Chereads / Harry Potter Veela's Embrace / Chapter 84 - Bonding Conversations

Chapter 84 - Bonding Conversations

They chatted some more before Harry and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall for lunch. Fleur was sitting next to Gabrielle who was chatting with Ginny. When Gabrielle saw Harry, she threw her arms around him and kissed him and started telling him how much fun she had had in Charms. "We learned cheering charms today," She exclaimed and proceeded to kiss Harry again so show him how cheerful she was.

During double Divinations in the afternoon, Harry wished he had let Gabrielle cast the Cheering Charm on him before he came. He found himself following the thoughts of his bond mates. Gabrielle was in Herbology while Fleur and Hermione had gone to the library to study. Even the arithmancy Hermione was working on seemed more interesting that discovering why Venus was so important to astrology.

"Why take the class if you don't like it?" He heard Hermione question.

Harry looked over at Ron who was sitting with Seamus. "Well I used to have a friend in the class."

"I know Harry. I'm sorry," Hermione replied. "Maybe work with Neville. Or you can switch classes next year and try to catch up with Gabrielle. Or maybe Ron will come around."

"Maybe…crap, everyone is looking at me. Trelawney probably predicted my death again."

"Pay attention Harry," Hermione chided. "I need to get back to studying. Fleur and I are going down to the Chamber shortly to see if they need anything. We'll see you at dinner."

"Fine, leave me to my suffering."

They decided to have dinner in the chamber that evening with Remus and Sirius. Harry and Hermione went to the kitchens to give Dobby his socks and to see if the elves could prepare some food for them to take down.

The house-elves gave them a very cheery welcome, bowing and curtsying and bustling around making a nice dinner and packing it up. Harry couldn't believe all the food they were putting in the basket. Dobby was ecstatic about his present.

"Harry Potter is too good to Dobby!" he squeaked, wiping large tears out of his enormous eyes.

"Dobby a lot has happened because I was in that lake that day," said Harry. "I was only in the lake because of you. Not only in waking me up, but in finding me a way to breath underwater. Because I was in the lake, I was able to save Gabrielle and Fleur. That means I owe you a lot more than two pairs of socks. This is only a start. You're my friend Dobby."

"Dobby, where's Winky?" said Hermione, who was looking around.

"Winky is over there by the fire, miss," said Dobby quietly, his ears drooping slightly.

"Oh dear," said Hermione as she spotted the elf.

Harry looked over at the fireplace too. Winky was sitting on the same stool as last time, but she had allowed herself to become so filthy that she was not immediately distinguishable from the smoke-blackened brick behind her. Her clothes were ragged and unwashed. She was clutching a bottle of butterbeer and swaying slightly on her stool, staring into the fire. As they watched her, she gave an enormous hiccup.

"Winky is getting through six bottles a day now," Dobby whispered to Harry.

"Well, it's not strong, that stuff," Harry said.

But Dobby shook his head. "'Tis strong for a house-elf, sir, very strong," he said. "She pines for her family and nothing Dobby does will persuade her that Professor Dumbledore is Winky's master now. She keeps saying that Mr. Crouch needs her."

"Master is needing his - hie - Winky!" whimpered Winky. "Master cannot - hic -manage - hic - all by himself. . . ."Master is - hic - trusting Winky with - hic – the most important - hic - the most secret..." and the bottle of butterbeer she had in her hand dropped to the floor as she slid off her stool onto the heart snoring heavily.

The other elves started covering her with a tablecloth. Seeing Hermione was about to say something, "This isn't the time love."

"But they're just covering her up. They should be trying to cheer her up instead," Hermione insisted.

"Maybe there is a head elf you can talk to about it," Harry said. "But right now, let's go down and eat."

"But it's not right Harry," Hermione said. "They shouldn't be slaves."

"Maybe there's something we don't know. I mean Dumbledore isn't a bad person, but you just heard Dobby say he was their Master," Harry thought. "Ask him about them. He might give you a better idea of what it all means. You might also ask Fleur, it's possible her family has house-elves."

The thought that her bond sister and friend might herself have house-elves stunned Hermione. The thought to Fleur was out before she could think anything else, "Fleur, does your family have house elves?"

"Of course. We 'ave three."

Hermione was stunned. Her bond sister's family, who said she was part of their family, enslaved three beings and she immediately thought back. "How could you? How can your family enslave intelligent beings?"

Fleur took a mental step back at the pure loathing in Hermione's voice. "Ermione, what do you know about 'ouse-elves?" She asked cautiously.

"I know they're intelligent and can be nice and that they are enslaved and not paid or anything."

"So you're equating zeir slavery wiz ze enslavement of man over man aren't you?"

"Of course, slavery is slavery!" Hermione argued vehemently. "No one should own another being."

"You own a cat don't you?" Fleur asked. "Which is 'alf-kneazle. 'e's intelligent."

"I…I...crookshanks isn't my slave," Hermione sputtered.

"E isn't?" Fleur asked. "And 'ow many times 'ave you asked 'im what 'e wants to do? Or if 'e wants to come to 'Ogwarts? I agree it's not quite ze same, but zere are all kinds of bonds and relationships zat bring people and beings together. For example, are you 'Arry's slave?"

"WHAT? Of course not."

"But you are bound to 'im for ze rest of your life."

"But…but that's different, that is love and he can't force me to do anything. He doesn't own me."

"True, but you and 'e 'ave ze capability of making each others lives miserable or 'appy depending on 'ow you use ze bond. You enjoy feeling ze love 'arry 'as for you don't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"What if ze bond were to disappear? 'Ow would you feel if zat feeling of love were to disappear?"

Hermione considered this, even after so few days, the love that flowed over that bond had become an integral part of her being. "I would miss it desperately."

"And you would want eet back wouldn't you?"

"Yes, of course but what does this have to do with house-elves."

"Ouse-elves love work 'Ermione. I know you find it 'ard to accept zat, but it's a proven fact in ze magical world. Zey get ze same joy out of working zat you get out of being loved," Fleur explained. "Ze elves get similar joy out of being asked to do work as you get when 'arry tell you 'e loves you. Ze bond to zeir families gives zem work to care for zem, ze constant needs of ze families is to zem like ze constant love you feel from 'Arry. To zem to be set free, is like you losing your bond with 'arry."

"But Dobby…."

"Was abused and told to do things zat 'e 'ated, just like abuse of a person by someone zey love can override ze love itself, 'e wanted to leave and 'e is afraid of recommitting 'imself to a bond. But I know 'e loves 'arry. If 'arry were to ask 'im to be 'is elf, 'e would agree without a moments 'esitation."

"But why won't they take money?"

"In your love with 'Arry, do you think someday you and 'e will be intimate?"

Hermione thought back to the previous morning's conversation with Harry, she blushed slightly. "Yes, of course, when the time is right."

"And would you want money for being intimate with 'im?"

"Of course not," Hermione exclaimed, "That would make it seem like I was a…" and her words trailed off.

"Exactly, it's ze same wiz elves, zey feel it cheapens ze experience for zem. 'Ermione, it's not perfect, just like a lot of marriages aren't perfect. You know spouses and children are abused, so should marriage be outlawed?"

"No," Hermione sighed. "I'm sorry Fleur. I guess I did a Ron and have been acting without really thinking on this one. I've been letting my non-magical upbringing influence how I view things in the magical world."

"Zat's not a bad thing 'ermione. A fresh outlook is always good, but remember to try to understand both sides before making your conclusions. Wanting to defend elves shows me you 'ave a good 'eart and I do agree zat zey should not be abused. Concentrate on 'elping zem zat way, not by trying to set zem all free."

"Thanks," Hermione said as she looked around the kitchen seeing the house-elves all working and at particularly at the tablecloth covered package that was Winky. She thought of what Fleur said and compared it to losing Harry's bond and a wave of understanding broke over her. She turned and said "Dobby, take care of Winky please."

"I try Miss," The little elf said. "But she's not wanting my help," He handed the basket of food to them and turned sadly back to his friend.


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