Chereads / Harry Potter Veela's Embrace / Chapter 81 - Secrets and Close Calls at Hogwarts

Chapter 81 - Secrets and Close Calls at Hogwarts

The four of them spent the next three hours in Hogsmeade with Gabrielle staying on Harry's arm the whole time. They spent time in Zonko's where he bought Sirius everything that looked safe enough to use in an enclosed space and even some that didn't. Then in Honeydukes, Harry remembered Mr. Granger's advice on placating the monthly issue women had, and promptly stocked up on a lot of chocolate.

All three of the women were laughing at this, but did let him know what their favorite kinds were. Finally Harry was led into a clothes store where the women pretended he was a dress up doll. Though he pretended to hate the experience, the women could tell he was secretly enjoying the time spent trying on various clothing items, he ended up with three pants and four shirts, new underwear, socks and a new pair of trainers and a promise that they would do more at a later time.

Harry also bought two of the wildest pairs of socks he could find to give to Dobby, for the Gillyweed, including a pair emitted a warning if they got too dirty. Hermione remembered to restock her quill and parchment supplies. When all the shopping was done they all shared a wonderful early dinner in the Three Broomsticks.

Three hours after entering the village, they were ready to depart. Being early March, the skies were already darkened. As planned, they separated. Hermione and Fleur turned back toward the castle, while Harry and Gabrielle went in the other direction. The plan was fairly simple.

Hermione was going to be in the hallway across from the bathroom to give the all clear while Fleur would be on the grounds to make sure no one was noticing what was happening above them. Her allure would distract most males and if anyone did question what she was doing she could always say she was going back to the Beauxbatons' carriage. Gabrielle wanted to fly Buckbeak with Harry.

Harry and Gabrielle made their way up the High Street, past Dervish and Banges, and out toward the edge of the village. Harry had never been in this direction before. The winding lane was leading them out into the wild countryside around Hogsmeade toward the foot of the mountain in whose shadow Hogsmeade laid.

Remembering Dumbledore's instructions they climbed up the mountain, following a narrow path. It became darker and darker as the residual lights of Hogsmeade receded behind them until finally Harry had to cast a Lumos to light their way. The climb continued for a while until they came upon a small fissure in the side of the mountain they had been told to look for.

They almost missed it but Gabrielle pointed it out and quickly they slipped inside. Once there, they found themselves in a cool very dark cave and reflecting off the light from Harry's wand was the orange eyes of a Hippogriff.

"Hello Buckbeak," Harry said softly, "Do you remember me?"

Harry and Gabrielle bowed low to the noble creature who, after a few seconds of imperious examination of the two, returned the bow.

Harry immediately started to untie the tether that was wrapped around a rock.

"We're going to take you to Sirius. He's in a much larger cave," Harry explained as he led the creature out of the cave. "Can we ride you?"

The Hippogriff once again looked closely at the two of them and then knelt down to allow them to get on him.

Once the two of them had found themselves sitting on the back of the noble creature, Harry started to talk to the other two bond mates.

"Come over ze Quidditch pitch," Fleur said. "Use ze stands to 'ide yourselves as much as possible. Come around ze west side, low to ze ground and zen 'ead for ze window."

"I'll have my wand lit so you know which window," Hermione added. "Dumbledore has already removed it, but it seems like it's still here. You will have to just fly directly into it. Let me know when you're close and I'll verify when the hall is clear."

When the noble Hippogriff leapt from the ground, Harry could feel the excitement coming from Gabrielle as her arms tighten around his waist. "It's beautiful 'Arry," She said as she looked out over Hogsmeade in the distance and Hogwarts in front of them. "I wish we could stay up 'ere a while."

"I'll take you on my broom if you'd like."

"I would love for you to."

It definitely took less time to fly than to walk to get back to the castle. Harry had a sudden panic that they might have a problem with the castle wards, but was sure Dumbledore would have taken care of those as well. There was only a slight stirring in the air as they passed the ward boundaries to indicate any magic at all.

As they closed in on the Quidditch pitch, Harry noticed what looked like lines going in all directions on what used to be a perfect grassy field. He tried to figure out what there were, but he didn't get a clear view of whatever it was.

As he cleared the Quidditch pitch he could see Hagrid's cabin and it looked like the half giant had a shovel and was digging in the ground in front of it but he didn't have enough time to figure out what he might be doing. "Okay, I'm close," Harry said to Hermione.

"Hall is clear right now, I'm waving my wand," Came her reply.

Harry saw the light at the tip of her wand waving behind a window on the second floor. He guided the Hippogriff toward it. When Harry was only a few dozen yards away from the window he heard Hermione, "It's Mrs. Norris."

"I can't stop now. Too close and will be seen if I do," Harry replied. "Get the bathroom door open, hopefully we get this done before Filch shows up."

Buckbeak came through the window and Harry and Gabrielle quickly slid off and started leading the Hippogriff toward the bathroom door, where Hermione was waiting having started opening the Chamber access. Harry pulled Gabrielle back out of the bathroom, in hopes they could stall Filch if he showed up.

"HA!" The voice Harry knew was coming shouted from down the hallway. "Caught you red-handed," The old caretaker wheezed as he came down the hall.

Gabrielle looked at the floor and noticed the Hippogriff's footprints. Kissing Harry she said out loud, "I need to use the bathroom," And she quickly ducked into the door.

Harry turned to Filch, "Caught me doing what sir?"

"Buckbeak is zrough ze door, but it 'asn't closed yet."

"Befouling the floor and hiding some kind of creature. I saw something go in that bathroom," Filch turned to go into the bathroom.

Harry grabbed his arm and said, "Excuse me SIR, but my girlfriend is currently in there. You will wait for her to come out before going in there."

"No one orders me around," Filch said jerking free of Harry's grip he rounded on Harry with a grin through his yellowing teeth, "I know you're hiding something in there Potter. I have you now."

"Door is closed," Gabrielle said and a few seconds later. "Floor is clean."

From the bathroom came a flushing sound and Gabrielle opened the door. Looking between Harry and Filch she asked, "Ees something wrong?"

Filch shoved past her into the bathroom and started opening every stall muttering "I know something's in here," As he got to the last stall Myrtle came flying out of the toilet drenching the caretaker from head to foot.

Filch stomped out of the bathroom with water still pouring off of him. He looked at Harry and Gabrielle and snarled before stomping away down the hall.

"That was close," Harry said as he looked at Gabrielle but then smiled. "You were brilliant."

Fleur came walking down the hall and as they entered the water covered bathroom, Harry thanked the ghost for her help.

"You know I'd do anything for you Harry, but I really wished you would visit more," The ghost said shyly.

Harry looked at his watch and noticed it was getting close to curfew. "Hermione, is Buckbeak in the Chamber?"

"Not yet, but we're close," It was a few minutes later that she said "He's all in, Sirius said to tell you thanks for the Zonkos stuff. He tried to keep the chocolate as well, but I wasn't about to allow that. I will be there shortly."

When Hermione joined them they made their way to the Headmaster's office to report their success. As they were told to enter, they heard the Headmaster, "That will be all Alastor, thank you."

The Defense against the Dark Arts instructor gave Harry and the three women with him a once over with both his normal eye and his magical one as he stomped past. Once he was out, Harry heard the clicks behind him meaning Dumbledore had secured the office.

"How did it go?" Dumbledore asked.

"Buckbeak is in the Chamber," Harry said. "We had a slight issue with Filch who showed up right as he got him in the bathroom. Gabrielle's quick thinking saved us there," The youngest Delacour blushed.

"Excellent. Well I better go replace a window. I thank you all for an excellent night's work."


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