Chereads / DxD: Reincarnated Trickster in Ecchi World / Chapter 131 - Chapter 131 : Ravel's eyes

Chapter 131 - Chapter 131 : Ravel's eyes

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I could see some interest over what we were doing, but the girl was restraining herself from directly asking about what we were doing by moving so much paper around.

Instead of completely ignoring the young full-blooded Devil, I decided to inquire about this curious decision from her part.

"Do you want to ask something, Ravel?"

A blink, then two. Finally her embarrassment settled as her face gained a darker shade of color.

"I-I didn't know that you- you actually had work after school… Hoitsu-senpai."

"Well, I have some duties as the Treasurer of the Student Council,"

I replied carefully while also paying attention to the boxes I was pushing left and right. "Some of which relates to the school's overall budget."

The Phenex frowned. "Isn't that a bit too much responsibility for a student to have?"

A legitimate concern, but one that wasn't as easy as I had brought it to be.

"My job is to make alteration of the last month's budget to fit with the income entering the school.

Then the modifications are reviewed by the School's Board and either accepted and implemented or rejected,"

I explained in greater details. "I don't actually have any major sway to the board, and my only task is to bring the most satisfy economic plan on a monthly basis."

The blonde's eyes widened and she nodded in understanding. "Isn't it still… tough?"

"A little bit," I said before huffing, letting go of the box I had on my hold up to that point. "Which is why I have both Ruko-chan and Reya-chan to help me out most of the times."

The brunette stopped as her name was mentioned and she locked eyes with the Phenex for a moment before she offered an apologetic nod.

"I understand."

"But how did you get this job? Did Sona-san pick you out of your merits?"

"There was an election," I mentioned with a nod. "Each year the seats of the council are put to a popular vote.

The one with the highest amount of votes get the role."

"So you're not… doing this because you're part of Sona-san's peerage?"

I actually stopped at that. "I'm actually not part of a peerage. In fact, I'm still human."

Ravel looked surprised. "What? Really?"

"I'm a magician that works for another group and-"

I paused, thinking about these words before giving her too much of a surprise. "Let's just say that I'm a good friend to Sona-Taichou."

A frown adorned her face at that sudden interruption, but she nodded nonetheless at my response as she took a moment to think a little more about my words.

I appreciated some silence, focusing once again with the task at hand and barely noticing that Ravel was now giving a look at the paper I was last checking.

"That looks… incredibly detailed," She commented with a hint of awe. "I suppose it's only legitimate for it to be this much… dense of words."

"The expenses are meant to include eventual school trips, upgrades to the clubs, and renovation of old classes."

Ravel hummed softly, appearing more and more bored as she waited in that chair.

Stopping as I finished with the last box that I needed to move, I decided to address the matter on a direct approach.

"Since you've decided to stay here, how about I offer you a little task?"

Her eyes shone with utmost interest at the proposal.

Maybe the girl was expecting some assignment related to the current work, or maybe something of equal importance… but I had different plans in that moment.

Drawing my right hand to the collar of my shirt, I reached down to pat at a small bump in there and… prompting a tiny draconic head to pop out in the open.


Ravel's eyes widened in surprise and… interest at the cute sight.

"This here is Kimiko-tan. She's my familiar and… she loves it when people shows affection to her."

I lifted the tiny drake off my shirt and onto the surprised girl's lap.

"B-but what if-"

"She will not bite. Just try patting her head."

The Phenex still looked unsure of what she was supposed to do before such an adorable creature, but then Kimiko took initiative and she leaned onto the blonde's chest. "Head pats, pretty please~?"

I was quite sure that the Sprite Dragon didn't need any translation over this request as soon enough Ravel reached with her palms over the familiar's upper side of the head and her chin.

The sigh was relaxing despite the fact I wasn't the one doing the head-patting, but mostly because Kimiko decided to let out some delighted 'Kii~' at the pleasant situation she was left into for the time being.

Ravel didn't do anything else but accept this 'incredible task', abandoning any thoughts of inquiring more about the Student Council and allowing the cuteness to shatter any interest in keeping up some composure in that room.

She squealed quietly as the dragon curled warmly, letting out some purring onto the unsuspecting Devil.

It was only as Ruruko and I were done with the boxes that I noticed a strange look from the brunette.

In the end, Sona's Pawn was allowed the very happiness Ravel was experiencing too once we were done with our work.

The real issue was when Reya called to whine about having missed such a 'fruitful session', only to be followed by the large majority of the Student Council.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 20 chapters