzer is swinging his body to make his opponent dizzy too,if the opponent sees him swing his body to what direction and the opponent tries a hit in that direction, Elyzer will swing his body as fast as possible to the opposite direction to make the enemy miss and an area to hit.

Lance is starting to get angry,he's more angry and angry, an aura emerges around him,an orange aura.Lance started to hop aggressively.


Wait,we noticed something,some kind of an animal,the animal is hopping with Lance at the same rythm.The creature is big and buffed,wait I know that creature,it is.....a kangaroo,yes a kangaroo,all of the other squads are in awe and cheered.


The kangaroo is hopping with Lance, Elyzer noticed the animal,his face is scared,but he just kept his body swinging,he still didn't release his animal or aura.Elyzer tries to land punch,Lanced hastily dodge and hopped forward to Elyzer and hit him on the stomach,he weakened but Lance is near him,he tried to land a punch,he missed,Lance hopped and hit Elyzer on the face.

Lance this time got a little bit faster and a little bit stronger but got better at dodging after releasing his aura and his animal.C'mon Elyzer,don't hold your anger in.Don't lose



Huh?,Wait what was that sound


That sound again,the Shadow Unit Squad and the other squads look around to find where it's coming from.


I'm not sure why but this sound is familiar,it is a sound I feared from a game and sound we hear from dinosaur movies.I heard someone from the other squad is mentioning Elyzer name,like look at him.

I look at Elyzer,he is glowing green with a big creature beside him,it is a Velociraptor,the best creature to tame and to ride but always kills you if you made a new progress or a begginer in the game I'm playing.No wonder I hate hearing the sound,maybe trauma?

This time,I'm looking at a real Velociraptor with my own eyes,it is bigger than Elyzer.The raptor just roams around him sniffing the ground,its behaviour and movement make him look like a complete idiot just like in the game.




It's just kept on making random sound's,but,this might be the most beautiful raptor I've ever seen.