Chapter 6 - Lucid Dream(1)

'Am I robbed? '

Now that it was bright outside, she saw an empty of anything store.

She tried to remember the previous day's events. Hopping to find a clue about how the store got this empty without her realizing it. 

'I went to sleep. I woke up remembering I had forgot ordering some necessities for my villa. Wanted to order some things, but the internet didn't work.

Some kind of holographic window showed up in front of me, showing a weird shop. I searched for some necessary equipment for survival in the countryside and ordered lots of things.

A dozen cartoons of pasta, ramen, rice, beans, potatoes and onions. In addition, also ordered some toolboxes, first aid kits, knives, candles, lighters, culinary items and many other items. Even bought agricultural tools, a sewing machine and tools for various hobbies...'

Her brain finally started to wake up. 

"Wait a minute! Why did I even buy that many things? I can't even take care of already-grown plants and I had bought a lot of things already. I do not even know how to use a sewing machine."

She continued mumbling to herself as she held her pulsing head with her both hands.

"I had even ordered a special first-customer discounted baseball bat with some fancy name made of some unknown material as a present. If you ask me I don't even know to whom."

Reality struck her, she was lured by that vicious website with it's blinding offers making people believe they need things they don't. Worst of all she paid everything in gold currency, meaning nothing left of her store's sale budget. 

"Which website even requires gold payment?" She asked miserably with an about to cry voice. It came as such a shock to her. She was rubbed and scammed at the same time. 

" That is why I should never drink. No was it??!! I was thirsty and I blindly opened a drink and then went to sleep again."

Memories rushed to her head, like a storm that does nothing good other than making ruins.

"Well, at least their delivery service was quite good not only did they deliver the goods before midnight, but they even offered to transfer the goods together with everything else in the shop into a multidimensional inventory." She said looking at the empty store again.

That resolves, at least the mystery of emptiness of the store.

'OH MY GOD! I knew I was always slow to understand, but isn't this just another level of dumbness? Only because I was sleepy, I messed up yet again.No one to blame but myself.

I knew when I was in three conditions I should never do anything. First, when drunk second when sleepy and third when hungry. Yesterday, I happened to be in all of those conditions. I lost almost all of my assets to buy random stuff.

Then, as if that wasn't enough I was even rubbed off everything else in my store.'

" Even dogs aren't this stupid", she sighed.

"Are there any boundaries to my stupidity? How can I never learn? How could I drink when my arrogant son is an example of my drunken stupidity? After having a baby at sixteen with my nemesis and living a whole 18 years under his grandmother's torture, how in the world could I touch that cursed liquid again?" She cried to herself.

Not that his grandmother worked her to death or she wasn't showered with money. It is just that she just hated her for ruining her son's life and made sure to remind her of that every damned single day!

Maybe it would have been better if his Grandmother had tortured her. That way maybe she would have become more careful. She indeed is a airhead who can't fathom anything other than study books or physical chores.

 Angela even remembered insisting on also transferring some random huge egg, which happened to be next to her on the armchair, claiming that it was hers. Remembering how the egg was pulsating maybe she should be thankful they get rid of it!

Angela was still sobbing from inside when her mind and view of the outside were both blocked. She could feel acid coming up as she held her mouth as hard as she could. Even though there was no voice, the graphics were too top-notch and she also could feel the pillar vibrate while heavy objects were smashed into it.

 A huge dark green monster had smashed a woman's head open. Her brain had stopped working as she, completely shocked, looked at the mix of brain, blond hair and crimson-red liquid.

If she had the slightest doubt about these things being a reality now she didn't. She couldn't even think about her lost assets anymore, not even about her messy family life, about the damn appointment that was meant to only be attended by one or her arrogant child. No, thinking again, even in this kind of situation, she is still angry at him and of course, she still blames his jerk father, for his behavior.

 Angela was in the middle of deciding her priorities when suddenly the pillar's glass wall shattered with a loud sound.

'Seems like hades has really sent for me! Will there even be a need for that appointment?'

As she barely covered her head with her hands, she felt glass bits piercing into her body. To make things worse an additional weight landed on top of her and all she could do before falling unconscious was wishing it was not her end.

'I wish it is one of my Lucid Dreams, where I get harm but still wake up and survive. I wish I am not Angela, the weak villainess, but Angela the heiress of Glacies..'

If this was a story, she, for sure, wasn't the protagonist. Parallel with her falling into the world of unconsciousness, a window massage opened in front of the entire earth's population.

[System loading..]

An otherworldly voice filled the entire shopping:

" 1, 2. 1, 2, 3. Do you have my voice?"

"Ahem, this is dungeon management, as per the rules of the GBM, we inform citizens that this place has been targeted by the 00-00 what? Why is the name so tacky? Oh, how I hate the system! 00-00-BigManagmentBranch to become a dungeon". 

Then, the voice sounded even more indifferent than it already did and with a tired voice added:" 12 hours and 42, 41,... seconds", "yawn.. until the arrival of the boss monsters and the complete fusion of the dungeon with this building ."

"Yawn, you can find more information about the dangers of fusion and boss monsters danger level in the dungeons information booklet." 

Like the voice could see through the confusion of those inside the building, giving a feeling it was looking into the eyes of the listener said: "In short, if you want to live, you have to escape the dungeon before the time is up".

"Ah, a kind reminder! As you have already seen, there won't be any resurrections in this dungeon, so don't die uselessly"

" As of now we still don't have the carnivore monsters, and the cleanup will be a headache"

"So think of it as helping the environment, and die outside. please! "

After some time, as if it had remembered something, it hurriedly said:" Oh, oh, and please tell your fellow people that this dungeon will be a SSSSS+ difficulty one, don't push your luck by coming here! and raise dungeons cleaning cost".

The voice left the horrified people, as it reluctantly murmured: "Such a shame, only if the budget was a bit higher, we could have added cleaning to the dungeons reset program.."