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Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1


The birds woke me up from my dream with their beautiful melodies .I quickly rushes and opened the window and look at Jay Enterprises big building located at the center of the CBD .I make a small prayer now that I can be selected among other's for the secretariat post of such big company maybe my life and that of my brother will change for the better. Thinking of which I have to check up on him it has been long since we have talked, I miss him so much......his phone is ringing but he is not answering his phone I just wanted to have him encourage me.


I put on my best clothes for this interview I need to nail it through. I put on my white blouse and a well ironed pencil skirt which perfectly shapes my body structure. I don't need to brag much but I have that 8 figure body type and I have received many compliments from boys ever since I entered my puberty and these changes started showing .Okay I rush to my small apartment kitchen and make my cereal and quickly rush out to fetch a taxi to the company .The more we drew near the building I felt my heart pumping violently I guess it is because I was nervous and was anxious about the job .If I didn't get the job for the umpteenth time I had no choice but to relocate back to my home town because living in the hearts of Manhattan is quite costly and I am running out of my savings so I don't know if I can support myself for another month.


I reach downstairs and luckily, I see a cab passing by and I quickly stop it and getting in

"Can you take me to Jay Enterprise co please".


"Okay miss".


The driver pressed the accelerator and the more the engine roared in response to the drivers controls my heart now was pumping at a high frequently if it were to be an earthquake, I guess the whole of Manhattan would be destroyed by it. However fate was beginning to play it dirty tricks on me as we faced heavy traffic jam .


"Driver can you please drive faster"


"Am sorry mam but it seems as the traffic is in a jam at the moment have patience"


After a while the traffic goes back into track. I was relieved because I thought I would be late for my interview; the driver was driving smoothly when all of a sudden, a loud bang was heard in front of us. It seemed as if a horrible accident had occurred just in front of us. Great my day won't get better.

"Miss am really sorry it seems as if an accident has occurred and we can't cross this area should I change the road".


"No don't worry I will walk from here I'll make it thank you driver".


"All the best my sweet child".

He said so maybe because I might be the same age as his daughter .Back to reality I was now running at the top of my speed .I didn't like to be late this day was the day my life changed for the better I hoped but karma being the witch she was I knew it wouldn't just be that easy.


I arrived at the company's entrance; I didn't take time to admire any features around the building I went straight to the receptionist.


"Excuse me miss how can we help you".


"Morning my name is Emma Stone, I came for the job interview ".


"Okay but it is about to start you're number 4 miss, please take the elevator to the second floor there you will see some of your colleagues. I took the lift and went to sit alongside my fellow colleagues .The area was some marvelous and the furniture themselves exuded luxury aura I was afraid of sitting on them .Just as I lifted my head I saw that the interview was being held in a conference room and the window was exuding this terrible choking feeling as if someone was looking at me from the inside.


Anyway I just made myself comfortable and started fanning myself because I was feeling hot due to all the running .After what seemed to be eternity a well-dressed lady started calling out people by their number and now my heart was pumping very fast and my blood was really boiling inside of me.When everyone of our colleague came out they had these weird faces like someone had done something or said something. Maybe they were unable to answer some of the asked questions. I made a small prayer and just as I finished my name was called.

"Number 4, Emma Stone you may now enter".


"Thank you ".

I stood up with great confidence and tidied myself up then started walking just then my heel broke and I fell dramatically onto the floor .Everyone looked at me with shocked expressions and some I saw happiness as maybe they thought that now am removed from the list of possible threats to them. Just then I saw my family's faces all smiling at me and my determination grew then I took the other shoe with the heel intact and broke it as well and I started walking as if all my shoes had their heels.


When I entered the room everyone looked at me with complicated emotions I didn't know what they were thinking but I think they were puzzled with my shoes .Just then I met the coldest eyes I have ever seen in my life I guess he was the cold CEO everyone talked about .Anyway two can play I looked straight at him and smiled at all of them ,

"Good morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Emma Stone".


"Morning Miss Stone, you may take your seat", the panelist said.


Just then I saw the panelist looking at me as I sat gracefully and fully composed with confidence ignoring the cold gaze the stubborn jerk was giving me. Anyways inside I was frightened. They started asking questions about where am from and all about my skills. Just then the rude statue just talked and it was totally nonsense.

"So, miss Stone I suppose, with all your qualifications what good will you bring to this company", he said with a provoking gaze.

"Well that depends sir".

"Meaning, what does depend mean please elaborate".


"Well if I may say.......", he disturbed me before I finished speech.

"I asked so you much just say no need to be poetic here Miss".


"Okay it depends with what am asked to do ,my job according to the description is to manage my employers schedule and when I say it depends I meant my employer is the one who will determine my contribution to the company's prosperity....."again am cut short.


"You a mere secretary contributing to the company's prosperity how funny..."This time I cut him short as well how rude of him.


"Well Sir it depends with my employers morale and ethics at work ,if he is lazy that means I have nothing g to manage for the company .If he is always busy so I'll be delighted to be as much hardworking so that his schedule is always correct and up to date .So that he may not face any incontinence ".


"How dare you...", this time the other panelist an elderly lady cut him short.


"Mr. Allan am sorry to say but times up, that's all the time we have with miss Stone."

I left the room still pretending to be walking on heels and just as I was about to exit the room I saw a big TV screen and it was showing everyone who was seated in the conference center and thus when reality hit me that they might have seen me falling .I then walked out of the room and went back home they said that they would get back to me on Friday and it was Wednesday .

I took the elevator down and went back to my apartment or rather cabin. The space was so small but I loved it though. I took phone and called my friend for a girls night out , needed to drown my sorrow for a moment.


"Amber can we meet today at my place after you're done with work and please bring pizza will you."


"Yes, I was eventually going to bring Brittany to your place we have a lot of questions to ask you ".


"Okay I'll be waiting for you okay and please don't forget pizza ".


"I won't take care baby, bye".


Ever since childhood Amber was my close friends though she came from a well-organized family, she always supported me. Brittany and us met here and somehow, we became friends, she is quite reckless and at times have this love disease she can't resist men I do t know why. If she meets that cold CEO, I guess she will become a nun instantly. Time flew and soon they girls where already at my place bombarding me with questions,

"Now tell us what really happened, I mean tell us how the building looked and of course men", this was Brittany as always.


"I didn't sew much but the place is heaven o. Earth itself imagine the office chair is more comfortable than my bed".


"Really I guess your Butt was smiling the entire time whilst you were there", this was Amber with her childish jokes.


I then went into detail of what took place and I told them every detail they wanted to hear. When I told them about the shoe's incident, they laughed so hard that I could see their esophagus.


"Girl you're not serious, you did that it'd craze", Amber said.


I continued and told them about Mr. Allan's personality and they looked as if they were disappointed.

"Well he proved to be a jerk as the media said ", Amber said,


"At least he is handsome "my poor friend Brittany said.


"Handsome who my feet, he is so ugly that you can actually tell that Charles Darwin evolution theory that man came from apes was correct. He is so ugly".


"Keep on saying that, but many women will die to enter his bed you know, I Hope you will get the job so that I would visit you frequently at work and met Alexander Allan my future husband."

Brittany and her mind it so complicated.


"You know what ladies how about we heard you the club and have a few drinks there. I feel like drinking right now", Amber said.


"But you have to go to your saloon tomorrow won't you have a hangover ", I insisted.


"Relax baby thus why I hired that lousy Mary girl let's go".


We went to the club and just as we entered the club unknown to us the devil himself had saw us. This meant that the club was going g to became a brawling ground.

#hello guys this is my first piece and am working towards perfection your comments will help me greatly to perfect my masterpiece .Happy reading.