Chapter 36 - The Storm

Chapter 36. The Storm

After the eventful training at the Greengrass Manor, Harry went directly to Tracey's house to give her the silver necklace.

Teleporting silently into her bedroom, he found her slumped in the bed with her elbows propped over the windowsill.

She was staring out of the window with a wistful gaze, her dull and lifeless eyes directed at the overcast sky.

It was decidedly odd, Harry thought. The Tracey he knew was a lively girl, who was master at putting smiles on everyone's faces and who herself wasn't ever without one.

But in the privacy of her room, she didn't appear like that. At the moment, she was the exact opposite of her cheery self.

There was no hint of a smile on her face, nor was there any mischief in her eyes. Contrarily, she seemed just so… sad and lonely. Totally unlike her usual self. And he was taken aback by that, never having seen her in such a state, never having seen her without a smile. His joy at finally screwing his aunt dissipated at the face of this anomaly.

"Tracey." He called out with a frown, his voice full of wariness. The said girl was startled and snapped her head toward him, her long hair bouncing around her neck. And as soon as she saw him, confusion and happiness swirled in her hazel eyes.

"Harry, What are you doing here? How are you here? My room is locked." She questioned with a confused smile, sliding off the bed and hurrying up to him.

"Magic." He offered with a distracted grin, pulling her into his arms for a brief hug. If she noticed that it was tighter than normal, then she did not mention it.

She giggled sweetly, her brown eyes shining as they disentangled from one another.

And lo and behold, she was back to her bubbly self and the world was right once again.

Although he didn't think he'd ever be able to forget what he had seen earlier.

Her brunette hair fluttering with the moist wind. Her warm hazel eyes brimming with deep sorrow as if she was drowning in the sea and had no wish to fight back, quietly sinking to the bottom.

He wouldn't forget that .

But now was not the time for that.

"Fine. Magic does answer how you came inside the room. Even if it creeps me out that I don't know what magic." She gave out a dramatic shudder, her lips twitching with mirth, "But why are you here?"

"Careful. You are starting to sound like you don't want me visiting you." Ignoring her and not allowing her to respond, Harry walked to her bed and climbed into it before moving toward the window. He smiled as the cool breeze washed over him.

It was going to rain, he mused idly. There was a certain earthy smell in the air that made it obvious.

Tracey and her mother lived in the muggle side of London, unlike the general magical population. And the two resided in a flat on the tenth floor, in the less busy part of the city.

It was a tall building, at least compared to usual magical abodes. That was why he wasn't surprised when a howling gale whistled through his hair, almost knocking him down on his arse.

"Hey! don't lean out too much or you'll become a red paste on the ground." Tracey said worriedly, joining him in the bed, perching her chin on the windowsill beside his face. He was amused and touched when she clutched the back of his shirt so he wouldn't fall out of the window.

"Don't worry. I'll just fly away if I mistakenly tumble." Harry chuckled, placing his own arm around her shoulder to fight off the irrational fear of her being whisked away by the malicious wind.

Now, why did that give him a deep sense of déjà vu?

"You don't have a broom, silly." She smiled, rolling her eyes and bumping her hip against his as they kneeled over the window together.

"True for normal wizards. But I'm not one of them. I don't need a broom." He replied mock-haughtily.

"Of course, the Hogwarts Prodigy can fly without the help of a broom. I'm sorry for doubting your abilities, your highness." She gasped theatrically, not believing him in the least.

Harry frowned and slowly stood up on the bed.

"Please tell me you're not going to jump out of the window to show me your new magical flying ability." Tracey asked sarcastically, looking up from where she was settled on her knees, though her concern didn't go unnoticed as she latched onto his leg with her arm.

"Exactly that. But you're joining me too. Let's go out and fly, Tracey." He shrugged, offering his hand.

Like any normal person, she shot him a disbelieving look. "No offence, but I'm not suicidal."

"Neither am I." He said, snorting. "I just learned how to fly this summer from one of my family books. Come on, you'll love it. You trust me, don't you?"

"Not really, no." The brunette answered, but did take his hand and let him pull her up on her feet.

"That hurts." He pouted.

"I know. I am a bit of a sadist." She quipped, smiling, though still not absolutely sure about his claim. "Just so you know, if we both die, I'll haunt your ghost forever."

"Nope. I agreed only to 'till death do us part'. After that, I'm a free soul." He smirked as her cheeks lit up with a blush.

"Did you just propose to me? Take me on a date first, you cheapskate." She bantered, but her sputtering and flustered look had already declared her loser in this verbal spar.

She hadn't honestly expected that. She had to give him points where it was due, for making her metaphorically trip.

"Aw, you are so cute when you are all red and shy. I might take you on a date for just that." Harry said condescendingly, patting her cheeks.

"You paedo!" She retorted, trying to headbutt his chin since that was as far as she could reach without standing on her toes. And she definitely wasn't going to actually stand on her toes in front of an open window. That was like asking for an accident.

"Ha! You are the one who's older than me by a few months. Don't take out your anger on me because you're short." He easily dodged her attack and slipped behind her. Wrapping his arms beneath her chest he quickly and abruptly flew out, successfully managing to shut her up.

He was glad that he had used the 'Notice-Me-Not' charm on them because the next instant Tracey was screaming and flailing her legs.

In hindsight, it wasn't a smart move to fly her out without a warning.

Oh well, she'll calm down eventually, he thought with a grin.

She did after two minutes, realising that they were actually flying without the use of a broom. She relaxed into him, her grip on his forearms loosening slightly. She was awed as he took them above the tall buildings. For a moment, she really thought she could raise her hand and touch the dark rain-filled clouds.

She took it all in. The artificial beauty of this concrete city with hints of greenery sprinkled in between.

The sounds of vehicles and pedestrians here were so muted that it was almost silent. Although she could have done without the smoke exhaust accumulating and trying to mimic the clouds.

She wasn't sure how long she remained silent, but she spoke up once the first raindrop fell down the nape of her neck, making her shiver against Harry.

"It's raining." She mumbled in wonder, feeling disappointed that their flying session was going to end. But Harry snapped his fingers and they were suddenly inside a transparent sphere where no water reached them.

She gasped in amazement as she looked down on the streets as they were blanketed by thundering rainwater. As the intensity of the rain increased, the winds calmed down, letting them be bombarded by the pitter-pattering of the raindrops striking against the city.

It was beautiful.

One of the most beautiful sights she would ever see, as the city lights blinked and blurred through the haze of the rainstorm and as the pleasant petrichor filled up their nostrils.

It was really beautiful.

"We should go back." Harry shouted in her ear over the noise of the rushing rain.

She shook her head and yelled back, "Five more minutes."

She smiled happily as he nodded and hugged her closer. Sighing as she was cocooned in the inexplicable melancholy, she closed her eyes and let the sounds of loud rainfall submerge her being.

They both climbed into her room through the window, as dry as they were before the rain, and sat on the edge of the bed side by side. Harry didn't complain when she dropped her head on his shoulder. Instead, he placed his arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Are you okay, Tracey?" He asked softly.

"Yes… Maybe… I don't know." She murmured, hiding her face in his neck and coiling her arms around him.

"Can I do anything to make you feel better?" He asked again.

"Well, buy me a house where I don't have to listen to my mother's poisonous words anymore." She half-joked and felt him stiffen.

"Is she abusive?" He whispered dangerously.

"She doesn't beat me if that's what you are asking." She said with a quivering smile, falling back on the bed and dangling her legs over the edge, swinging them whimsically.

Harry could tell that she was trying so hard not to cry from the way her lips were moving. Opting to lay down beside her, he rolled on his side and pulled her closer so he could spoon her.

Tracey readily melted against him, pressing her back against his chest and drawing her knees to her stomach in a foetal position. She smiled sadly when she felt him squeeze her affectionately.

"You know I ranked in 'Top 10 Students Of The Year' recently?" She whispered quietly, almost too quietly.

Harry gave her another squeeze. "Of course. I am so proud of you. We are so proud of you. We never thought that you'll be able to achieve that. But you somehow did."

She let his praise warm her a little. "I couldn't have done that without Daphne. She was a true slavemaster, but I loved her for that. I almost thought that it would change something. That if I prove I'm smart and studious then she'd love me."

Harry had an idea what she was talking about but remained silent, letting her talk. He heard her sniffle and he tightened his hold, pulling her as close as he could.

"I brought the copy of that to her as soon as I came home, to show her that I was one of the best." She let out a watery chuckle. " I don't care. She had said in the most apathetic tone."

She shook in his arms and he knew that she was weeping. She didn't make a single sound while crying. The usually boisterous Tracey was a silent crier. Maybe because even if she sobbed and screamed, her mother wouldn't have cared.

It made him realise how lonely she must feel in this flat, so close to her mother and yet so far away. It made him understand why she wasn't too enthusiastic about coming home from Hogwarts.

She rolled over and looked at him with a tear-stained face. " I wished you would just die so I can start afresh. She said today and I just smiled and threw a sarcastic comment in return. Because I know that my tears wouldn't mean anything to her. But somehow my smiling face always irks her."

Tracey said hoarsely and ended up crying again. And this time she didn't try to suppress her voice as she sobbed, baring her raw pain to him, exposing her hurt to him. Maybe because she hoped he would care.

Harry's face was a blank mask, a calm ocean beneath which the most explosive volcano stirred in anticipation, needing just a small reason to destroy everything. He rubbed her back soothingly as she clung to him, weeping uncontrollably, trying to muffle her hiccuping cries against his chest.

Harry let her cry her heart out and just hugged her back, knowing no words would be able to give meaning to her grief. He didn't know how he'd have been able to live if his mum was like that. How do you survive when your only parent hates you with all their being?

He didn't know. He was thankful for that.

When she finally ran out of steam and relaxed, all her hurt seemingly seeped out through the tears, Harry pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Let's go home."

Tracey looked at him with wide eyes as he jumped out of the bed and waved his arm. All her things gathered neatly on the floor before him. Her clothes. Her school books. Her everything.

He touched the pile and stored it in his Inventory. Turning his head to look at the shocked expression on her face, he said, "Do you want me to kill your mum?"

The heartbroken girl couldn't believe her ears. "What?"

"Do you want me to kill your mum? Maybe torture her before we give her the sweet release of death? Or do you want to do it yourself?"

"What? No! Stop it, Harry. I don't want you to do that. I don't want her to be killed. I just want to never see her again." Tracey yelled dazedly, not knowing how Harry could say that and mean it. She could tell from his eyes that he meant every single word.

But Tracey wasn't Daphne, who was ruthless, or Iris, who would ignore all his atrocities and join him just because he was her twin. No, this was Tracey. The kind and sweet one of their group, who abhorred killing, who even disliked Red Grim for butchering the worst of the criminals.

Harry didn't understand her. Not one bit. Her mentality annoyed him greatly. But he wasn't going to argue morals with her at the moment when she was tired from all her crying.

"Fine. Go, say your goodbyes then. I'll wait here for you."

"Are you—"

"Yes, I'm sure that I want you to leave this hellhole and live with me."


"Tracey, please don't argue. I'm so angry at the moment that I might just blow up your mum to blow off some steam."

She scurried out of the door and came back a minute later. "She gave her blessings. Thank God. She said." Tracey mumbled sarcastically, wiping her tears.

Harry nodded and offered his arm. Smiling again, she crashed into him and hugged him firmly. She offered him a big kiss on the cheek before grabbing his hand.

"Thank you, Harry."

She was surprised when she felt a necklace settle around her neck.

"What's this?"

"The reason I came to you in the first place." He smiled, caressing her hair. At her curious look, he explained the functions of the necklace and she couldn't help but look at him disbelievingly.

Then again, Harry had flown earlier on his own without needing a broom.

How much could she depend on common sense regarding him?

She would keep an open mind and try not to scoff at his claims. That was all she could give him. A chance to prove her wrong.


Lily and Iris had been very sympathetic after he brought Tracey to Potter Manor. They were quickly onto her, hugging her, kissing her, and consoling her. It brought a small smile to his face as she stuttered and blushed and convinced them that she was really alright.

Unfortunately, Harry had work to do. He had to briefly go away to distribute the other silver necklaces to his remaining family.

While Neville hadn't believed his words in the beginning, he happily put on the necklace without a fuss because it was a gift from his best friend, and it would be very disrespectful if he didn't wear it that very instant. Neville had been then embarrassed because Harry hugged him affectionately, smiling at his awkwardly sweet friend.

Aunt Alice had just chuckled fondly at them and had offered him a big hug and a kiss for being 'adorable'. He would have usually enjoyed her big round breasts squashed on his chest more if he wasn't in such a bad mood.

Harry was grateful that she hadn't tried to ask how he was able to do all these new things. Like teleporting through the powerful ancient wards or imbuing legendary charms in pieces of jewellery. She hadn't raised a single question, opting to just smile at him and say 'we'll talk later'. Apparently, she had been able to read his mood and didn't want to nag him.

Since Sirius and Remus were still miraculously in London, Harry hadn't needed to go all the way to the Caribbeans to part with the protective necklaces.

Even there, Padfoot had been unnaturally serious and had taken his words with only a pinch of doubt. Although, he too had said that they would have a talk sooner than later.

Remus had been customarily silent, just listening to their conversation with raised eyebrows.

Harry bid them farewell and returned home.


Tracey was given a guest room to stay in for as long as she wanted. The Potter Manor already had too many unoccupied rooms, so her taking one wasn't even a bother.

The twins led her to her new room and helped her arrange all her things and make it feel more homely.

Tracey was burning to ask him how he suddenly had the ability to fly or how he made things appear and disappear. But she put a lid on her curiosity and concentrated on decorating her room. There were more pressing concerns than her friend's secret powers.

She would have to think about how to move forward in her life. She couldn't just live on the Potters' generosity after all. She didn't want to be a freeloader. But what was she to do? She was just a thirteen-year-old girl, she couldn't just go out and ask for a job. No one would take her seriously. And if unlikely she got a job, it definitely wouldn't be an appropriate one.

She didn't think Harry would approve of her selling her body. She snorted loudly, finding it funnier than she should have. She just hoped she wouldn't end up in hysterics again, sobbing was a tiring task and she was already running on fumes. So, there goes the last option for any underage girls who want to make quick cash. Not that she was really considering it.

At the dinner, all her questions were answered.

"No, you don't need a job."

"No, you don't need to worry about your Hogwarts fees or any other expenses. I'll take care of them."

"No, you can't become a maid of Potter house to repay me. Harry and Iris will never talk to me again if I let you do this."

"Also no, you don't have to become my son's concubine. Harry, stop ogling her. It's not going to happen."

"Iris, smack your brother."

"No, you can't become Iris' concubine or servant either. Iris, stop with that evil scheming look. It's not going to happen."

"Harry, smack your sister."

"Tracey dear, you really don't have to pay me back."

"Oh for God's sake. You can't become my concubine either. I'm not into girls. Definitely not into barely developed teenage girls."

"Fine! You can pay me '100 million pounds' once you become an adult."

"No, you can't call me goddess, but you can call me mum!"

All in all, it had been the best dinner conversation she ever had. She hadn't laughed so hard in a long while. And bantering with mum was similar to joking with Harry. It was certainly entertaining.

She went to sleep with the biggest smile.


Harry opened his eyes and broke his fake act of sleeping. Beside him was his mother, in her naked glory and thoroughly tired after their sex. Hmm, they might need to be more careful from now on since Tracey would live with them. Pushing away the thoughts of tomorrow, he focussed on the well of rage that had been frothing in his core.

Gently untangling his arms from around her middle, he scooted away so he wasn't pressed behind her anymore. That was way harder than he thought it would be.

He already missed the heat and the softness of her arse cheeks flushed on his crotch.

Quietly, he slid off the bed and stood up, glancing at her, taking one last chance to admire his mother's beautiful nude form. Before he could get an erection and be tempted to wake his mother up for another round of sex, he teleported back to his room.

He was caught off guard when he found Iris sitting on the edge of his bed in a black hoodie and black trousers. She also had her shoes on as she swayed her legs back and forth.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a groan, somehow already knowing how this conversation would end.

"I was waiting for you. I knew you'd like to pay Tracey's mother a visit. So, here I am. Now get ready. We'll go there together. Or do you want to have some fun before work?" She asked with a sly smile and jumped off the bed, posing for him and staring at his naked body with hunger.

Harry shook his head and took out the Red Grim costume from his Inventory. "Later. Although what'd have you done if I had teleported directly there without coming here first?"

She chuckled as he put on his white bottoms and white hoodie. "So why didn't you?"

She sauntered toward him knowingly and placed her hands on his chest, running them up and down his torso, looking at him expectantly.

"Because I knew that you'd already be aware of what I was going to do tonight." He said softly, answering her question and bringing his arms around her and pulling her closer, pecking her head. He loved how she giggled happily and for a moment all his anger vanished away, replaced by his unbridled love for her.

"Good. You are learning, dear brother of mine." She whispered, kissing him soundly on the mouth, pressing herself into him, and draping her hands on his body. She just smiled smugly in the kiss and sucked on his tongue as he cupped her perfect rump and gave it a squeeze.

Before they could lose themselves in each other like they normally did, she pushed him off with a reluctant grin. "Enough. Or we won't be able to leave."

"True." He smirked and gave her the mask.

Iris nodded and got serious, attaching the plain black mask over her face and adopting her 'Black Grim' persona.

Harry placed his own red mask over his face, wearing his 'Red Grim' persona.

"Let's go." Harry offered his hand, his ominous mechanical voice filling the room. Iris took his arm in hers and they teleported into Tracey's former home.


"Hello, Junior. Long time no see. And you have brought your sister too."

Harry was shocked to see the Creator himself standing in the living room of the flat.

Their masks suddenly disappeared, showing their faces.

The lights turned on with the snap of his fingers and they came face to face with a terrified half-naked woman bound in a chair.

The Creator, the strongest being, stood leaning over the said chair with his elbows resting on its backrest.

Harry quickly stepped before his sister, trying to hide his fear and apprehension, and asked, "What are you doing here, Creator?"

Iris stiffened behind him, realising who this familiar man was. She had been stunned when she saw him. He had looked so similar to her Harry, that for a second she thought he was her brother from the future.

But Creator or not, she wouldn't let anyone hurt Harry. Not on her watch. She pulled out her White Sword with a flourish and felt herself brim with unadulterated power.

"Iris, no. Sheath your sword." Harry yelled, pushing her behind him.


"Sheath your damn sword!" He hissed angrily and she reluctantly let the legendary sword turn back into a simple bracelet.

"Aah! So cute, Iris. Trying to protect your brother with your life. You remind me so much of my beloved sister. Although unlike you, she wasn't my twin but was a year younger than me." The Creator smiled wistfully, unaffected by her aggressive stance. For him, these two were mere ants that were more amusing than threatening.

"You had a sister?" Iris couldn't help but ask. She hadn't ever given much thought about the Creator's past. He seemed just like a typical evil douchebag from how her brother had painted him.

Neither had Harry, it seemed since he too was curious to know more about his counterpart.

"Yes, of course. She was my sister, my best friend, and my lover. Exactly what you are to your brother. But alas, just like my other wives, she too chose death in the end and left me behind. Hmm, it's making me so nostalgic. Daphne and Tracey, my first companions. Astoria, my rude little sister in all but blood. And then there was Fleur, my beautiful fiery student obsessed with becoming strong. How quickly the time flew by. It feels just like yesterday when I fucked her in the Room of Requirement for her first time, but no, years have passed since then. At least, I still have Jasmine, my last true companion." Creator smiled fondly, but the twins could feel his hurt leaking through the voice.

"I'm sorry about their deaths." Iris said sympathetically. It was really difficult to be wary of him when he looked and sounded so similar to her brother. Was it crazy that she wanted to go over and hug him, that she wanted him to cry over her shoulder?

"Don't worry, dear. My sister lasted the longest. She was at my side for almost 1 billion years before she couldn't ignore the call of death anymore and went for rebirth. I'm so proud of her. Don't feel too sorry for this old man." He chuckled warmly, looking like in his early 20s.

Harry was curious about how mellow the Creator was acting in the presence of Iris. It was odd if a bit less disconcerting. He definitely wasn't complaining. The nostalgic Creator was far better than an annoyed one.

"Still, she should have remained with you. I can't think of ever leaving my Harry alone." His twin mumbled with a frown, her eyes filling up. Harry took her hand and squeezed it, seeing how bothered she was by this.

"It doesn't work like that, dear. Humans aren't meant to last this long. None of my immortal human wives lasted for more than a hundred thousand years. Compared to them, my sweet little Iris was a miracle, clinging to me even when all she wanted was to die. So, please don't insult her, okay? You'll face the same problem sometime in the future. I'll be curious to see how long you can stay by your twin's side when all of your soul seeks the comfort of death." It was the Creator's turn to sound sympathetic as he looked at Iris with pity.

"NO! I'll be with Harry for all eternity. I'll never leave him. I'll never betray him." Iris screamed at the lord of the multiverse, her green eyes burning with anger. But where normally he would kill the pesky beings who'd try to shout at him, Iris Potter wasn't the same as others.

He wouldn't kill her for just losing her cool. She was an alternate version of her sister. And also the twin of his probable future partner. It wouldn't do any good to hurt her for something so minor.

Harry hugged Iris as she sniffled on his chest, having gotten a brand new phobia. He scowled at his senior. "Was that really necessary?"

"While ignorance is bliss. I didn't want to keep your sister in the darkness. You both should be aware of the boons and curses of immortality. As you already know, a being is made up of three things. Body, Soul, and Mind. Now, remember what Voldemort had said to you on Halloween. Body, the physical element which allows us to interact with physical reality. Mind, the sense of consciousness which allows us to enjoy physical reality. And lastly, the soul, the immortal unique energy which binds the mind with the body

"Now what you don't know is that after death, after the destruction of the body, Mind and Soul merge and become something else temporarily. A Stained Soul, where the soul still has a sense of self, where it still has its memories of the past life. But eventually, the soul becomes pure and loses its sense of self and all its previous memories.

"Once it becomes blank, it is reincarnated where it will gain Mind and Body again. Where it'll regain a sense of new self and new memories. And thus the cycle of life and death is repeated.

"The time a Stained Soul takes to become pure is called Afterlife. And this is where the other lowly minor gods come in. Hades, Hel, Yamaraj, Anubis, and all the other thousands of gods of the dead, rule over the Stained Souls and offer them pleasure or pain depending on how they have lived in their life, that is until they are pure again. And when they become blank, they naturally reincarnate into the multiverse and no gods could interfere with this. Not even me, the strongest being in existence. While I'm the most powerful God in the multiverse, there is still the Natural Order, that governs souls and the working of the world. Although it isn't sentient like me. So, no need to worry about it."

Harry and Iris digested this huge dump of information, their minds whirling with possibilities. Still, it didn't answer their question.

"It still doesn't explain why I can't be with my brother forever." Iris whispered quietly.

The Creator nodded. "True. So, let me enlighten you. All humans and most other beings have half Death and half Life in them. Meaning, their very soul is designed for them to seek life and death. As time passes, the Death in them increases to the point where their bodies degrade and they achieve death.

"Now, even if you make humans immortal, their souls don't change. Even when their bodies are secured from the ravages of time, their soul isn't. So, Iris, when you become an immortal human, it won't change the way Natural Order works. You'll desire death, like any old human, and at one point the want will become so strong that you can't do anything but bow before the Natural Order and accept your end. That's what happened with my wives. And that might happen to you too."

With his every word, Iris was falling deeper into despair, the thought of being torn away from her brother was physically painful.

"There must be some way to escape that." Harry said stubbornly.

"Fortunately, there is."

"And what's that?"

"Now, now, I can't tell you everything right this instant. When the time is right, I'll help you like I always do. For now, how about we pay attention to our esteemed guest? What was her name again, ah, yes, Vivian Davies." Creator chuckled, placing his arms on the bound woman's shoulders and squeezing them.

"What are you doing here, Creator?" Harry repeated his earlier question.

"I'm just bored and wanted to see how my future partner would get back at their enemies. I promise I won't interfere. I'll just observe from here and see how disappointing or surprising you are. And Iris dear, sleep. You don't have the stomach for this." He answered, walking away from the woman and conjuring a throne near them. Then he took his seat and waved at him to have a go, pulling out a bucket of popcorn from somewhere.

Iris was already slumped down on the ground, sleeping peacefully on a blanket.

Harry scowled at him.

"Don't worry. She is just sleeping. I didn't want you to hold back because of her. Now go on, impress me."