Chereads / Making a harem after transmigrating / Chapter 60 - Celestina's cultivation

Chapter 60 - Celestina's cultivation

Evan loosened his embrace on her while saying that. His action made Lyra's heart filled with dread, suddenly the fear of losing Evan filled her heart and she blurted,


She hugged him even more tightly. Being so close to Evan, he could hear her racing heart, she was really afraid to lose him.

To comfort her, Evan also hugged her while rubbing her back, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay, relax. I am not going anywhere."

Lyra calmed down after a while but kept on hugging Evan. They both stayed in the same position for a few minutes, after a brief moment, Evan spoke again,

"Good now?"

Lyra just nodded her head without saying anything.

"Hmm, then you promise that you won't try to do anything weird again?" Evan asked again.

But this Lyra didn't speak a word. Evan sighed inwardly, he had to do a little blackmailing once again.

"If you don't accept then..."

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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