Chereads / Ultimate Greed System / Chapter 12 - Life Choices

Chapter 12 - Life Choices

The next day in the morning Willow volunteered to cook, saying witches were naturally good at it and a homemade breakfast was the best way to get the day going.

It turned out to be a disaster and a fight almost broke out between her and Rose with Rose accusing her of wanting to poison them.

Later that day Cole invited Gabe to the balcony saying they had some important things to talk about.

"So Gabe, what is your next move, if you want, you can stay here for as long as you wish, my house is your house", Cole said.

"Quit the good friend act, Cole", Gabe said.

"What?" Cole asked.

He sighed and continued.

"I'm just trying to be nice you know."

"Stop stalling and just tell me what you want. You want to know what happened back then in the facility when I was killed by Beatrice, but then I magically came back and did a number on her", Gabe said.

"Ok, you got me. To tell you the truth, I know the ancient relic wasn't destroyed but absorbed by you", Cole said.

Gabe's eyes narrowed and his body tensed up for a moment before quickly recovering. He then chuckled.

"I knew something like that wouldn't escape your attention", Gabe said.

"So what is it you want?" Gabe asked.

He placed his hands behind his head and leaned back on the chair he was sitting on.

"Do you want me to hand it over? Are you going to report this to your family?" Gabe asked.

"Stop being paranoid Gabe, I've given you my word already, I am on your side", Cole said.

"Paranoid? Hmmm, one can never be too careful, but then, I gave you the benefit of the doubt so there's no going back now", Gabe said.

"Once again I'm sorry for trying to kill you", Cole apologized.

"Don't sweat it", Gabe said.

"So Gabe, how is it? What does it do? How do you feel? Do you feel stronger?" Cole asked.

"If you are asking about the relic, it is an artifact that when merged with a human, a genetically pure human with no or very little gene percentage of another race, becomes a system that regulates their power", Gabe said.

"And what is this power?" Cole asked.

"It is the power of greed", Gabe replied.

"Isn't greed an emotion, found in all intelligent and even non-intelligent beings, how is it a power?" Cole asked.

"Well, you heard what Beatrice said right, that's just how it is. Humanity is the only race that is extremely greedy, greedy to the core", Gabe said.

"Go on", Cole urged.

"Don't get me wrong, many races are greedy. Dwarves want gold, elves demand absolute respect, dragons also want gold, etc but humans, but humans want it all. Elves also want to rule the world as they want to be revered and respected but humans just love taking", Gabe said.

"You haven't still explained how greed is a power", Cole said.

"You see how we transform into animals when we take the geno serum, that is just part of it. We can go beyond that, we can become elves if we want, dwarves if we want, vampires, altering our genes to become vampires is even easy as they are spawned from human beings, with the help of the greed system of course" Gabe said.

"Greed system?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, I named it that. Moving on. The next superpower derived from greed is our ability to absorb information", Gabe said.

"If everything you said is as it is then why are we sharing the world instead of ruling it?" Cole asked.

"I have no solid answer for that, all I can say is that something happened in the ancient times to reduce us to this state", Gabe replied.

He then went on to tell him about the information he extracted from some of Beatrice's memories when he was sucking her life force away.

"So what are your plans now?" Cole asked.

"Let us meet up with the others, I think they should all be in on this one" Gabe 

After that, they walked into the house and called for everyone's attention.

"What are your plans now, what is it you guys want to do with your lives?" Cole asked.

"You are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish", he added.

Everyone was quiet for a while before Gabe spoke up.

"I want to just have a normal job and earn money. Live a simple life, I basically don't want any drama in my life again. I just want to go to work and receive my paycheck hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. I'm cool with any", Abel said.

"I am going with Abel's plan. That's just how I want to live till the end of my days", Jack said.

Everyone looked at Abel and Jack strangely. Not because of the choices they had just made but because after saying what they wanted to say, they smiled at each other and were now holding hands.

'I guess that's how it is at times. Not that I'm judging as everyone has the right to do what they want to if they are not breaking the law. It's just that, next time give a girl a heads-up first, would you? Well, it's not like I was into them all that much as there's someone I like, but I would have slept with them as my body is behaving strangely in the presence of all these boys. At times they forget they're no longer in the facility again and just walk around half dressed, no, quarter dressed...' Willow thought.

While Willow was lost in thought the others were still talking.

"Well, I want to go to school and get a formal education. Not just that but schools would be a sure way to level up. I want to grow stronger", Gabe said.

"What of you Rose?" He asked.

"I think I also want a simple life, a husband, and a child or two", Rose replied.

Gabe just smiled at her and shook his head. Rose saw this, smiled, and nodded. They already knew their paths diverged from this point.

Willow and Cole followed what Gabe had chosen. Cole then promised to support everyone and help them get started on the paths they had chosen.

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