Chereads / DxD: Reincarnated Trickster in Ecchi World / Chapter 144 - Chapter 144 : Kunou was nuzzling

Chapter 144 - Chapter 144 : Kunou was nuzzling

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I crouched down to look at her restraints, knowing that she was eventually going to get free the moment Baraqiel acquiesced to that kind of demand.

"Why did you come here in Kuoh Town? Why not try elsewhere?"

Her bravado faltered for a moment and she looked away for some reason.

"If I've to be honest, I wanted to check on my adorable sister before trying my luck somewhere far from here… but then I saw you. I recognized your scent."

"And you decided to stalk us… why?"

"Didn't I tell you?" The Nekoshou retorted giddily. "I wanted to see how nice my matey was with my Shirone."

I frowned sternly at the frustrating personality of hers. "Don't you get tired of being a fucking liar?"

"Oh? Mr. Pot calls Ms. Kettle? How are you-"

"I lie to protect those I care for, but what do you get by demonizing yourself?"


"Do you really think I believe the crappy spiel of some Devil politicians that you went mad with power? That you killed your former Master out of insanity?"

"It worked until now," The catgirl pointed out. "But I suppose you know that it is quite the Bullshit, how?"

"You're a pervert, but you are too focused to be crazy. Too logical even in those annoying bouts of yours," I replied curtly.

"I can tell that the bastard tried to do something to Koneko, but you stopped him."


"She has nightmares," I answered quickly. "And she was literally left without emotional support for a long time."

… "My sister is strong-"

"She was a child. You could've taken her with you-"

"And then what?" She demanded with a stronger tone, ditching her coy attitude for a more serious one.

"Force her to live the horrible life I did? Get her to go through the groveling I had to endure all for the sake of living through the worst!?"

"I wanted you to give her a life! Because in your own majestic plan, you thought it smarter to ditch her to the authorities,"

I yelled back, her eyes widened in a mix of anger and surprise at my retaliation.

"She was going to be executed for your crimes- and yet you still think now that it was the brightest idea you could've gone for-"

"I was afraid!"

"I was fucking afraid that I had to slaughter that pig to save her- to not allow father's work to be forced on Shirone- for her innocence to be spared by- BY THAT FUCKING BASTARD'S WORK!"

Her furious take on the discussion was then mixed with some action.

I didn't notice her break through her restraints until it was too late as her Touki-enchanted fist slammed onto my chin and sent me soaring for a moment.

Some Dark Lining wrapping around my waist and pulling me down on the ground, pain exploding all over my body once the fall was over, but the swift kick that ensued sent me rolling for a couple of meters to leave me in utter agony.

She advanced towards me and… I felt something shuffle in my shirt. Kimiko left the safety of my clothes, standing between me and the approaching Nekoshou.

I couldn't move, my limbs too strained after that sudden rolling and… I didn't have any Phoenix Tears to use at the moment.

So I stared, my heart drumming louder and louder with each step the woman took towards us.

The little familiar was ready to fight but… then the Sprite Dragon eased her guard once our enemy was over us.

I was confused at first but then I felt a sob, then two… finally the woman crouched down and sat close to us. I could now see her crying self and I was confused by it.

"I- I didn't want to go that far- but I had to. Mama said- Mama said to keep an eye for her- Shirone. She- She deserves freedom and… and happiness."

But what about you?

I couldn't ask. I didn't have the strength to do so.

A few moments after she said those words, a familiar figure landed a couple of meters behind her.

Kuroka tensed up, her head arching away from her leaned down position as she turned to grace a furious Baraqiel.

"What have you done to my student?"

The air felt zapping all too suddenly, and I felt the need to cough at the unpleasant atmosphere.

"I deserve punishment."

Confusion doubled back in my brain as I listened to Kuroka's words.

"I will take anything."

So empty, so devoid of life… what the heck? What is going on?!

"Death should be your punishment-"


My voice was hoarse, but I could actually speak even if limited by my injuries.

"She is a criminal."

"She is… not."

"The decision is-"


The Fallen Angel looked annoyed but mostly confused by my attempt. And he wasn't the only one from the way Kuroka looked all tense and almost ready to turn around to quiet me down.


"I… trust her."

The sobbing resumed and Baraqiel found himself handling the craziest scene he could've expected from this encounter. If only he knew how things were just beginning to be this strange…

"She is here."

Koneko was sitting on the couch right in front of the one I was resting by. She was attentive, she looked uneasy and unhappy with the situation she could perceive.

But worst of all, she looked ready to attack the room where Baraqiel had sealed the older Nekoshou to.

The guest room was completely enclosed in a special space-time barrier that wouldn't be possible to break from anyone weaker than the Fallen Angel, thus rendering any attempt of escaping for Kuroka impossible.

Kunou was nuzzling on my chest, the girl looking worried and terrified, while Ingvild was offering me a lap-pillow as she played a little with my hair to soothe her own concerns.

I had taken some Phoenix Tears, but I still felt drained after that crazy fight. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to look at it, except for how maddening it was.


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