Chereads / DxD: Reincarnated Trickster in Ecchi World / Chapter 127 - Chapter 127 : "He's my first friend."

Chapter 127 - Chapter 127 : "He's my first friend."

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I will admit that I was kind of intrigued by the prospect of having Ravel study at Kuoh Academy so earlier than expected.

She was one of the few characters that wasn't instantly ensnared by Issei's own charms.

To be fair, I wasn't even sure if the blonde ever studied in a proper school.

From the way Ruval had made it appear, his sister didn't have the same interest as either Rias or Sona to actually be enrolled in a 'human' situation.

From the way she was gripping at her notebook, scribbling left and right the words of advice

I was offering over the school day's general schedule, clubs, and other basic stuff gave me the impression that while she didn't have experience on the matter, that Ravel was at least trying to make an effort to this new development.

The tiny scowl on her face as I first found her waiting by the entrance beside a calm-looking Sona had faded in little time, but I could only correlate this compliance more to the fact I wasn't trying to make her uncomfortable.

Maybe she had expected someone with 'crass mannerism', and from the way she had given a surprised look at my introduction, I was quite sure that Ruval did leave her with some positive comment about me.

But the job of making sure that the new student was best accustomed to this environment was also directed to Ingvild. The young woman offered some quick nods the more I talked.

I could tell that her attention was on me, but I could also see that she was paying minimal attention to my words.

All in all, while this behavior would've caused no less than a hundred of headaches if she had been in a different class than mine, since we were going to be classmates I could at least help her understand how Kuoh Academy worked in due time.

And while I made my own prayers for this day to be devoid of any 'external' issues, my own concerns about a sudden intrusion from a certain club ended up turning true.

My expectations of Rias actually sending someone to keep an eye for Ravel proved to be correct when I found my left arm engulfed by Akeno's noticeable chest as she rushed from behind with a quick pace.

But I wasn't actually expected the way she swiftly had reached for my unsuspecting limb, and that shock was enough to elicit a shocked look on my face.

The 'Oneesan' giggled at the fact that she managed to get me surprised if not flustered at the sudden interaction, but her mirthfulness faded as quickly as it flashed from her beautiful visage.

The reason behind the panicked look than ensued shortly after that quick victory was warranted by the powerful glare that she was receiving by someone that wasn't enjoying the immediate.

Ravel was slightly fine about this, deciding to pay more attention to Kunou as the girl told her more about the clubs available for those of their school years.

She looked incredibly irritated by the sudden sight, but she shrugged it off as something not planned for the tour from the grimace on my face.

The real issue was created by Ingvild's frustration at that scene. While she didn't have anything to back up any threat, the glare she was offering at the 'distraction' in front of her was fueled by her demonic energy.

Akeno felt that 'attack', and her surprise swelled before that sudden Killing Intent slamming onto her like a murderous tsunami.

Her violet eyes matched with the full-blooded Devil's orange stare for a couple of quiet seconds.

It's surprising how feasible it is now for two women to fight for a single man. In the past, it was always two men fighting for the heart of a single maiden.

'Things change surprisingly fast.'

And Anime logic was painfully real from time to time, despite my best hopes of being spared by the worst of the cliches.

"Akeno-san, what are you doing?"

Losing her momentum because of this sudden counter-attack, the young woman actually released me from that hold but still kept close enough to assert some stance against such a threat.

Did I notice that I was being subjected to the classic 'harem-esque' issue presented by two girls competing for my affection?

Yes, I did. And the reason why I wasn't actually reacting suddenly at it was because of the suddenness of it all.

I wasn't hoping to have the flawless solution from this kind of encounters, but I also wasn't planning to allow both to maul each other up for silly reasons.

"Good morning to you too, Hoitsu-kun. I was sent by Rias-buchou to help you with Ravel-chan since she is the young sister of a friend of hers,"

The woman admitted with a tense tone, her stare still held hostage of the fellow young woman stopping to gaze at her furiously. "But I see that Ravel-chan isn't the only newcomer today."

I was about to introduce Ingvild to the conversation myself, but the girl surprised me by reacting faster than expected.

"Ingvild. And I've heard much about you, Akeno-san."

Truly curious, but… can I say that I fond them both annoying if they're trying to make this much of a scene in public?

'Not… truly.'

A simple smile settled on the dark-haired woman's face. "I hope Hoitsu-kun mentioned only good things about me."

"Hoi-kun said positive things. But he also mentioned that you could become… quite unpleasant with how intimate you tend to force him into."

Did I actually say that?

Sure, I might have told her that Akeno could become overbearing from time to time- Also, I don't remember ever mentioning the Fallen Angel-Devil Hybrid's name before now. I guess Ingvild connected dots between tales and real deal.

"I'm not imposing myself on him. Rather, I find his presence enjoyable enough to show some closeness."

"Yet you enjoy his unsettled look."

"Only because I know it's exaggerated," Akeno rebuked. "But I suppose you know him well to make this stand."

"He's my first friend."


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