"I'm so tired," I groaned Monday morning. We were already in our seats and only a few of our classmates had come inside already.
"How long are we supposed to feel like this?" Kacchan grumbled, he would twitch from the pain in his lower back sometimes, reminding me without saying anything at all just how rough I had been with him when we thought we were back in the future again. To be fair though, he did literally ask me for it.
"Actually you two have taken it really well for being so young physically," I jumped at the voice that had been avoiding me all weekend long.
"Why didn't you answer any of the times I called for you? We have questions," I huffed, still angry at being ghosted by the ghost. Kacchan looked at me weird but didn't interrupt. I already know that I don't actually have to talk out loud for him, or any of them really, to hear me but it lets Kacchan know what is going on and that I'm not just staring off into space.
"Relax, did you really think that we would all stick around all the time? Because when you two decide to do the dirty, I for one will be long gone," the way he answered sounded like common sense but I also know that the previous OFA holders don't pay attention to what's going on outside of me most of the time so I don't really believe that but I also don't know for sure.
"Besides I was doing you a favor. I went through all the souls that showed up and got a list to work with so if you need a particular quirk or talent let me know and I can get that user. That includes more than just their quirk, you actually have a couple doctors here," he sounded so smug and with each passing word I just wanted to push him away but at the same time. That is something that I sorely needed. Doctors on hand. What more could I ask for?
"What kind of doctors?" I asked suspiciously, Kacchan however looked interested but his eyes stayed on me.
"Different kinds but no worries, you're not interested," the voice taunted, he already knowing that I am more than just interested. Apparently each of these souls gain access to my memories when they give me their quirk so he is well aware of our situation.
"Since I don't know your name I'm going to call you Dick," I announced and Kacchan barked a laugh catching the few of our classmates' attention that were already in the room. I saw Iida making his way over but I just focused on my conversation. "What? You don't like it?" I asked innocently and after what I could only describe as the past I heard laughing. Wait, how long has he been laughing? Why didn't I notice before?
"Alright kid, then that will just be my name for now on," if I had to guess I imagined a man wiping tears away from laughing too hard. He is actually more than okay with me calling him Dick. What if his real name was Richard or something? What if people actually called him Dick when he was alive? Why do I feel like I've been tricked?
Kacchan on the other hand couldn't get over the one sentence that he heard me say. He can't hear any of their side of the conversation and I can't say that it would be much, if any, better than he is about it. His pearls of laughter were just music to listen to.
"Alright kid, you do realize that you are still projecting your thoughts right now, right?" Dick asked and I shrugged. If he saw my memories then I kind of doubt that it matters.
"Touche, I like you kid, I'll explain a little more about my quirk once your classes end," he seemed more than just pleased with my reactions. Am I entertaining him? I mean, is being dead really that boring?
"Kid, you have no idea. I swear it's like having a splitting headache and working on a new research paper that would save millions only to die in a fire that ruined it all," Dick answered.
"Do you know what that feels like?" I asked curiously. Somehow I get the vague feeling that he was nodding even though I can't see him or even the shape of him. At least, not at the moment. Can he take shape like the previous holders?
"Kid, you ask a lot of questions," he groaned and I apologized out of reflex. "No, just… I'm used to people avoiding me for having a villainous quirk. No one asked me questions. I need some time to get used to the idea," he explained before seeming to disappear into thin air again.
"Yagi? You seem to be talking to yourself," Iida asked, more than a little concerned. Oh, I guess he had already left by the time my fight with Shinso started. I feel bad that I forgot about his brother getting attacked but I'm only human.
"Glasses at least watch a recording of the sports festival if you're going to miss it. You would already know that he was talking to his quirk if you did," Kacchan rolled his eyes and Iida gave a stiff but confused apology. Well at least he is aware enough to show concern for me, last time I think he just threw himself into his class president responsibilities and just kind of let himself fester.
Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe it's a good thing that he isn't class president this time.
I smiled brightly at him and I saw Iida do a double take. I stood up and told Kacchan, "I'll be right back. Tell Aizawa Sensei that I took Iida to see Hound Dog." Kacchan nodded but otherwise stayed silent while Iida tried to protest that class was about to start.
"Don't worry, you'll be excused since you'll be seeing Hound Dog," I waved off his concerns while I gently guided him. He still protested but the amount of ease with which he was following me makes me think that he agrees but needed that extra push to actually go.
"Hello?" Hound Dog greeted as he opened the door, not expecting to see anyone this early in the morning.
"Good morning Hound Dog! My friend, Iida here," I gently pulled him into the office when the counselor moved to the side. "Really needs someone to talk to, his brother almost died last week and he is still really hurt. His hero days are over, I would hate for Iida to take an internship to Hosu for some kind of vigilante revenge sort thing and get expelled from school and barred from becoming a hero because of one hasty decision," I explained and I easily saw the blood drain from Iida's face as my words settled in his mind. The fact of the matter is, so did Hound Dog.
"It would be best, just in case," Hound Dog agreed, smiling at me. "Thank you for being a good friend for him and watching out for his health and welfare," he was laying it on thick but I don't think Iida noticed at all, he was too preoccupied with what I said about being barred from being a hero or maybe the expulsion from school. Yeah, it's a good thing he isn't class president after all.
I still wish it wasn't me though.
"You expect me to believe that Yagi took Iida to see Hound Dog?" Aizawa Sensei groaned as I was opening the door.
"No, I said he dragged his ass there. Don't make it sound nice when Glasses wasn't happy about it," Kacchan scoffed and I giggled.
"Dragged is such a strong word though. He moved his own feet after all," I raised my voice while making my way to my seat. "And besides, he didn't protest all that much," I handed Aizawa Sensei the pass from Hound Dog along with the note that Iida would be late to class. He raised an eyebrow at me but only let out a sigh.
"Fine, today you will be choosing your first internships. Based on how you did during the sports festival, hero agencies will have sent you an offer, you may choose from one of those offers. Those of you that did not receive an offer, there is a list of school approved internships that you can elect to sign up for, but you will not be able to pick which hero you work with in that case," Aizawa announced and everyone was getting excited.
"My turn!" Midnight burst through the doorway and Aizawa Sensei let out a groan but noticed for her to go ahead. "Before you can pick an internship there is something that you will need to have! And that is your hero name!" This feels very different from how it went the first time around but I can't really place why. I wonder what changed that made these changes happen.
To start with, Bakugo and Yagi already have their hero licenses! So can you share with the class what your hero names are?" She looked at us expectantly and I heard Kacchan chuckle but he filled out the card quickly before standing up and going to the front of the class. Thankfully Kacchan went with the shortened version of his old hero name; Dynamight. But things went a little differently for me. After years of Kacchan's teasing and, then once we were actually romantically together, his general discomfort we decided to change it in this life. I walked to the front of the class with a smile and held up my card next to his; Arsenall.
"Wait! I've heard of the pro heroes Dynamight and Arsenall!" Kaminari almost shrieked in surprise. Honestly I think it's more surprising that none of them ever asked what our hero names were before now but I guess it never really crossed their minds since we are in class together.
"Dude same! They are called the Wonder Duo and if there is a mission that the other heroes can't crack they are the ones called!" Sero blurted out and Kacchan chuckled at that.
"I told you that going to Mexico was worth it," I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes.
"I still say we should have gone to Fiji," he shrugged and we made our way back to our seats. "You just couldn't let go of the chupacabra case though," he groaned and I giggled.
"Hey, you liked the fiesta celebration after the fact!" I defended myself before we started laughing together. The thing is, ever since school started we would go on short term missions around the world every other weekend. Of course there were exceptions but then again we are only in highschool so when we don't feel like going, we just don't.
"Hmmm, notice what you said; AFTER the fact?" He smiled at me and I huffed in response. He is just being difficult and he knows it.
I looked up to see Midnight standing there frozen with her mouth open. Oh, I guess she didn't know either. I figured she had at least a guess considering she called us out like that but nevermind. Aizawa Sensei on the other hand looked at us for about two seconds before walking out of the room.
"Your problem, not mine," he grumbled and the door slammed behind him.
"What does that mean? I like our hero names!" I pouted and Kacchan reached back and messed up my hair.
"Relax, he is probably just pissed that he didn't know what we've been doing and he wants nothing to do with it," Kacchan leaned back in his seat, his head all the way back so that he was looking at me upside-down.
"Fine," I pouted, still not happy. I was really proud of the new hero name too
"Kero, why are they spelled the way that they are?" Asui, I mean Tsu asked and I perked up, ignoring the classroom door opening.
"Because of All Might of course! Kacchan got the might in Dynamight and I got the All in Arsenall, but now that I think about it we never really told Dad why we picked our hero names," I mused out loud before slowly muttering as my thoughts raced and it wasn't until Kacchan laughed that I looked up again. There at the door was Dad and his face was bright red from embarrassment.
"I- I- I-" he couldn't get the words out and instead just pointed at the door before basically running through it and back into the hallway again.
"He is really easy to embarrass huh?" Midnight smirked and I frowned.
"I'll remind you now that he is married to my mother. I won't be kind if you try anything," I smiled at her and I saw her flinch at the less than implied threat. Good that she knows.
"Good thing Iida isn't here, he would have had a fit if he heard you talking to Midnight like that. Kero," Tsu pointed out and I shrugged.
"I will protect my mother from all threats," I smiled back at her and I think that my classmates were even more afraid of me than before but I don't really understand why and Kacchan keeps laughing but won't explain so I'm just left clueless.
"Kid, I don't know what's scarier. The fact they all think you're so innocent when you've done so much or the fact that you actually are," I frowned at Dick's words, what is that supposed to mean exactly?
"Nevermind kid, I'm the one that decided they liked you enough to give you my quirk. Want to try it out?" I perked up at his words.
"Really?" I asked out loud, much to the confusion of the class. I guess I did do a 180 just now.
"I want you to concentrate on your mother," he instructed and I nodded.
"My mom," I whispered, closing my eyes. I could practically see her now, she's cleaning the kitchen. I don't know how I know that but I do.
"Now imagine her here," he directed and I smiled. Mom is walking towards me so I make a small doorway that she walks through and…
"Izuku? What? How?" I opened my eyes to see Mom wearing the outfit that I just saw her in now standing next to me still wearing the rubber gloves she was using to clean the dishes.
"Hi Mom! I was trying out the new quirk and Dick told me what to do and here you are!" I started gushing over how cool it was but even I could hear myself muttering about all the possibilities this could mean.
"Izuku, honey, I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen. I'm not dressed to be out," Mom sighed, she isn't mad if anything she adores seeing me so excited but I look at her clothes to see some of her older ones that were pretty worn out but they still covered her well.
"Hi Mom," she looks up hearing the voice and smiles at Todoroki.
"You boys should come home for dinner tonight, Dabi, I mean Toya, got a job at the hero agency in Hosu! I'm making an extra special dinner!" She smiled and when she saw the black doorway she only blew us a quick kiss before stepping into it and back home again.
"We better tell Toshi," I turned in my seat to face Todoroki but Kacchan grabbed me.
"When the hell did you give eye bags a nickname?" He glared.
"Well his first name is Hitoshi and if we take out the Hi part then it's more similar to Toshinori and I think he will like that!" I smiled brightly and Kacchan just groaned.
"The fact you don't even realize why I'm mad," he grumbled before turning around and ignoring me.
"What did I do?" I asked confused but when I looked around no one else seemed to understand either.
"What did I do?"