Chereads / Ultimate Greed System / Chapter 13 - I'm Sorry

Chapter 13 - I'm Sorry

The next day Cole prepared to go back and give his report to his family regarding the mission. He said he would return in a week and with the necessary funds too, to help everyone out.

"You know they don't care about right, your so-called family. They won't even let you bear the family name. I mean, who in their right mind would send a kid who is just thirteen to their death", Gabe said.

"Well, I kind of volunteered", Cole said.

"You volunteered, or you were manipulated into volunteering?" Gabe asked.

"I was, I, I, I guess I was manipulated, in fact at that time I knew I was manipulated, but I also wanted to earn their respect, I wanted them to acknowledge me and stop treating me like an outcast, I wanted them to love me. Also, I thought I would be able to pull it off but it seems I overestimated myself", Cole said. 

"You surely did. Your thirteen-year-old self is an ant compared to the current you. I guess you thought it wouldn't take up to a month for you to be done with the mission. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Cole, a boy who went through four years of torture in a place he thought would be like a vacation", Gabe said

"Fuck you Gabe", Cole said.

"You are welcome", Gabe replied.

"So what were your mission directives?" Gabe asked.

"Get in, acquire the relic, get out, and leave no evidence behind", Cole replied.

"Hence the reason for trying to kill me", Gabe said.

"I am sorry", Cole said.

"Don't sweat it. You have apologized a hundred times and I have forgiven you, but I still don't trust you. Anyway, take this device I whipped up, it will help us find each other in case of unavoidable complications", Gabe said, passing the device to Cole.

Cole scoffed and asked.

"Is this so that you can monitor me, in case I want to double-cross you?"

"I prefer looking at it as a way to ensure you have backup in case your family does you dirty", Gabe replied.

Cole sighed he stood up and turned around ready to move. He took a step before turning back.

"I almost forgot, based on what I've experienced when I take the geno serum, and based on what I have heard from Beatrice and you, I thought all of us would have that hunger to gain more power as the power of greed has been greatly activated in us. I am talking about all of us labeled as specimens. So why is it that the others, Rose, Abel, and Jack all chose to live a quiet and ordinary life?" Cole asked.

"You're basically a biology scientist, and one of the requirements in the field of psychology is knowledge in biology, so that super brain of yours and answer that question yourself, I should be the one asking you not the other way round", Gabe said.

"Well if you ask me, I would say they have finally gotten a chance to blow off some steam. Using the freedom they have gained, they want to have a peaceful life for a change. But its just like how fatigue is cured by a good rest, and then after resting we go back doing what got us tired in the first place. I'm sure that even before the year runs out, they would begin to seek out those thrills they are trying to leave behind", Cole said.

Cole finally left after the little chat he had with Gabe. It was already evening by the time he left.

That evening Abel and Jack decided to try cooking for everyone and it turned out to be good. Turns out Jack could already cook simple meals before he was abducted and sent to the facility, so with the help of a cook book they were able to pull it off.

The night was uneventful but not for Gabe and Rose who had another tryst together, with Rose immediately leaving after the deed was done and the room put back in order by Gabe.

When it was morning the next day, Willow still tried cooking. As expected, no one was willing to try her cooking again except for Gabe, who paid the price for his actions.

He went in and out of the toilet so much that he decided to stay there.

He wondered how she prepared her food because, since the time he had been in the facility up to the point he made a terrible mistake by eating her food, he had never fallen sick. His whole day was filled with pondering and purging.

Willow apologized so much that it became a rap song.

Gabe fought this battle until the next day when he felt better.

"Note to self, never try Willow's cooking ever again, even if you are hungry as fuck. But come to think of it, is she a natural poison alchemy master? Thank you God for helping me to escape death once more", Gabe said.

Gabe then took a bath. After coming out of the bathroom he looked at the mirror and felt he had gained weight. Of course, he was just imagining things.

'Well it doesn't hurt to hit the gym, the one I saw in the house looks pretty standard. Cole's family sure does have a lot of money. Only a group of people with enough money have the time to be conspiring against an innocent kid. Well Cole himself is not innocent again, he has been tainted by his family and the facility, hehehe!!' Gabe thought.

He was about to put on some clothes when the door to his room was opened. It was Willow who had come in, she thought he would still be sleeping because of the extreme loss of energy from purging out his bowels all through the night, and came to check up on him and see how he was doing.

"I'm guessing you came to apologize again. Don't sweat it, it's not your fault", Gabe said.

He waited for Willow to say something but he noticed her face turning red. She then apologized and ran out of the room even going as far as using a movement spell while still screaming I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Over and over again