Chapter 9 - System(2)

This pattern and design, isn't it from the game I confiscated from Andrey? Arrival of hell...

"How to survive the arrival of hell?"

What was the game's story again? Come on brain! 

Oh, yesss! Awakening, awakening and affinity. I should 

"Blegh!" Wouldn't even dare to think about what had find it's way into her mouth.

She couldn't believe she had lost concentration, at that in a war zone.

'Such a novice mistake that it can make the mighty wolf king come out of the grave his not in' she thought while blaming everything on the damn destroyed fire core of hers. 

Some people may say it's not relevant. They might say not having a core can not impact ones brain and that she is just blaming everything on her physical handicap.

However to her defense, it has had a big impact on her brain. Before losing her core, she had never done a mistake like this. Not the she who, ever since born, has been told that mistakes cost one, their life. 

It even had an impact on her sanity. The sanity that some people think she never had to begin with, and some people believe she had sold it off to devil for a few more days to live..

No one ever understands. Like she never understood.

Just how bad can it be? kind of filtered thoughts is the thoughts she had before her fire core being destroyed, on top of her illness. Hypocritical ones. Ones that hit those it haven't hit.. Not quit yet!

Those filters, she used to own one. Those that you can only view others with, but just show you. The magical mirror filters. The ones that poisonously visper:

" Oh you great one! You are the most courageous in this entire one dimensional world of mine!

Even if I am a mere mirage, your difficulties are so big, were they scars, I had been full of wounds!

Oh you the living portrait of courage!

An rational way of seeing the world that insane people like her lose. A world that was invisible to her. A way of rational view, that was destroyed. A rationality she had kept having despite all odds.

Her core was her everything. She could feel it had mend her shattered mind to her smashed body. Her fire core was like her engine. Her second heart that kept her brain working.

Coming back to her senses, she tried to pull out her foot that was stuck in one of the body piles, something cold like a snake fastened around her ankel. So she pulled even harder.

Her foot gradually and painstakingly come out. She was expecting her foot to be stuck to a rope or something but what come out was a human. A human that was gripping her ankle as if it's life depended on it.

Well, to be fair it did. 

"It is kind of impressing how you were alive almost one feet under corpses but could you release my foot now?", it fastened its grip.

As she was kicking the pile of blood off her feet, the dungeon manager started talking again.

Now, she know he wasn't hades or anyone of that caliber. Managers, a group of people she had set the system to hire six months in advance before the day. A group of software ingeniers set to manage the dungeons or more accurately keep an eye on the amount of monsters and their arrival rate. More like guards looking at the dungeons through a monitor or game developers looking out for bugs.

" Ahem, it's dungen manger speaking. I was kind of worried by your laughter but it seems that you are still sane."

"Students, there is only 5 minutes left, hurry up and go to a higher floor."

"The higher floor, the weaker monsters are.! "

"Meanwhile, I find you a way to get out without having to deal with the floor bosses."

He sounded as if he was the one going to die. Her employee was for sure a softy.

"Don't you dare die, wasting my worker benefit spells!"

Mystery resolved. Looked like her dumb worker hadn't taken this situation seriously and given up his limited worker benefits to keep this Parasite with a tight grip alive, at that, under a pile of bodies. Most have lost all her benefits by now.

Such busy body. If her guess is right, he has a younger sibling of the same age as this human parasite, now, hanging from her knees.

Judging from his emotional behavior, he, himself is just around 23 years old. No erfaren wise man, after seeing this Chaos, would throw such survival means at other.

System or survival system, an app she made after she lost her fire core. The fire core that was the only reason she could move her body despite having a powerful Ice core containing the most horrifying ice, the hot ice. An ice powerful enough to break through the hardest of metals. A power that sent chill to her enemies. A power that antagonized her own body and was slowly killing her.