Chereads / DxD: Reincarnated Trickster in Ecchi World / Chapter 91 - Chapter 91 : His eyes were looking around

Chapter 91 - Chapter 91 : His eyes were looking around

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Entering inside the clothing room, a chill went down his spine as he noticed that there was just a small corridor that led inside the onsen, and not the normal two that were meant to divide the bath in male section and female section.

Which meant that this was a mixed bath.

More nervousness sparked from within his chest, but the brunet was now unable to actually back away.

He was there, mere moments from actually getting some quick blessing and hopefully leave the place without risking getting caught in there.

Certainty of being alone in this instance was intensified by the fact that Kunou looked far too sleepy to actually be willing to stay awake for this circumstance.

The young girl was just too tired to do that, and that also meant that Yasaka wasn't going to be there because she would keep close to her daughter.

And from his limited understanding of this place, only the two kitsunes were allowed up until now to try it out, so nobody else was meant to be there except him.

With relief washing over his tense form, Hoitsu finally started to undress, putting his clothes in one of the available wooden chests nearby.

Mask, cloak, shirt, pants and underwear.

Once everything was put aside, leaving the young man with just a pristine white towel to bring inside the onsen, the brunet took a couple of slow steps through the corridor that led inside the bath section.

His eyes were looking around the vast size of the roofless onsen, awe building up at the fact that this was actually the first time he had ever entered inside a proper bathhouse and… he frowned at the presence of so much steam all over the place.

Approaching the largest of the pools, Hoitsu dipped part of his right foot inside, testing the temperature and…

It was delightfully warm.

The sensation sent pleasant chills across his body, and soon the young man entered inside the pool.

Waves of endearing warmth kept him almost pushed him to adopt a faster approach, his body regretting to stay away from the water.

With the towel safely in his right hand's hold, Hoitsu delved a little deeper within the onsen, hoping to find somewhere for him to seat by for the reminder of the full hour.

But just as he found himself in that blissful state of mind that distractedly took him away from being aware of his full surroundings, his entire body went tense when he heard a familiar chuckle coming from quite close to where he was.

Eyes going wide open, the steam finally parted to reveal quite the interesting sight before him.

Yasaka was sitting by one of the edges, in front of her a small wooden bucket floating in the water was currently being used to keep two small bottles filled with Sake.

The suave light coming from the partial moon up in the sky drawing even more attention at the fact that the towel she was currently wearing was… quite transparent as of now, showing most of her body, if not some bits still covering her nipples and part of her lower lips.

The steam created by the heat, Hoitsu identified as the prime cause of this phenomenon… and yet his brain was far from giving too much logic thought over the glistening beauty in front of him.

"Fox got your tongue, Hoitsu-kun~," The blonde finally teased, but just as she pronounced those words, a quick 'hic' left her lips.

Her cheeks were undeniably red, and the brunet couldn't help but realize that this was all because of the alcohol that she might have drunk up until now.

"Still… why did you take this much time to come?" She whined quite… adorably, almost reminding the young man about the woman's daughter with her cute antics.

But just as he thought it to be a mere ecchi moment, without having to truly worry about any escalations from there, the brunet failed to notice that the blonde had now moved the bucket away to allow herself to slowly advance towards the tense young man.

And in that hasty process, the woman ended up ignoring the fact that her towel was coming off from her body, revealing her true nudity to the surprised Hoitsu.

Soon his mind rebooted the very moment he felt her chest pressing on his, her bountiful breasts squishing onto his flat surface and sending some new waves of 'interest' from within his body.

"I just *hic* wanted to have a nice talk and- and-" She huffed, her face nestling by his shoulder while her nose took a moment to sniff at him. "Mhh~, you smell lovely,"

Nervousness flared at the sudden proximity, his lips twitching as his brain failed to compute any decent response to this.

Golden eyes stared up at him with a curious look, her own mouth closing in a subtle line before Yasaka decided to take action at the lack of response, her intoxicated mind giving her the 'best guess' about the silence of the youth.

Hoitsu's face exploded in a bright scarlet color as he felt something soft press by his lips, his tongue suddenly getting attacked by a warm, delicious and wet opponent.

Tongue met tongue, but the skirmish that ensued proved to be incredibly unfair for the brunet as he would quickly come to realize that the kitsune was incredibly experienced with french-kissing.

Her foxy ears were twitchy attentively at the vibe happening in that very instance, and Hoitsu couldn't help but lose his thoughts over this sudden interaction.

A sensual moan reaching from the blonde's lips made his mouth tremble, sending more pleasure that stunned his mind in a moment of silence and inability to react to so much raw affection at once.

His tongue started to wrestle harder at the primal input, going 'blind' with the lack of proper directions to take with this situation as it started to return the activity happening within the mouth to the unprotected entrance of the gorgeous lady.

Another moan, this one hinting to surprise as Hoitsu's tongue explored diligently the entirety of the warm cave, savoring the remaining flavor of alcohol, and…


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