Chereads / Harry Potter Veela's Embrace / Chapter 79 - Veela Heritage

Chapter 79 - Veela Heritage

A minute later Harry was in his dorm room looking at the back of his friend, who was lying on his bed facing away. "Look Ron," Harry started, "I appreciate your concern. I really do. But I know there is nothing wrong with me. If you really have a problem with Gabrielle or Fleur because of their heritage, then I'm sorry, but we have a serious problem.

Gabrielle is very special to me as is her sister. Trust me when I say that as much as I value your friendship, don't make me choose between them and you, since you probably won't like the outcome," With those words, Harry turned and started out of the room, as he opened the door, he turned back to Ron, "We will be studying immediately after lunch, if you want to join us, then you'll need to find us before then," He turned and left the room.

"I'm sorry mon amour," Gabrielle said. Harry already knew she was headed toward the Gryffindor Common room.

Harry could feel the sadness from both of the Delacours, while it was more of annoyance from Hermione who had dealt with Ron to many times. "Don't worry. As I told him, there is no real choice here. My life is with all of you. I'm hoping he'll get over it."

"Even if he does Harry, will it happen again this summer?" Hermione asked.

"Probably," Harry conceded with a sigh as he sat back down heavily in the chair in the common room. Gabrielle arrived and promptly put herself in Harry's lap and started kissing him to cheer him up.

"I can't wait to get back into the Chamber so I can do that," Hermione let him know; he couldn't help but feel better with the love of three women pouring into him.

A short time later they were in the Great Hall eating lunch. Harry kept looking over each time the door opened to see if it was Ron, but he never showed up. When lunch was over, the four of them made their way back to the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione gave Sirius some of her Quills and parchment, knowing she could replace them in Hogsmeade later in the day. Fleur gave him French language lessons books, saying, "When your name is cleared, my parents will expect you to visit as often as you like. Zese will 'elp you."

Sirius looked at Gabrielle, "Nothing from you? I'm hurt," He smiled at her to let her know it was in jest.

"Well if you like I can have Papa or Maman send my 'Arry Potter book collection," Gabrielle replied and looking over at her bond mate she continued. "Ze real thing is much better zan any book."

Harry blushed and then muttered, "How about we just tell them to throw them out."

"Non," Then her beautiful blue eyes got a mischievous glint in them, "But I can give zem to the 'Ogwart's library so everyone can read zem."

Harry gave a fake glare at her because he could tell she wasn't serious about it.

"Before we start studying can we try to see if we can learn spells like we learned to open ze Chamber?" Fleur asked. "I really want to see what my Patronus is."

Hermione looked at them with a smile, "Patronus?"

Harry looked at all three young women, "Fine by me, especially since I have the person who taught me right here to help," He looked over at Lupin who smiled. "Okay, you need to find your happiest memory since I doubt you can use mine."

Each of the three ladies started concentrating, Harry first started to try to see their happiest memories but with the three of them thinking about and discarding various memories he finally had to stop trying. Fleur finally looked over at Lupin, "Sir, at Beauxbatons we were taught it is more of ze emotion zan ze memory zat drives ze Patronus."

"Remus please or Moony, and yes your instructor was correct in that. Well mostly correct; it is not only the emotion but the ability to focus that emotion. A memory seems to be the best way to focus on the emotion to start with," Remus replied and then continued. "Eventually, for the Patronus to be an instinctive charm, you will need to tap the emotion and focus directly without stopping for a trigger."

"So anything that can result in the positive emotion that can be concentrated on would work. A memory, or even something imagined, say something you're looking forward to, as long as it helps focus on positive emotions," Fleur asked.

"It should," Remus concurred. "Again the stronger the positive emotion the better."

Harry pulled out his wand and this time he knew which memory he wanted since it was very fresh in his mind, he thought of this morning, watching Hermione sleep, the love he felt for her, and "EXPECTO PATRONUM."

A silver stag shot out of Harry's wand. Everyone gasped, even those who had seen a similar casting in Harry's memories. This stag was even more impressive. A brightness that almost hurt their eyes surrounded an animal that anyone would swear was solid. The stag wandered around the Chamber for a few seconds, stopping and gazing at each of the bond mates before it finally disappeared.


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