Chereads / In the city of blood [BL] / Chapter 14 - Unveiling the Culprit

Chapter 14 - Unveiling the Culprit


Nib led the assembled group into the heart of the jungle, where a scene of unrestrained brutality unfolded. There, amidst the shadows, lay Pillow...

His form bore the marks of a brutal onslaught as if a relentless assailant had pierced him mercilessly until life waned. A chilling spectacle it was. Twenty minutes elapsed before Inspector Thai arrived on the grim scene...

Shine was already hospitalized. Inspector Thai's fury engulfed his constables, 'Where were you both during this incident? Why was their escapade unnoticed?'

They confessed, 'Sir, at 2:30 am, all seemed calm inside, so we dozed off, unaware of their departure...'

Inspector Thai's voice seethed, 'Very well then, both of you are suspended. My office cannot harbor such lethargy.'

Now, before the lifeless form, Inspector Thai's gaze shifted to Win, who stood stricken. Sensing a presence rushing toward the college, Win dashed forth, trailed closely by Nib, protective instincts ablaze. Pursuing the unseen specter, their search yielded nothing.

As Win ventured indoors, hope dwindled. Beside the washroom, his sorrow weighed heavy, tears welled. Suddenly, the sound of running water reached his ears. Peering into the partially open washroom, he glimpsed a figure, hands under the tap, engaged in a mundane act...

Shock gripped him as he beheld Mew, water streaming over her hands, washing away the stains of blood. His gaze transfixed on the knife she nonchalantly discarded into the commode.

Win grappled with his emotions, uncertain how to steady his thoughts. While pacing the yard, a sudden presence materialized – Nib stood before him. Driven by instinct, Win enfolded him in a wordless embrace.

Nib's voice softened as he said, 'Are you alright? Please, gather yourself. We'll overcome this. The police will apprehend the serial killer.'

Win, tears flowing, could only manage sobs.

Nib tried to console, 'Ah, Win, don't weep. Your tears will bring mine too.' His eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

Win wiped his tears, seeking support. 'I need you by my side. Promise me, you'll stand with me.'

Nib's response was unwavering, 'You don't need promises. I'll be your rock. But first, tell me, did you see anyone inside?'

Win remained silent, a weight upon him. He turned toward the scene, leaving Nib behind, a pensive figure.

Mew arrived, and Nib questioned her, 'Mew, what were you doing in there?'

Mew hesitated, 'Personal matters...'

'Fine, but next time, inform someone. Safety matters,' Nib admonished.

As Win reappeared, his demeanor weighed with a burden. Observing his clenched fists, Nib understood. Win spoke of finding something distressing, a truth he hesitated to share with Nib.

Despite his unease, Win approached Inspector Thai, entrenched in an investigation amidst a media frenzy. Forensic experts combed for evidence.

Win hesitated, 'Sir, crucial information...'

Inspector Thai looked up, intrigued. 'Speak.'

'I know the true culprit,' Win declared.

Shock swept across Inspector Thai's face. 'Who is she? How do you know her?'

Win pointed at Mew.

Stunned silence gripped the crowd. Nib's eyes remained fixed on Win.

Jian protested, 'You're mistaken. I've known her for five years; she can't be involved.'

Nib voiced disbelief, 'Win, there must be a misunderstanding...'

Win persisted, 'No misunderstanding, Nib. I have evidence.'

Mew, her secret likely exposed, remained silent, her eyes welled with tears. Inspector Thai prodded, 'Evidence?'

'What she flushed in the washroom,' Win revealed.

Inspector Thai and his team converged on the university washroom. Among the basin's residue, traces of blood emerged, matching Pillow's. Their search extended to the commode, unearthing the damning evidence.

The revelation elicited shock and revulsion. Mew's appearance belied her sinister nature. She was placed under arrest and led away, protesting her innocence.

Jian implored, 'This can't be true, Win... she can't.'

He turned to Nib, 'Please, Nib, you can convince Win to withdraw the accusation.'

Nib's attempt to intervene was met with rejection; Win walked away, burdened.

Mew's final plea fell on deaf ears as she was led away in the police vehicle. Jian wept, 'Please, she's innocent, Nib. Persuade Win to reconsider.'

Nib reached out to Win's shoulder, but the gesture was shrugged off, Win's steps adrift.

At 6:00 am, Win arrived home and tapped on the door. Kimsy greeted him but he bypassed her, entering his room. Disregarding her inquiry, he disrobed, stepping into the shower...

He wept uncontrollably...