Most of the servants looked at who crashed through the gate and to their amazement, it was Eva and Evelyn.
They all knew the horrible fate that these two encountered and never thought that they would see them again.
Soon after their unexpected entry, a bunch of guards appeared and all of them being an A rankers and their leader who was dressed in sleek clothes spoke up.
"Eva and Evelyn. You are hereby banned from this residential establishment as you have been disowned. If you do not comply, then we will be required to use force."
Eva couldn't face the man in front of him due to the difference in experience not to mention she knew the arduous training and life threatening situations these guards faced.
Andrew interrupted, "Is there an important event ongoing?"
Seeing how lively the servants were but the guard looked at him from head to toe and seeing the haggard clothes he was wearing, he asked, "Who are you?" Andrew straight to his point.
"Let us in or you'll face your death much sooner than expected."
The guard sensing no mana pools in Andrew's body, he was surprised and asked, "If you think because Eva and Evelyn are here and think that we can't kill you, then you are sorely mistaken."
Andrew with an irritated expression, "Times up." To everyone present, they were surprised as they saw his shadow starting to materialize and with a single command from Andrew which was, 'Kill them all."
The shadow manifested two sickles and with it's now snow white eyes, it started senseless slaughter on the guards in front of them.
They all faced death as that was what their training included but they never faced a desperate situation as now.
They tried to attack it unitedly but it would simply absorb their attacks and with no time to recover, beheaded them.
As the leader was the last one remaining, he looked at the monstrosity in front of him and looked at Andrew with a frightened expression.
He took out a SS rank weapon which turned out to be a time based weapon. Andrew scanned it and realized its effects.
It was a bell which would form a small domain where the holder would move ten times faster and everyone else caught in it would move ten times slower but it was as he expected nothing less from this world, it was a onetime use.
It was a good item and shortly after ringing it, a domain formed covering the holder, the shadow and Andrew were in it since he was in front of the girls.
The guard went straight for Andrew since he figured that if Andrew was controlling it, then if he died so would the shadow. Moving ten times faster, he went for his neck with his sword but Andrew was not playing with the guy and caught it.
Baffled he asked, "Are you not under the domain's effect?" Andrew releasing the blade commented, "Even if the effect was a billion times more, the results would be the same."
He then started to draw blood from the guard's body and formed a sphere above his head which continued to get bigger as the body of the guard continued to get slimmer till it was completely dried off.
With its owner dead the bell lost its effects and withered away. Andrew materialized a small amount of his blood and combined it with the floating sphere of blood.
Eva and Evelyn were dumbfounded with what Andrew did, they thought that he was dead but to this that he would not only be immune to the time dilation effect but also kill the leader guard.
As for his shadow, they saw it leave while Andrew and the guard were chatting and headed inside and screams could be heard. "Don't worry, it won't kill everyone. Just those who fight it."
Andrew looking at Eva who was worried. She wanted to kill Benjamin, not to wipe out her kind in a day but hearing what he said, she calmed down and they all went inside. The first thing that hit them was the scent of blood which was thick in the air.
They saw the trail of the shadow as bodies were littered all over the floor though there were those who were alive. They were cowering in fear huddling in corners and Eva heard them whispering, "Shadow killed them, killed them all."
She tried to ask some of them but they were constantly repeating this over and over again. Andrew just walked over the bodies that littered the ground as if he wasn't responsible for this.
Eva, Evelyn and the owner were nauseated by the concentrated stench of blood and seeing body parts twisted and broken in ways they never thought were possible. Threw up a couple of times but Andrew was perfectly fine. "How is this not bothering you?"
Eva seeing how unbothered Andrew was who would accumulate the blood from the corpses into his blood sphere making it grow in size but the wide halls was able to accommodate it's now gargantuan size compared to earlier.
"Because after slaughtering billions of gods and demons alike, a small number like this is nothing."
The rest heard this and were petrified. 'A small number like this.' rang in their minds and wondered how many numbers he'd kill.
Over hundreds of bodies lay all over the mansion and to him, this was a small number.
A man sitting on what resembled a throne was busy with inaugurating his first offspring his position was interrupted. He had a calm and collected face as he was adorned in ceremonial robes laced with silk and gold.
He had a rather average body physique but beneath that was monstrous strength and his son too had a dashing face able to attract any girl he wanted with an S rank to boot.
He was well adorned surrounded with his mother and his brothers and sisters with happy expressions on their faces and everything was going great till they were interrupted. "As my first son and offspring, you are aware of what you are taking upon yourself."
He looked at his son who was always ready to take on a challenge, "Yes father." Bert replied. "Know make a small cut and let your blood pour on the altar in front of you." He was twenty five years old and he knew the importance of this.
He would let his blood flow to remove the remains of his father's blood and enact his own rule. He would be the next Count and be the face of the vampires and his first task would be to enter SS rank within two weeks of his inauguration thus for this to be, the selected subject in this case Bert would have to be nearing the SS rank while in S rank.
And if he would be unable to do so, then the position of the Count would automatically be handed down to the next male offspring and he would face the same task.
If nobody was able to do so then it would be sided to the female offspring till one of them was able to do it through this has never happened.
A guard who was B rank burst through the door with a horrified expression on his face. He was breathing frantically with blood covering him from head to toe damning his clothes.
"All the guards are dead," he claimed. Everyone was surprised by this sight and two people were definitely angered by this, Benjamin and Bert.
Bert was the one who spoke up bothered that his inauguration was interrupted, "I want the head of that guard." And as fate would have it, the head of the guard fell on the floor as the body turned into a bloody mist.
Everyone was even more shocked as they probably thought it was Benjamin but behind the bloody mist emerged a shadow with any distinction on it being its spiraling eyes.
Benjamin interested in what lay before him asked, "Do you know whose house you're in. The shadow without any delay killed all the guards present and those who remained were those of the Blood heart family.
Bert intent on showing his skills to his father asked, "Father, it wouldn't be much of a hassle if I had the head of this intruder." Benjamin knew his son's skill and confirmed it. Seeing the answer he wanted, Bert summoned a sword and as expected from a Count, it was a SS rank weapon.
The shadow de-summoned his sickles and clenched his fists. "You underestimate me too much." Bert seeing this and charged at the shadow enchanting an attack, "Hell's blade."
He cried and the sword emitted a red ominous aura engulfing it.
The attack would easily kill an S ranker and severely damage a SS ranker and as for SSS ranker, it would leave a scratch as it was made of Ytterbium to boot.
The attack had an effect that would render the opponent unable to move not to mention induce severe trauma making them unable to proceed with the fight.
It had also had a poisonous effect that would corrode the opponents' body and mind. An impressive skill expected from a Count's son.
Bert had a deranged smile on his face as the blade went straight for the shadow's chest but to his surprise just like the rest present.
The shadow looked at the incoming blade and casually stood and the blade coming into contact with the shadow, it broke into a thousand pieces leaving Bert with the hilt of the sword.
His attempt of going for a stab on the shadow's chest resulted in him bumping into him and looking at the shadow's unreal eyes and started walking back away from it in disbelief, "How did you survive? The sword was made from Ytterbium."
He looked at the shadow which didn't have any trace on it but the shadow commented in a groggy and deep voice, "It's a shame I can't kill you, yet."
Bert determined to show his worth to his father balled his fists and raised them, "Fine, let's do it your way." He took a boxer's stance and suddenly threw his fist straight to the shadow's face and there was a cracking a sound.
Benjamin expecting to see the shadow to move back was stunned when he saw Bert's hand completely broken, "It's seems that you have nothing more to offer."
The shadow spoke looking at Bert who was slowly backing away from him. The shadow made its move and without giving Bert a chance to collect his thoughts, he took both his hands and swiftly breaking them in a single move before summoning a huge hammer and breaking both his legs.
Bert was trained in their traditions that he should not be afraid of facing death so he looked up at the shadow expecting for it to finish the kill but it walked over his body and looked at the rest of the Blood hearts.
Benjamin witnessed as the shadow fought with his sons and daughters leaving them immobile till the only person left with his limbs intact was him and his wives.
"Who sent you?" Benjamin asked but the shadow ignored him and started to walk towards him. "Don't expect this fight to be so easy."
He gave a small smile and releasing his SS rank aura all over the room but as an old foggie, his intention was to assess the opponents rank.
The aura was manifested in the form of a gravitational force which was greatly affecting the structural integrity of the hall but the shadow kept coming with its pace without any falter.
Been realizing the opponent was rather formidable without wasting any time he took out his most powerful artifact on him.
It was in the form of a small vial green in color in a transparent flask and quickly drank all of it before throwing the flask away.
The shadow looked at him and stopped for a second as he witnessed the aura around Benjamin getting more chaotic and dangerous but resumed with his walk.
Benjamin letting out a deafening roar reverberating through the air catching Eva's ear and knew what that meant. "Let's see how you fair now."
Benjamin spoke with a deranged smile on his face quickly shrouding his earlier calm and cool demeanor. "We're in big trouble."
Eva told Andrew who was walking with a carefree expression and he asked, "Why do you say so?" Eva seeing Andrew not yet realizing the magnitude of the situation, "Because we're about to fight a SSS ranker."