Chereads / Lord of Mysteries traveling across the Multiverse / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The Fish and the Glutton

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The Fish and the Glutton

Some distance away from the Goa Kingdom, the outlining shape of a person began taking form. Dante appeared out of thin air wearing simple gray pants and a white shirt. He wore a pair of beautifully crafted transparent earrings, a pair of black gloves and a bracelet that seemed to hide the cosmos inside it.

These were the three uniquenesses from the Fool, Error and Door pathway.

Dante looked around taking in the sight of a wide patch of grass. A number of different sized cacteen were scattered around as he looked into the distance. The growls and shouts of a fights resounded from there. The sound of steel hitting steel directed Dante toward his first goal in this world.

A quick Blink and Dante stood next to a group of marines surrounding a number of fishmen.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" Dante's casual voice startled the entire lineup, gaining everyone's attention. His eyes wandered towards the tall red skinned fishman.

'Fisher Tiger...' He was a man Dante wanted to save at any cost. Through him, Dante would gain a strong subordinate and a strong connection with Fishman Island.

"Who are you?!" The vice admiral commanding the squad of marines glared at the newcomer.

Dante ignored the marines, only looking at the fishmen.

"Looks like you could use some help? How about it, the first wish is free of charge!"

Fisher Tiger looked at the incredulous human with a dumbfounded expression. They were fighting for their lives while that strange human was fucking around. Every normal person would avoid a situation like that!

"What do you mean the 'first' wish?"

Fisher Tiger had lived an adventurous life and had witnessed countless miracles. Even though the scene unfolding in front of him was weird, he had seen weirder.

"Of course, the second wish has to be payed for!" Dante grinned at the fishman. Meanwhile, one of the marine soldiers aimed at Dante, intent on putting a bullet through his brain. Alas, a second later he put down his weapon again looking around in confusion.

Nobody had seen this happen except for a largely build blue fishman who continued surveilling his surroundings.

'What was that?', he couldn't find a reasonable explanation for the soldiers behaviour. Why would he point his gun at the stranger and a second later put it back down seemingly forgetting what he was about to do.

"I wish for my men to safely escape to sea." Fisher Tiger, even though distrustful of the stranger, felt oddly compelled to do tell him his wish.

"What a weird wish... Why didn't you include yourself in it?" Dante furrowed his forehead in an attempt to understand the fishman's logic.

"Leaving myself out would make the wish easier to fulfill since it would target a person less, right?" The red skinned fishman smiled at Dante with a challenging expression. It was telling him that the fishman wasn't bluffing, despite the danger he had opted for the safest wish to save his friends.

Dante broke out in laughter, he locked eyes with Fisher Tiger, wiping a tear away.

"You're exactly the way I had hoped you'd be! Alright, I'll grant your wish!" Dante snapped his finger and an illusory door appeared near the sun pirates. The door opened revealing a canvas of colours and stars reminiscent of the cosmos.

"Walk through that door and you'll reach Fishman Island." Dante pointed towards Fisher Tiger and continued.

"You, too. Although since you didn't include yourself in the wish, I'll count it as your second one. One day, I'll come and visit you to receive the payment owed to me."

Fisher Tiger could feel the lack of malice and threats coming from Dante. He nodded at the stranger and before walking through the door he introduced himself as Fisher Tiger.

Dante bowed in an exegerated manner and introduced himself too.

"I'm the Fool that doesn't belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog, the king of black and yellow who wields good luck.

Recite my name if you're ever in trouble." With a final nod, Fisher Tiger walked through the door which closed behind him.

The marines, still dumbfounded from whatever the hell happened, unsheathed their swords and aimed their guns at Dante.

"Well, I was in need of a couple marionettes..." Dante's relaxed smiled shifted to a vicious smirk as the bodies of all the marines around him stiffened including the vice admiral leading them.

"Hmm..." A rush of information entered Dante's head. He had stolen the vice admiral's knowledge concerning everything linked with the marines. Training manual for the six powers, training manual for observation and armament haki, basic marine swordsmanship and marksmanship, and so on.

"This could come in handy." He muttered before flicking his wrist summoning gray fog that swallowed everyone except for the vice admiral. His body shifted, the muscles wriggled and bones rearringing slightly until he resembled like an exact copy of Dante.

Dante's original body vanished leaving the copy behind which soon gained a spark of life in its eyes. He lifted his right arm clenching it tightly as it turned black.

"Oh, so this is how it feels to use haki!"

The ability came naturaly to him since the vice admiral had been quite proficient in it. Dante thought about how he should learn this for his main body but then decided to just grant it via a wish. Haki was the manifestation of one's will, it should be fairly easy to grant it with his power.

Dante used his Door powers to lock onto a faraway country. Dante vanished from his spot garnering the astonished looks of Koala who watched the scene unfold in the distance.


Inside a tall and spacious church lay a sickly woman, her skin covered in diamonds and a crying child in her arms.

An elderly couple watched her with tears running down their faces, grieving the young woman's incoming demise.

The woman was waiting for the love of her life to come and save her daughter. She knew that he would take good care of her and that he would protect her at any cost.

Yet instead of the man in her memories, another figure appeared in front of her. His body materilized from thin air, looking down at her like an angel.

"Are you god?", her weak voice barely made it out of her mouth yet the mysterious being could clearly hear it.

"I am the Fool. My child, death is looming over you. Your fate is already set in stone." The being's words echoed through the church like a divine statement. The startled couple broke in cold sweat witnessing the descent of god in front of them. Yet despite that the woman didn't seem worried, her trust in her beloved was that strong.

"I despise fate, my child. For fate decides for you, it dictates what you'll become and what you'll achieve. Therefor, if you wish for it, I shall break the chains of fate and free you from your suffering." The mysterious being kneeled down, closing its distance with the dying woman.

"I wish for... Bonney and Kumachi to always be happy...", the dying woman forced herself to utter her last wish. It was her greatest desire, something she would gladly die for.

The mysterious being chuckled, hearing the wish she chose to ask for.

"Very well. I, the Fool, grant you your wish." The mysterious being snapped his fingers and a bright light assaulted the inside of the church like an explosion. Once the light recessed, a tall and large man with long curly hair burst into the church. He seemed in panic and out of breath, as if he had used every bit of strength to reach this place just a moment sooner.

"Ginny!", the towering figure passed the elderly couple who stood there rooted to the ground and an expression of shock and disbelief in their eyes.

He reached the motionless body lying on the ground with tears and snot smeared across his face.

"No..." He lifted her up in his giant palms, hating himself for having arrived to late. Yet it was the sudden movement of her arms and the flickering of her eyes that broke the man.

"Kumachi...?" Her weak voice, though much stronger than before, felt like a beautiful symphony ringing in his ears. The two locked gazes, so many words they wanted to say to the other yet all that managed to left their mouths were:

""I missed you!""