At the stroke of 12:12 a.m., Nib and Win found themselves seated in the car, the night cloaking them in its velvety embrace. Win's concern weighed heavily on his mind as he turned to Nib.Win's voice was gentle, filled with genuine worry, "Nib, are you absolutely certain you want to go through with this tonight? If you're not feeling up to it, we can postpone."Nib turned to meet Win's gaze, his eyes reflecting unwavering determination.Nib assured him with a soft smile, "Win, I appreciate your concern, but I need to prove that Mew is not the culprit. Besides, I'm feeling perfectly fine now."Win's eyes lingered on Nib, a tender warmth in his gaze as he murmured, "Hymn, Mew is incredibly fortunate to have you by his side."Nib acknowledged the truth in those words with a knowing nod. Then, he posed a question that had been weighing on his mind.Nib's voice was pensive as he spoke, "Win, do you truly believe we can uncover any evidence after a month and a night?"Win leaned back in his seat, contemplating the question. His reply held a glimmer of hope.Win responded, his voice filled with determination, "It's a challenging task, Nib, but I believe there must be something, a clue, a lead, anything that can guide us to the real culprit."With that, Nib took the wheel.Suddenly, as if a whisper of fate, Kimsy's call broke the tranquility of the night. Win's hand reached for his phone, his voice soft and reassuring as he answered, ''Win, where are you? Are you stranded somewhere? Should I come to pick you up?"Win's eyes, still holding Nib's gaze, conveyed a silent reassurance.Win responded with a calming tone, "No, Kimsy, I'm perfectly fine. I'm actually out for some important business... I meant to inform you, but it slipped my mind. Please, don't worry. Get some rest."Kimsy sighed with relief, her voice carrying gratitude.Kimsy replied, "Alright then..."But Win couldn't let her go without expressing his care.Win's voice softened, and he added, "Kimsy..."Kimsy responded with a gentle "Hmm..."Win continued, a tender warmth in his voice, "Have sweet dreams, and thank you."Kimsy's heart warmed at his words.Kimsy whispered her appreciation, "You're so sweet, Win... Take care."The call ended, and as Win turned his attention back to Nib, he was met with a glare that seemed to simmer with discontent.Win chuckled, attempting to ease the tension, "Why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"Nib's expression remained unyielding.Nib confessed, his voice tinged with jealousy, "I don't appreciate it..."Win's brow furrowed in confusion.Win inquired, "Appreciate what?"Nib clarified, his voice a blend of teasing and seriousness, "The way you flirt with Kimsy..."Win couldn't help but roll his eyes in exasperation.Win retorted, "Oh, come on... That's absurd. She's practically the same age as my mother."Nib persisted, unfazed, "Nevertheless, not your mother."Win challenged, "Don't you trust me?"However, Win's expression caused Nib to burst into laughter, dispelling the tension.Nib chuckled and confessed, "Oh, my sweet Win, I was just teasing."Win, feigning indignation, declared, "I'm not speaking to you now."Nib's eyes twinkled with mischief as he implored, "Okay, Win, I'm sorry... Please?"Win relented with a grin.Win teased, "You're lucky I can't stay mad at you for long."Nib chuckled warmly, replying, "I was just kidding.""If I were to admit," Nib spoke with a somber undertone, "that earlier, I wasn't jesting..."Win's laughter subsided, and he regarded Nib with a quiet intensity, a weighty pause lingering between them.As Win and Nib ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, a tense atmosphere enveloped them. Nib finally halted the car, and Win met his gaze, the unspoken connection between them tinged with concern. They had both endured minor scrapes and bruises during their journey, but they refrained from addressing their discomfort, unwilling to inflict emotional wounds upon each other.In silent agreement, Win stepped out of the car, casting a lingering gaze at Nib. Nib, however, didn't open the door for Win, their actions reflecting a shared determination to protect each other's emotions. Without uttering a word, they stepped out of the vehicle.Win, still fixated on Nib, broke the silence, his voice steady and focused, "Let's proceed, Nib. Before Inspector Thai arrives, we need to commence our search."With synchronized determination, they ventured into the jungle, wielding torchlights to pierce the shroud of darkness. An eerie chorus of "Shhh...uuu" sounds whispered in the distance, sending shivers down Win's spine. He couldn't help but tighten his grip on Nib's hand, seeking solace in their unity.In the face of the unsettling sounds, Nib cried out, "Is there anyone?"But their call remained unanswered, and Nib, armed with determination, grasped a branch, using it as a makeshift weapon."Whoever you are, this is your final warning," Nib declared, his voice echoing through the night.As Nib approached a colossal banyan tree, ready to strike, three figures emerged from the shadows: Pit, Nine, and Jian. The unexpected sight of their friends left Nib and Win stunned, their voices raised in unison to inquire about their presence."What are you all doing here?" Win questioned, his bewilderment evident.Jian, however, responded with a tone laced with bitterness, "Why wouldn't we be here? This jungle doesn't belong to Win."Nib's anger flared at the disrespect, and he interjected, "Mind your language."Win, sensing Nib's fierce defense, smiled, relieved to see his lover standing up for him. Jian, softened by Nib's protective stance, let go of some of his resentment, and Nine offered a cautionary reminder."Win, why are you smiling? First, stop Nib."Gathering his thoughts, Win held Nib's hand and implored, "Nib, calm down. His words are just a manifestation of his anger. Don't let them affect you."Pit intervened, seeking to mend the rift, "Win is right. Let's stay together and focus on the mission."With their friendship reaffirmed, they resumed their search, meticulously examining leaves, branches, stones, and every nook and cranny of the jungle. After 25 minutes, Nine's voice cut through the silence, filled with excitement."Come over here, guys! I found something!"Everyone gathered around Nine, but their initial hopes deflated when Jian dismissed the discovery."It's only a small comb. It can't be the evidence."However, Nib couldn't tear his gaze away from the comb, an inexplicable sense of recognition stirring within him. Win, sensing Nib's unease, probed gently."Do you recognize this comb, Nib? Try to remember; it might be a crucial piece of the puzzle."Pit encouraged Nib, saying, "Come on, Nib. You can do it."Before Nib could respond, a beam of white light pierced the darkness, sending shockwaves of anxiety through their group.Win whispered urgently, "Oh God, let's hide. It must be Inspector Thai's jeep. He won't spare us this time."They hastily concealed themselves behind the banyan tree. In a matter of seconds, Inspector Thai and his constables emerged from the shadows, accompanied by Mew. Her presence was unexpected, and it sent a wave of confusion through the group.Jian, driven by his desire to see Mew, disregarded Win's caution."No, you can't stop me."Despite Nib and Nine's attempts to restrain him, Jian broke free and stood before Inspector Thai. Nib's hand, injured in the struggle, found its way into Jian's mouth as they grappled. Win and Nib were lost in their world, seemingly oblivious to the unfolding drama.Jian pushed Nib and Nine aside and confronted Inspector Thai directly. Nib and Nine watched, their hearts pounding in fear, as the situation grew increasingly tense.Then, in a moment of clarity, Win grabbed Nib's hand and urged him to join him."Let's go to the Inspector," Win whispered urgently.Pit, Nib, and Win stepped forward, facing Inspector Thai's wrath. The air was charged with tension, and Inspector Thai glared at them with a mix of anger and frustration.Inspector Thai's voice rumbled, "If Nib and Win are here, step forward."Win and Nib, standing side by side, faced the consequences of their actions, their futures uncertain in the unforgiving gaze of Inspector Thai.