Chereads / Dread Mage / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15 - Sprites and Sleep

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15 - Sprites and Sleep

"What are you?" Sonder asked Hiraeth.

"What am I? What are you?" He returned the question.

They were sitting around a campfire as it had turned night and Vell had decided to rest for the night.

Sonder didn't know if he had to rest or just wanted to. He seemed fit enough to walk longer, and Sonder never felt tired or weak since she was raised.

Vell had set up three tents, two big ones, for himself and Sonder, and a smaller one, for Hiraeth.

Vell had already retired to his tent and was snoring loudly.

Hiraeth wasn't sleeping and was reading a small book around the campfire, and as Sonder couldn't sleep she decided to keep him company.

"I don't know," Sonder replied. "I was human, but I'm something different now, I think."

"Aye, that's true. I dunno why I asked. I thought it was the beginning of something rude."

"Why would I be rude to you?"

"''Cause I'm a damned sprite."

Sonder gave him a blank look as if those words would mean something to her.

"I'm sorry, Hiraeth, but I don't know what that means," she said.

"You don't know about sprites?"

"It seems like I have forgotten many things since I became... this."

"Don't fret, little lady. I'm just used to people giving me the finger for what I am, except for Vellichor."

"Why are you traveling with him?"

"He's an old friend and something akin to my boss. He gives me a job where I feel useful, and he gives me books. I love to read, ya know."

"He doesn't judge you for what you are?"

"He only judges those who deserve to be judged. Sprites are usually beings of mischief and when we have the opportunity we usually create chaos- That's only what people think. A pure fabrication of bias. We are like anyone else. We have good people and bad people, like humans and elves and all the rest. It's true that in the past there were a few major moments where my folk did things we aren't proud of but that doesn't mean that every one of us is like that."

"What did they do?"

Hiraeth sighed heavily and closed his tiny book which gave a quiet 'thunk'. 

"That, my girl, is a story for another time. I am heavy with sleep and you should rest too."

He stood up and walked to his tent while Sonder just watched.

She then went to her own and lay down, but no matter what she couldn't sleep. She twisted and turned in her tent.

She remembered that in her living life, she still slept with her parents, even if she had a bed of her own, in a shared room with her brother.

She felt secure and warm, but the only thing she felt now was cold and alone.

making up her mind, she took her pillow stuffed with straw, and out of her tent, and went to Vell's.

She opened one of the curtains and asked.

"Vell, are you awake?" She said quietly.

The snoring stopped and he answered, sleepily.

"For you? Always."

"Can I sleep in your tent? She asked.

"Of course."

She made herself comfortable in the mage's tent and lay down, closed her eyes, and dried to drift away into a dreamless sleep.

And so did Vell, covering the girl in a blanket. 

The night was quiet and no sound was made, but Sonder felt some of the familiar warmth she once had in life.