She was mesmerized by Andrew's face as it wasn't what she was expecting. What she was looking at was a smooth face with no blemish in sight coupled with his grey hair making it look rather unreal.
His jade green eyes were shimmering and glistening like the starry sky able to captivate anyone who would look at them.
She was stuck in a daze before Andrew interrupted her with a smile on his face, "Since it seems you know what it is, why you don't give me a few pointers."
Laura stuttered for a bit before resuming her calm composure wondering, 'Why would a human make me like this. I've lived for countless years with no man that has ever caught my eye and yet a human is making my heart flutter.'
She coughed up, "If that is your wish."
She put her delicate fingers on the keys and played a sorrowful piece able to move one's emotions if they heard it. She would definitely have been one of the greatest pianist back on earth if she was this good.
She continues to play with Andrew looking at her making her a little nervous till she was done. "I'm sorry if it wasn't that great. I'm a little rusty as I haven't touched as piano for a long time."
Andrew complimented her, "That's impressive. You're a better player than me." Andrew then looked straight into Laura's eyes finally getting a got a good look at her.
She had majestic blue eyes which were constantly shining with her cute perfect face. She seemed to be in her early twenties.
Her charms were simply otherworldly incomparable to any treasure. Her ears as Andrew expected were on her head but Andrew found it cute and her long hair was tied up in a bun.
With a small tug of her hair clip by Andrew, her hair fell all the way to her waist finishing her hair of with a blue hue. "I like it like this."
Andrew formed a smile before giving her a light kiss on her lips before standing up and going to the balcony putting his headphones back on.
Seeing that Andrew wanted to be alone, she left with her cheeks blushing and as she got out of the room, "It seems that you enjoyed his company."
Laura pouted,'' It's none of your business Callum."
The old aged man who appeared to be in his late fifties then continued ,'' I've never seen you like this ever since we've been acquainted but it's a nice change from your usual grumpy self."
Laura would have continued to keep the conversation going bit she had duties to attend to so she left with a bloated face. Andrew who was inside went back on his bed and checked at his system.
[{Simulation complete}]
[{Chances of winning against:
[{1: Adrial=99%}]
[{4: Ursula=89%}]
Andrew was wondering why it wasn't at 100% for all but he came up with the conclusion that he was the newest member to join and he did lack experience unlike the rest who were already familiar with combat.
He wasn't feeling any sleep at all so he decided to go back to his mental state with questions like what is that void.
After a few minutes he arrived back to see it was exactly as before. The eerie darkness was still present and deterred by something preventing it from crossing over to the palace.
He looked around the palace checking every room until he came across a mundane door and without thinking much of it, he opened and noticed a whole theatre where his lookalike was seated at the front row.
Without much thought he went and sat beside him to see that the performance was actually about him when he was in school. It wasn't his best years as he would often get picked on by most due to his introvertedness and the play quickly came to an end with him alone crying in tears.
His lookalike stood up and looked at Andrew before taking his hand and the both of them appearing at the edge of the palace.
One simple nudge was all it took to fall into the exponential void. Andrew was wondering why did his lookalike bring him here but before he could do anything, his lookalike forcefully grabbed his hand and started to float above the void.
Andrew sensing what was going to happen next tried to free himself from the lookalike's grip but to his surprise nothing happened.
He gave it his all but his efforts were all in vain and suddenly the grip on his arm loosened making him plummet downwards.
He closed his eyes and felt as if he was constantly falling and yet perfectly still at the same time. Opening his eyes, he saw the darkness was slowly enveloping him and the face of his lookalike was the last thing he saw before going into a deep slumber.
He was forcefully dragged out of his mental state breathing as hard as he could.
Beads of sweat had started to accumulate all over his body and to freshen up, he went and took a shower.
After he was done feeling reinvigorated went and after wearing new clothes looked at the head to tall mirror which was installed in his room.
It seemed the frame was made out of very valuable materials including immortal gold and the reflection surface made out of crystals which would often glimmer when light came into contact with it.
Right now he was clad in all black and as he was looking at the mirror he noticed something strange.
There was something completely off if not terrifying with his reflection. Half of his left side was completely normal but his right side appeared rather strange. He looked closer and saw that there was a huge pair of wings which appeared as if it was fading but it never did.
The feathers were golden mixed with a touch of black at the edges combined with a red frame. There was a white halo above his head intertwined with a demonic red and black aura.
His right eye was not its regular jade color rather it was pitch black with three golden irises running horizontally with a devilish smile even though Andrew wasn't.
The sight was rather ghastly and rather mind boggling and Andrew remembered that Omniphinx said that he was given a gift by him. He was quite curious to know who Omniphinx was referring to but he wasn't in a rush.
He tried to make the image go away but instead the mirror broke into countless pieces and bits flew in all directions but Andrew formed a simple force field around him.
Callum burst into the room with an anxious expression, "Master, are you okay? I heard the sound of glass shattering!"
He looked at Andrew who was standing around bits and pieces of glass and instead of a statement he got a question, "What kind of crystal is that because I don't think its glass." Callum a little surprised replied.
"It's Travesty. It has similar characteristics to glass but much superior. It has a variety of uses such as it helps in one noting even the smallest imperfections or noting one's personality if modified correctly."
Andrew looked back at Callum and noted that he was continuously looking down, "Why are you still looking down?" Callum with a reserved composure evident in his tone,'' You are not wearing your mask."
Andrew ordered, "Its fine. You can look up and have this mess cleaned up. When you repair it, use glass."
He walked over to the piano and grabbed his mask but before putting it on he realized something and inquired, "What is your name?" Callum looking at Andrew was internally surprised by his dashing looks and realized why Laura was blushing as she left, "My name is Callum, your grace."
Andrew put on his mask and as he was about to leave the premises, Callum who had already ordered some of the cleaning servants by using some sort of talisman asked Andrew, "It would be an inconvenience if you were to wander without company. If you wouldn't mind, I could accompany you."
Andrew already at the door looking at the servants who were already arriving with stern and worried faces looked at Callum suggested, "Sure."
Callum left the duty to the two female servants and walked according to Andrew's pace behind him. Unlike with Laura whose guide was talkative, Callum was rather silent giving a few words here and there explaining about the place.
At the end of it Andrew had got the gist of the layout of the place though there were places they hadn't visited due to it being so huge.
Andrew thanked Callum for showing him around but Callum thanked him back for spending his time with him. Andrew then got a message from a servant belonging to Ursula.
He then proceeded to leave his premises and arrived at the council and every servant present left on cue leaving the five of them alone in the hall. Andrew then removed his mask from his face and took a seat at the middle of the bunch and Ursula began, "We've been able to take over the nine highest planes.
We'll continue with the plan and have the rest in our control very soon." Andrew then proceeded after she was done.
"From now on we have to stop using brutal force as we don't want to change the order of things too much. We have to start spreading our influence to other planes to be able to control them."
"We have to take care of the leaders of these planes and the rest should follow. If this doesn't succeed then utilization of force will be required."
Ivor realizing something, "It seems that we have to assign ourselves from here on as we all can't go to the same plane. It would save much more time if we all went to the dimensional planes individually as I doubt there would be anything that would prove harm to us."
Adrial making himself present, "Then we would have split ourselves and each one of us would have to take over sixteen planes per person.
Though what of the remaining planes?" Sibyl busy absorbed in her dolls finally taking part in the meeting, "Why don't we use the dolls to take over other dolls."
Everyone here understanding what she meant agreed to it. "Though we will have a problem after we're done acquiring."
Everyone looked at Ursula and knew what she meant by this. Acquiring the dimensional planes wasn't hard. It was controlling them where the real problem would arise.
With the room drowning in silence for some time Ivor finally spoke up, "We could instill fear and rule it with an iron grasp."
But Andrew shortly interjected, "If we took that approach then the risk of a rebellion occurring would be higher. What we should do is that we simply let them govern themselves.
They will still be answerable to us and with this tactic we could gain their loyalty making cases of rebellion to be less. We would still be in control and we wouldn't be burdened by too much work of overseeing every single plane."
Everyone contemplated of this approach and Ursula finally broke the silence, "This plan does have a fatal problem as laxity could arise and go unpunished.
Not to mention with their freedom they could collaborate together and launch a full scale attack." Andrew as if he expected this replied, "Ever heard of the saying that at times fear is what is required for leadership. In order for the fear to be properly instilled, we have to remove their fangs."
Ivor as an experienced hunter understood what Andrew meant, "If we can remove their ability to fight back, they can understand the futility of initiating any wars."
Andrew then continued, "If we take out their best and hinder them from launching any forms of attack then they should abandon the idea of fighting back."
"We just have to offer a little assistance and they should be able to submit rather easily."
With that said they continued to discuss of how they would rule over the planes and coming up with strategies since even though they wanted to dominate reality, they didn't want to be overwhelmed with looking over the planes.
Well at least they would assign that task to someone trustworthy. After that they concluded and left the hall each to their assigned planes to take over.