We found it...
As of lately, we have more than enough time to spare
Why you ask??
Because most of us lost our will
I mean the ruined axes
Till we succesfully make the needed tools, the other half of the day would be free time
So we invented a new daily routine
To be honest it's not that new, like we were hunting to maintain our leathers reserves, and sometimes squirls or rabbits as an easy preys to get fur...
But it became so frequent now that we can call it a "routine"
And the thing we finally found are wild sheeps to demosticate
No.23/02 this is the third sheep
Me lord has brought the fourth sheep
The recording team declare the results
Yes like you thought
We are competing
Of course there's no prize
But the recording thing is to decide the shares
It's your turn now
So I tell the leaders of the recording team
After all, "work to get your share" is our motto
Yes me lord
Anan reply fast and took his wooden spear and ran like a barbarian
They're enjoying it
In fact I enjoyed it too
So refreshing indeed
What about you Adnan?
It's his turn too, am asking why he didn't even move his ass yet!!
Sorry me lord, but..!
Why reluctant to talk? I do wonder!!
What's on your mind?
It's... I mean, doesn't me lord find it strange?
Oho? Interesting, did I miss something while playing the hunting game with the sheeps??
Go on...!!
We've been here in the white zone for months, yet all we could find are rodent animals, same for the grey circle around it, only recently we found the sheeps, which would mean it moved to this place recently, most likely running from danger, or so I think...
What a shock
How foolish, ignorant...
What a shortcoming of me
I would the one who think of any possible threats as the leader, yet here I am playing this game, I mean we are safe for now, but who know what would that danger be, or if it will follow the sheeps to this area...!
Thank you Adnan
And me lord!!
I thank him admitting that mine arrogance got to me head, but what? There's more??
Soon we won't have enough space for more sheeps, me lord! The last sheep farm we had is almost full...
I blame mine self, not about this game which need to end earlier today, but because we need to check the area around the grey circle
Take your chance before it's too late for the day, and while at it call Aslan
Yes me lord
So he reply and go
Yes me lord?
This is mine no.7 servant, also one of the recording teem sitting close to the fire.
I brought two, hahaha, two sheeps..
Servant no.19/04 interrupted us as he came so excited and so proud of his achievement that he brought two sheeps in one attempt.
With these two, how many empty spots left?
So I ask Shadee about the last updates
...approximatly fourteen, but me lord if there's more sheeps than we could take, we can distribute the addition with the other sheep farms.
So he got why I asked based on the previous conversation with Adnan.
Even though, no more new attempts
Yes me lord
He reply fast, act fast telling the others starting with no.19/4 to stop
Sheep farms
Very simple, only some walls of woods that limit a piece of land, so it's not a sheep farm for real, more like a living stock, till it get used to us "humans", we need to mow and collect grass daily, which is another newly routine.
You know what??
The total number is so huge now, so today would be the last for this sheep hunting game, I was planing to stop the game soon, but didn't expect how fast we're getting more...
The sheep farms are placed close to the east of the mountain, the hunting camp to the north where we are right now
Waiting for hours
The event ended already
All the guys are with me except for the recon team that I sent earlier, and most importantly Aslan, he's not here yet
Now am so worried
I called for Aslan, but Adnan came back with nothing, he didn't even go for the hunt, because Aslan were not found, sad results yet it was the best decision...
Here they come
Oh, finally
Feelings of relief behind these comments now that the recon team has come back.
Found something??
So I ask in doubts, after all they're late, must have discovered something of importance.
Troubles me lord...
What do you mean?
Suddenly I shout out loud, ran out of patience
...far away to the northeast, there's something suspicious going on, we could not get so close to investegate, but from the safe distance we could hear monsters cries explosions, and see lights like fire, the conclusion, highly likely it's a battle between human army of sort versus at least one huge monster.
Mine mined went blank from the shocking piece of info
Now I wish that we didn't know
Like what can we do against a huge monster?
Moreover it's a magical one,..I think!!
Retreating to the cave and wait till the catastrophe pass by would be our best choice, but we have our Aslan to worry about!
If it's a situation in the game, would face it of without any regrets, between Aslan and the whole army, of course the majority's safety comes first...
But I can't do that
Although he's a clone
Exactly like the rest of the army
(excluding me)
But the fact that they're from flesh and blood
Makes me wonder, how would I act if they were normal people??
Can't get this idea out of mine mind
Yet again...!
Can't we do something?
Prepare for battle!
So I declare
Like I rised up mine right hand, all rise their wooden spears in excitement, as a positive reply...
Were they waiting for such order?