Chapter 49 - 49

"YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!" Kaminari screeched so loudly that we could hear him across the gym and I shook my head at Kacchan. The fact that Kaminari is a pervert isn't an excuse to make him screech curses that he almost never uses other than to mutter when he has been focusing for too long on homework he doesn't understand.

"Did you really tell him?" I asked curious, I mean he would learn soon enough but still. What did Kacchan pull up on his phone?

"I pulled up the article on the ethics or lack of them from that country in particular and the "accused" crimes they were guilty of," he smirked at me. "He was going to learn sooner or later anyway." How did he use the… Right the quirk. He can hear most of my thoughts I think.

"Just remember you did this to yourself when he comes to ask questions about those crimes," I smiled at him. He misses his friends, this time around it's been nice but at the same time it feels like there was a barrier between us because we are already licensed heroes and they aren't. It's unpleasant. Uraraka and Iida don't talk to me nearly as much as before and now that Kacchan and I are the class president and vice president it's only made things harder. It has been easier in regards to the fact that when we are gone on missions we elected Iida and Momo to be our stand ins but it's not the same.

"I miss our friends too," I sighed and he gave me a sad look in return. We stayed silent as we reset our planks and focused until Kacchan yawned.

"Dad? Kacchan and I have patrols later. Can we be done so we don't overdo it?" I called out and All Might looked up surprised at first until his surprise turned into shock.

"I thought you were coming home for dinner? Katsuki should you be patrolling at all? Your mothers-,"

"Dad, it's okay. We will be home early and Kacchan is fine. Don't make it into something it isn't," I groaned and Kacchan chuckled but then yawned again and I think Dad figured out why I asked in the first place.

"You're right, sorry I was too caught up in my head. Go sit in the stands and rest for the remainder of class," he waved us off and I wanted to roll my eyes at him but I didn't. The fact that he is so worried about us leaves me feeling warm inside.

Kacchan didn't waste any time either, the moment I was seated comfortably he laid his head in my lap and covered his eyes and I was able to run my fingers through his hair. We really do have a patrol tonight, we are supposed to give Sir Nighteye a hand with his district, mostly because we basically flushed out the Yakuza, according to Kacchan anyway but I don't regret it. I'm just happy that Eri is safe and sound and somehow more so now that we are expecting a baby of our own.

The fact that I don't remember what happened doesn't really matter. Not to me anyway. Kacchan will tell me if anything happened that I would need to know about, so it's okay.

I ran my fingers through his feather soft hair and watched as his mouth relaxed into a smile that could stop my whole world. It didn't take long for his features to relax and with his arm over his eyes it didn't take much for me to know that he was fast asleep. I carefully set a hand on his belly, letting the fingers of my other hand tangle and play with his hair still and gently hummed.

Our baby is in there, I mean sure it's far too early for them to hear me but still. We are having a baby. More than thirty years old and- No. We are sixteen, not thirty, or thirty-one. Why is it so hard to keep that in mind? We've already been back for a little more than a year so it really shouldn't be this hard but our friends who always acted childish before only seem like babies compared to then. It's hard to take them seriously for long.

*Cough cough cough* I looked up to see a red faced Iida clearing his throat with an even more red faced Uraraka standing next to him. It didn't escape my notice that Kacchan's friends were a little ways behind them trying to hear what they would say to me but at the same time not wanting to actually ask.

Well this promises to be entertaining, at least later it will be, maybe not now.

"Are you alright Iida? You and Uraraka are really red faced, do you have a fever? You should go and see Recovery Girl," I gently lectured him but the shock on his face at my innocent words only made me smile more. Okay, maybe I am getting a little payback from all the years of him lecturing me when he has to be the biggest hypocrite of them all. But who could blame me? He attempted murder and I what? Ran a little late for class? Overslept a little? Come on!

"It's just that, well there is a rumor going around about you two and I was hoping you could dispel it before it grew too much," he coughed a lot more trying to keep his voice from cracking under the pressure but I'm not giving him an easy time. Nope. Did I mention that he tried to murder someone? Or that he tried it in this life too?

"What's the rumor?" I asked innocently, as if I had no idea what he was talking about.

"That Bakugo is pregnant, don't get me wrong I understand that he is male and everything but it would be-,"

"Oh that, but it's true. Kacchan and I are going to have a baby," I smiled at him even though I interrupted him. "We weren't exactly expecting to be drugged and shot up with fertility drugs but the life of a hero is unpredictable after all," I giggled with Iida and Uraraka standing there with their jaws open.

"Dude! Is it true? I didn't get it wrong?" Kaminari nearly squealed but his volume was actually pretty quiet so Kacchan didn't wake up.

"Bakubro is pregnant? He is so manly," Kristina nearly whispered in his shock. There were a few other things said as well from other classmates that happened to be close by but nothing of any real note.

"Please keep your voices down, Kacchan needs to rest. We really do have a patrol later," I frowned at them and Iida immediately opened his mouth as if to say something but I beat him to it. "And don't say anything stupid like he can't patrol while pregnant. Pro heroes do it all the time and with appropriate doctor's orders." Iida closed his mouth again.

"Wow, Bakugo is actually going to be a mother?" Uraraka looked both shocked and happy at the same time and I don't know how to feel about that.

"He is already so protective of Yagi though. Could you imagine what he'll be like with a baby?" I heard Ojiro and looked up to see him talking to Shoji.

"I think he'll be great. Kacchan is always amazing," I smiled, returning my attention to Kacchan who had started moving around in his sleep. Everyone went silent until he relaxed again, a soft smile on his lips. My beautiful partner.

"Still, you were drugged and pumped with more drugs. Are you really alright with the idea of becoming parents so young? Kero," Asui asked and I just kept smiling.

"It's alright, life is crazy sometimes and being a pro hero is anything but predictable. It's probably for the best that we are having them so young. This way we will be around more just because of school," I shrugged and I heard a tired groan behind me.

"That's really not how it works," Aizawa Sensei groaned and I looked up to see him rubbing at his forehead and I just shrugged again. If Dad wanted to tell him more then he would have. I'm not going to tell him about the quirk stuff.

"Boys I think you're going to-," Dad started but his voice was booming really loud because his volume control really needed some work and Blackwhip whipped out and covered his mouth until Kacchan turned facing my stomach and settled down again. I glared at Dad and he held up his hands in surrender, so I released him but still frowned.

"Sorry, I didn't think he would fall asleep that fast," he mumbled and I rolled my eyes at him but smiled again, I started playing with his hair again. Kacchan grumbled in his sleep but ended up snuggling into me and completely covering his eyes from the light.

"He needs to sleep whenever he can, it will be much harder later," I whispered and he nodded before stepping closer.

"I was going to say that I think you should consider telling them about the quirk. It's your choice though don't let anyone push you," he kept his voice soft and now much quieter than before.

"I'll talk to Kacchan about it later," I smiled at him. I don't actually want to tell any of them about that but if Dad says I should consider it then I probably should talk to Kacchan first. His opinion matters more simply because he is involved.

I looked up at the clock to see that the bell would be ringing soon and decided to wake him up with some gentle tickles. I let my hand slide down his side and he started squirming the moment my fingers found his ribs. I carefully teased him awake only for him to glare at me. I kissed him, ignoring his irritation and he relaxed into me.

"I love you," I whispered and I heard him grunt.

"You-," the bell rang and he flinched at the noise before sighing. "You get a pass because that would have given me a heart attack," he grumbled but the fact that he was hugging me was a clear enough sign. He is just tired and I know he doesn't feel good.

He turned to actually get up and collapsed back into my lap grunting in pain. "My fucking leg fell asleep, damn hard ass bench!" He hissed trying not to cry out at the same time. I heard several colorful curses but instead of listening to them I picked him up and sat him in my lap before I started rubbing his leg to help with circulation. He spasmed a few times, probably from the pins and needles of his circulation returning.

His hands were hooked into my shoulders and I could feel his nails digging into me but I didn't say anything. I'm sure the fuzzy feeling is still there but the pain is gone now and he relaxed into my chest breathing heavily. Focus, I need to focus. We are in front of far too many people for me to be getting excited.

It wasn't until he let me go and all but collapsed into me again that I readjusted him in my lap.

"Kacchan? How are you feeling now? Can you feel your legs again? Can you move it?" I asked him trying to rein in my impulses only to hear him moan in my ear and make it far harder than before. So much harder…

He groaned again but he nodded. "I'm never sleeping on a hard bench again," he grumbled and I heard a few of our classmates giggle but I ignored them.

"Next time you can just sleep in my lap then," I smiled at him and he just nodded before yawning again.

"I'm so fucking tired," he kept grumbling but then again he had been like this since I came to so it only makes sense.

"It's perfectly normal to be so sleepy during the first trimester, you'll be missing a lot of sleep during the second and third trimesters so don't worry about it for now," I reminded him and he nodded still groggy. I could hear them whispering, do they really think they are being quiet right now? I mean really?

"Will you all fucking shut up already? I'm not deaf yet!" Kacchan finally snapped at them and it's only now that he looked around and noticed how he was sitting in my lap. "Do you think you're fucking funny?" He hissed at me, his irritation only growing worse.

"Not at all, I was just trying to help you. I swear," I held up my hands in surrender and he got off of me, making me frown a little. I liked him straddling me, it gave me ideas for later.

"Like you would believe that," he snorted but he left it at that. I can't really tell if he believes me or not, only that he didn't find it amusing. Which I didn't mean for it to be, I really was just trying to make him the most comfortable.

I saw him frown but it's only now that I remember that he could hear my thoughts. Oops. Oh well, at least he knows that I wasn't trying to pull anything.

We finally went to the gym to change and returned to class only to find everyone still in their gym uniform. Did we miss something? That was the bell wasn't it?

"I think your classmates want to stay after class to work on a few things, they have been complaining about you two already having your license," Dad supplied when he saw our confusion.

"Great, then I can take a real nap before our patrol tonight," Kacchan chuckled, only to yawn again and scowl as if the yawn offended him somehow. Actually that thought was pretty funny but Kacchan glared at me and I kept my mouth shut. Yeah, I'm not saying that anytime soon, I still want cuddles and I wouldn't blame Kacchan if he withheld them because I got on his nerves.

"At least you know," I heard him grumble quietly to himself. No! Don't withhold cuddles! I ran after him and tried to quietly make him happy, praying that I didn't mess up too badly only for him to snap at me to get undressed and hold him when we were back to his dorm room.

I didn't say a word and just did as he said. His sigh of relief when I pulled him into my arms had me over the moon though. The thought that just holding him made him so happy or at the very least content was almost too much.

"Deku~," he groaned, only to turn a little so I could see his blushing face. How is he so freaking cute? Just how? The way his red eyes lit up and sparkled in the afternoon sun playing a cool contrast to his otherwise pale, smooth skin, his long lashes fluttering when he blinked, making me want to hold him even closer in case he tried to fly away.

GAH! I sound ridiculous even to myself! But Kacchan is still looking at me with those beautiful reds. I could lose myself in just his eyes if I'm not careful.

"Fuck, Deku, fuck me?" Kacchan's voice broke through my thoughts and I found him panting and myself already over him. When did I move? The taste of his lips drawing me in, I barely noticed when he pushed my boxers down but I also didn't fight him.

I've missed him so much.
