When Harry and Hermione made it to Herbology, Ron came over and said to Hermione, "See I warned you not to mess with Rita. I warned you," He then turned to Harry, "Like I warned you, maybe now you'll listen now."
"Ron, if this is about your warning concerning my girlfriend, then no, I will not listen now or ever," Harry replied coldly and turned his back on his longtime friend as he pulled out all the homework he needed to turn in and prepared for class.
"Help me Hermione," Ron who now was red-faced said as he turned to his female friend. "It's Veelas, you can't really believe this is going to go well for Harry can you?"
"Yes Ron," Hermione replied sharply. "Yes I can. I don't know what rubbish your mother is feeding you, but Gabrielle is not going to hurt Harry," She turned her back on her friend as well.
As Harry and Hermione left the greenhouse for their Care of Magical Creatures class, they saw Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle descending the stone steps of the castle. Pansy Parkinson was whispering and giggling behind them with her gang of Slytherin girls. Catching sight of Hermione, Pansy called, "We couldn't help but notice how much you enjoyed your fan mail."
Hermione just ignored her; not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much the mail had irritated her.
Hagrid was waiting for them outside his cabin with a fresh supply of open crates at his feet. Harry's heart sank at the sight of the crates - surely not another skrewt hatching? - but when he got near enough to see inside, he found himself looking at a number of flurry black creatures with long snouts. Their front paws were curiously flat, like spades, and they were blinking up at the class, looking politely puzzled at all the attention.
"These're nifflers," said Hagrid, when the class had gathered around. "Yeh find 'em down mines mostly. They like sparkly stuff. . . . There yeh go, look."
One of the nifflers had suddenly leapt up and attempted to bite Pansy Parkinson's watch off her wrist. She shrieked and jumped backward.
"Useful little treasure detectors," said Hagrid happily. "Thought we'd have some fun with 'em today. See over there?" He pointed at the large patch of freshly turned earth. "I've buried some gold coins. I've got a prize fer whoever picks the niffler that digs up the most. Jus' take off all yer valuables, an' choose a niffler, an get ready ter set 'em loose."
Harry remembered seeing Hagrid last night with a shovel when he was flying Buckbeak. "So that's what he was doing," He took off his watch, which he was only wearing out of habit, as it didn't work anymore, and stuffed it into his pocket. Then he picked up a niffler. It put its long snout in Harry's ear and sniffed enthusiastically, causing Hermione to laugh "Do you have a treasure in your ear Harry?" she asked before reaching down and picking up her own niffler.
"I believe it's your mind that's a treasure," Harry replied causing Hermione to blush. "As for me, he was probably trying find an empty space to sleep later."
"That would be Ron," Hermione replied silently as they looked over at their old friend who was looking excitedly at the ground as he held his niffler. "Being someone who can read your thoughts, I happen to think you have a wonderful mind."
It was easily the most fun they had ever had in Care of Magical Creatures. The nifflers dove in and out of the patch of earth as though it were water, each scurrying back to the student who had released it and spitting gold into their hands.
Harry noticed that Ron's niffler was particularly efficient; it had soon filled his lap with coins.
"Can you buy these as pets, Hagrid?" Ron asked excitedly as his niffler dove back into the soil once again, splattering his robes with dirt.
"Yer mum wouldn' be happy, Ron," said Hagrid, grinning. "They wreck houses, nifflers. I reckon they've nearly got the lot, now," he added, pacing around the patch of earth while the nifflers continued to dive. "I on'y buried a hundred coins."
Ron looked disappointed, but he started counting his coins.
"Well, let's check how yeh've done!" said Hagrid. "Count yer coins! An' there's no point tryin' ter steal any, Goyle," he added, his beetle-black eyes narrowed. "It's leprechaun gold. Vanishes after a few hours."
Goyle emptied his pockets, looking extremely sulky. It turned out that Ron's niffler had been most successful, so Hagrid gave him an enormous slab of Honeydukes chocolate for a prize. The bell rang across the grounds for lunch; Ron and the rest of the class started up the slope to the castle while Harry and Hermione stayed behind to help Hagrid put the nifflers back in their boxes.
"Yeh've been doing alright Harry?" Hagrid asked. "I've seen yeh with that young lady. Seems like you two are hitten it off."
Harry smiled at his half-giant friend. "Gabrielle is special," He glanced over at Hermione, "I wish I could tell him about you and Fleur as well."
"And we know how well Hagrid keeps a secret," Hermione replied. "Can you say Fluffy?"
"I met her father yeh know. He was asken about yeh since yeh had saved his daughters' lives and everything," Hagrid continued. "Told em that just the way yeh are," He looked around. "And where's Ron?"
"He doesn't think I should be seeing someone of my girlfriend's heritage," Harry replied.
"Veela?" Hagrid asked. "That's just silly that is. Some of the nicest people yeh ever could meet. Fierce tempers though."
"Yeah I've heard."
Hagrid scratched his beard looking thoughtful, "Maybe I'll have to get yeh some dragon hide for yeh ter line your robes with. That fire they can throw, well it can sting a little," Hermione stifled a laugh at the look on Harry's face. "As fer Ron, well hopefully he'll come around. Yeh can't tell people how ter think."
The three of them chatted for a while longer with Hermione telling Hagrid about the hate mail she had received that morning.
"Aaah, don worry," said Hagrid gently, looking down at her. "I got some o' those letters an all, after Rita Skeeter wrote abou me mum. 'Yeh're a monster an yeh should be put down.' 'Yer mother killed innocent people an if you had any decency you'd jump in a lake.'"
"No!" exclaimed Hermione, looking shocked.
"Yeah," said Hagrid, heaving the niffler crates over by his cabin wall. "They're jus' nutters, Hermione. Don' open 'em if yeh get any more. Chuck 'em straigh' in the fire."
"That's sort of what Gabrielle's sister said," Hermione said.
"Yer a smart one Hermione, do the smart thing," Hagrid replied.
"I hate that Skeeter woman though," Hermione burst out. "I will get her back."
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