Chapter 55 - A PRODUCER

Mava was suprised to see Jk again, so was Chloe.

Chloe....(So he knew about her coming here? He never comes here, but he came today, of all days? This guy seriously failed to move on from her? But atleast his dating NamSoon).

Mava....(This is a dream i dont wanna wake up from, am finally seeing Jk for real, not on instagram, not on tv, not on billboards, but alive in the flesh? He looks sexy with long hair, yet he dyed it brown, his indeed a superstar but i have to be professional.I cant wait to tell Palm that his the guy i told her about).

Not knowing that Palm knew everything.

Jk....Is everyone here?

Chloe....Yes, we all are.

Jk....Allow me to introduce Palmer Diaz, who is in charge of our new AD and the model she's with, Mava Gresie.

Palm....Nice to meet you guys.

Mava....Ummm...hi, nice to meet you too guys.

Jk....They are from the States and Palm runs her own model agency and she has worked with the best fashion companies in the world wide.Please, help them with anything since they are also not familiar with our language.Lets get to work.

Chloe....Can we talk sir?


He went to his office with Chloe.

Jk....Whatever it is, make it quick because am busy.

Chloe....Jk, Mava is not a real model.

Jk....Okay, so?

Chloe....Why didnt you discuss this with me first? I can be a good model.

Jk....I discussed this with the marketing team, just do your work and dont bother me.

Chloe....But Jk...


As for Mava, she was still in suprise. to Mava.

Mava....Huh? Sorry, what were you saying?

Palm....Youve been zoning out since the meeting ended.

Mava....Oh that, Palm, you might not believe what am going to say, but that guy is the one i told you about.

Palm....For real? You gotta be kidding! JungKun?

Mava....Am serious Palm, am happy to see him again.

Palm....So, what are you gonna do? Youve finally met the guy youve been missing for years.

Mava....Well, his in a relationship with an actress, the one in his drama "LOVE SPELL".

Palm....I see, but girl, be yourself.Am here for you.

Mava....Thanks Palm.

Palm....Lets go to the dressing room because the clothes are here already.

As they were heading to the dressing room, Chloe approached them.

Chloe....Excuse me, can i talk to you Palm?

Palm....Sure, go ahead Mava, i will be there in a min.

Chloe....Palm, Jk said that i can be part of this AD, me and Mava.

Palm....Really? Let me go and ask him then.

Chloe....No need....his busy.

Palm....You think am a fool? I know how you jealous girls are, cut the crap and dont bother me, just do your job.

Palm went to the dressing room, Mava wore the dress she was given and her makeup was done perfectly, she looked cute.

Palm....Lets go and meet the producers.


They went to the shooting scene, Jk was there and saw her, he touched his chest.

Jk....(She is breath taking, she is indeed the perfect model for this.How am i going to start a conversation with her?)

KimTan and GoYeon were there, they the producers.

Mava....KimTan, GoYeon? Wow! You guys are real adults now, hope you dont tease Jk like you always do.

Jk....You know them?


GoYeon....We haven't introduced ourselves yet, how do you even know that we are Jk's friends?

KimTan....That we even tease him?

Mava....(Shit! Am stupid, I've been thinking of the past where we went to GongWon together). Well...ummmm....i know a thing or two about production, so i know you guys, am a fan.

KimTan....Okay but...

Mava....About you guys teasing Jk, it was a joke i made up.

Jk....No need to explain, its not like your wrong because they tease me all the time, we are friends.

GoYeon....Look at you Jk, anyway, lets get to work.

KimTan....So, here is the concept mrs Gresie.

Mava....Just call me Mava.

GoYeon....I like her already.Your going to walk in the warehouse talking and introducing every furniture product, here are the lines.

Mava....Thats it? Sorry...

Palm....Dont be scared, if you have any better idea, let us know.

Jk....Just give us your opinion, we would love to hear you out, it might be better.

Mava....Okay, then Palm honey, i would kindly want more clothes that your selling.

Palm....I got you babe, but which ones?

Mava....Here is the thing, instead of talking about the furniture products in just one outfit, lets do something different even better so that we get to advertise Palm's clothes that she was given to sell, we hit two birds with one stone.

KimTan....Okay, but how?

Mava....Am gonna wear an office outfit and sit in the office, because that will be your furniture, right?


Mava....Then i will change into something else and act as a bartender, those chairs and the counter must be your furniture.Then i wear another outfit as a housewife who is in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the sittingroom, at the dinning table, and all that will be your furniture.Then i will act like a student in class sitting on your furniture, and at last as a CEO with some people having a meeting, still on your furniture.And after all that, we bring it together showing those different scenarios with gentle music, no words, showing your clients how and where your furniture can be used and how good your products are.Then in the end, we bring me with all my characters on one screen, an office worker, a bartender, a housewife, a student and a CEO with one line,"HT furniture company has got you covered everywhere, so call now and order our latest and best furniture products.You can come to our offices in your area, or visit our website at, so, what are you waiting for?" How is that?

Everyone's jaw dropped on listening to her idea, without saying a word, they all clapped for her in suprise for her idea, not knowing that in her previous life, she was a producer who was good at her job and also famous for it.