After making their selection, Andrew looks over at the rest of the people remaining through his mask and said, "I'm very sorry if you weren't chosen because a fate worse than death is awaiting you."
The rest were shocked by what he meant but instead of giving an explanation, he simply snapped his fingers and his shadow seemed to widen and cover the entire dimensional plane. One by one screams of horror started to be heard from the crowd.
The four and those chosen looked closer to see that people were being butchered and slaughtered by monstrous tentacles coming from the shadow. There was no running or hiding for those who tried using their abilities and artifacts. Sure there were people who fought back with all they had but the result was the same.
This process continued until the only people remaining were the bunch and surprisingly a person who appeared to have a profound level of cultivation.
Even though right now he seemed at the very edge of death making the sight unbearable to witness. The reason why he was still standing was because Andrew had a couple of questions.
Andrew appeared right in front of the man with a blood sickle around his neck but the man stood with a resolute expression and said, "Do you have any idea what you are doing? You will incur the wrath of the heavens for this."
Andrew was wondering about something and then he asked, "Are there those who are chosen by the heavens to be a prodigy and stand above the rest?"
The man was a little surprised by Andrew knowing this because by judging Andrew he surmised that he was only human. "Yes. That is true."
Andrew finally looking down on the Daoist in his golden robes which appeared to lose their golden luster let a small laugh and before he knew it, his head was cut off from his body. Everyone present was internally shocked by what they just saw.
They would have never have thought that this seemingly harmless looking human would be able to butcher all the beings without hesitation. Andrew just looked at the massacre he caused but shrugged it off and materialized his headphones before opening a spatial crack to the lower dimensional plane.
He looked back at the group and asked the female he chose who upon closer inspection appeared to be a bearskin more so a fox to go back with the ones chosen to go back the council on the ninety ninth plane and prep it for their arrival.
The fox whose name was Laura was unable to move from the sight she was witnessing. She looked over the land which used to be full of life and vigor was now lying in ruins with bodies of immortals laying all over the place.
She spent what seemed like an eternity to make this place habitable and peaceful but it seemed fate had something else in store.
She had survived for eons of years and experienced a lot so she was able to recover quickly from this but her mental state wasn't fairing any better.
After her dazing, she came back to her senses to notice that Andrew was looking right at her.
She was nervous wondering whether the human would kill her too but much to her surprise, Andrew simply walked over and asked with a monotone voice ,"Are you done recovering because if so then I hope you execute the task I've assigned to you. And you wouldn't mind overlooking it."
She was already experienced thus even though she wasn't paying attention, she heard his command and quickly left along with the people chosen to the ninety ninth plane.
After they left Ivor stepped up, "I'll take the lead next plane." Before taking of his glasses and his bloodlust started to leak at terrific proportions. They went to the ninety seventh plane and it had a fair share of similarities in terms of looks with the ninety eighth plane.
Andrew observed the fight from the side and saw that Ivor specialized a lot in utilizing of weapons such as the dagger making the scene a little contradictory given his huge stature.
On occasion, Andrew could hear Ivor making a few murmurs as he fought and came to the conclusion that he chose the system as a means of gaining more strength.
There was a reason why he didn't choose the system as a means of leveling up as there would be encounters he would run in where the opponents could sense this and make appropriate adjustments.
He decides to use his system. He inwardly thought, 'Enable system'. And as expected a blue panel appeared in front of him only visible to him.
[{Running diagnostics}]
He waited for a few minutes as he continued to observe Ivor as he tore through the hordes of people who tried to put up a fight but their cries were short lived.
After he was done he gestured to those who were too scared to fight to move forward and they did with no hesitation.
They were mostly constituted of females of different races with few men and off springs who were few in numbers. Ivor inspected the group of people in front of him before opening a portal beneath them and looking back at his group.
He looked at Andrew for a split second with a confused look before reverting back to his usual collected self.
[{Diagnostics complete}]
'Finally, now system I want you to run a simulation of a fight between me and my team.' The system with a monotone voice belonging to a male responded.
[{Running simulation.}]
A few planes later where they would take turns overthrowing the balance that once existed.
It was evident from Andrew's keen observation that Ivor liked to play with his prey and his daggers were specially designed to inflict as much pain to the target as possible laced with a deadly passive effect where the opponents would slowly lose their sanity, energy and their body would suffer the more they moved.
Ursula was adept in utilizing illusions and mind manipulation as at regular circumstances she would make the opponents fight and kill each other even before they encountered her.
They could have escaped her clutches of they were as strong as her in terms of power and had a strong mental state in which they lacked both. Sybil on the other hand was ruthless despite her cute appearances and her being a fairy.
Andrew now realized what the puppets were for as she would simply reflect the damage dealt on the puppets to the people attacking her.
She would manipulate blood out of her victims but in small amounts to form puppets above their heads and for her, she would simply obliterate her opponents by either snapping their bones and leave them to die from the pain or she would add them to her collection and play with them later.
And as for Adrial, he would use large scale attacks making the fight end much faster than it needed to be. "You're no fun Adrial. You should play more with your adversaries."
Sybil commented before letting out a small maniacal laugh but Adrial simply ignored her.
After conquering the ninetieth plane. They simply went back to their original plane to find the servants already accustomed to their duties.
They were quite impressed with their service as the gloomy and empty hall was now much more lively and beautiful. There were all kinds of dazzling and ethereal aura engulfing the council.
They had already built all kinds of mind staggering structures for their own and the group's accommodations under the leadership of those chosen at the ninety eighth dimensional plane.
Andrew excused himself, "We'll progress after a while." Laura appeared and gracefully bowed to the group. She had a warm yet nervous smile on her face and spoke in a graceful manner, "Excuse me your excellences."
Everyone looked at her as the other servants they personally chose showed up appearing with humble expression, "As your subordinates, we will naturally take care of you all to the best of our abilities."
She now started to look at Andrew and gestured, "I will show you your residing establishment."
Andrew simply followed her as the rest were being attended to and put on his headphones letting out a small hum.
After getting enough distance from the others they teleported and appeared in front of a grandly well-made palace in the same plane.
It was similar to those of the Chinese with the fields covered with trees blooming in pink petals coupled with its design of a waterfall falling into the abyss making it look rather surreal.
There were already people attending to it and they were already playing the part as they took were dressed in the authentic Chinese clothing for both male and female.
Seeing this Andrew took off his headphones and asked with a small chuckle, "What is up with the setting? Why does it look like an establishment from ancient China?"
Laura responded with a nervous look, "Ah... well I assumed judging from your mask that you would love this. If you do not like it then it can be re-done and built to your liking."
Making a bow but before she could Andrew held her face by her chin and looked at her before saying, "its fine. Why don't you give me a tour of the place?"
She was a little startled by this sudden action and briskly blushed before snapping out of it,"Oh... Very well. If you would follow me."
They walked in as went through the halls which were well spaced and busy with servants who would make a slight bow when they saw Andrew and Laura.
They continued with their walk until they arrived in front of a huge pink tree. It was housing a huge variety of different creatures. There were phoenixes, griffins, tigers and many other mystical creatures with unique abilities.
Andrew looked at it and stopped causing Laura to think that he didn't want the tree to be there. "If you don't like I can have it arranged to be removed." A small sigh came from Andrew, "No, it's fine. I kind of like it. And how did you know about this mask's origin since that's what you used as a reference for making all of this."
Laura maintaining a straight face looking at Andrew who was absorbed by the tree's beauty, "I had once interacted with the third dimensional plane long ago.
It was perhaps one of the different infinite worlds I was once was worshipped that I observed they had a mask similar to yours."
Andrew finally done looking at the tree asked Laura, "Where will I be resting? I'm quite tired." "Follow me." And so did Andrew and they went back in the palace all the way to the upper floors and arrive at a well decorated door.
There weren't a lot of member staff in this part. The only one who was here was the old man who Andrew chose standing at the door and as soon he saw them, he made a graceful bow and welcomed them, "Your excellency and Miss Laura, welcome"
Opening the door and stepping aside, Andrew went inside his room to find a well-spaced and fully furnished room.
The furniture seemed to be made of material Andrew found rather amused to see. There was a king sized bed which could accommodate up to ten people covered in glistening golden silk and well adorned jade.
He walked around and looked out the balcony present which gave a direct view to the huge tree he saw outside.
He found everything to his liking except one thing which he knew they would exclude, "This is very impressive. Though there is something missing."
Laura was a little apprehensive and asked, "What is it? Please do tell and I'll make sure it's delivered to you." Andrew walked back in and looked at an empty space at the corner of the room.
He snapped his fingers and a piano appeared in sight. It was similar to the piano back at earth except this one was much bigger and had more stylish decorations.
Laura was perplexed and asked, "Is that a piano?" Andrew nodded and sat on the seat ready to play but he stopped and looked at Laura, "I can't see the keys with this mask on my face."
Taking it as a hint, she walked over to him and Andrew gesturing for her to take a seat, she was rather close to Andrew and raised her dainty fingers touching the mask and slowly pulled it off his face.