Chapter 56 - CATCHING UP

Palm....What are we waiting for? Lets get in right to it.

Jk....Your so clever Mava, that was a brilliant idea neither of us could think of.

KimTan....Since you said that you know production, will you help us with that too?

GoYeon....We seriously need you to be part of this, your a genius.

Mava....I will help you guys with pleasure.

GoYeon....Okay everybody, get in position.The camera team, makeup team, light crew and the fashion team, lets make this grand.

Palm made a call and the clothes from the latest fashion collections she was given to advertise by famous fashion companies were brought.Mava wore them as planned and the shooting took almost three hours since they had to prepare everything once again following her idea.

KimTan....Good work Mava, you just know how to move that perfect body, i like it.

Jk....Hey, what are you saying?

GoYeon....Seriously dude, are you tryna make a move on her?

KimTan....Why cant i?

Jk....Am sure she is taken, just let her be.(Since the shooting is over, its my turn to talk to her, am kinda nervous).

Palm....This calls for a celebration guys, my treat.

KimTan....This is the best team we've ever worked with.

Jk....But, where is Mava?

Palm....She is not coming, she has an emergency.Also, Jk, you need to read through our contract, seems like your not coming too.

GoYeon....Lets go Palm, sorry dude, being rich comes with a price, so get to work.

Palm went to him whispered in his ear.

Palm....She is in the dressing room, now is your chance to talk to her, use it wisely.

Jk smiled, Palm left with the rest of the crew, Chloe went to Jk.

Chloe....Jk, since you guys are done here, lets go for dinner, my treat.

Jk....Go ahead, am working overtime today.

Chloe....Okay, looks like everyone left.

Jk....You should leave too.

Chloe left not knowing that Mava was still there, Jk waited for her, she changed into the red dress Jk bought and left the room, she found him there on his phone.

Mava....Where is everyone?

Jk....Oh, theyve all left for dinner, even the employees clocked out.

Mava....So, its only us left in the building?

Jk....Yep, with the security guards.

Mava....But why didnt Palm tell me, i should call her.

Jk....No need, i already ordered for food and its in my office.Lets eat together....if you don't mind.


Jk....Its on the last floor, how about i show you around first, this building is scary but nice to tour at night.

Mava....For real?

Jk....Ofcourse, the lights are all switched off, no one is here, no noises and you can watch the city lights clearly.

Mava....Sounds fun.(I wanted to spend time with him so bad, now is my chance).

They slowly walked in the building queitly but sneakingly looking at eachother, they reached his office and went inside.

Jk....Now here, you can see the city clearly, it looks so nice at night.

Mava....Wow! Seoul really shines the brightest at night, just like L.A.

Jk....So, what have you been upto lately? How is everyone at home doing? Ava used to tell me everything, but I've been so busy to call or text her.

Mava....All is well, everyone is doing fine now that we even got our Bank back.

Jk....But why didnt you tell me about it?

Mava....Its because....(He doesn't know about my sickness, i cant tell him about that messed up past).

Jk....Its okay, am sure you had your reasons, let's eat.

He sat i front of her and gave her a bowl of noodles with other dishes prepared aside.

Mava....Thanks, this korean food so far is my favorite.

Jk....Your welcome.Mava, can you...please stay?


Jk....I mean, it would be quick for you to leave just like that.You should please stay and help us promote our furniture since you were the one who did the AD.

Mava....(By the look of eyes, he maybe missed me like i did, i cant say no because staying by his side is a decision i will never ask advice about).

Jk....So, what do you say?

Mava....Sure, i love Seoul and i love your company, it might be cool to work here, in a global company like this.

Jk....It really is, can you be our sales manager for the mean time?

Mava....(He really wants me to stay). I cant turn down such a big offer from the owner himself, am honored.

Jk....Great! So, how about you move in with me? I mean, it will hurt my conscious if you work for me yet you sleep in a hotel room.

Mava....What about...your girlfriend?

Jk....Oh, NamSoon? Well, we ended things, so practically, am single, and you? How is your...boyfriend?

Mava....How know about him?

Jk....I saw your photos together on seemed happy.

Mava....Its a long story, lets not get into it.

Jk....If you say so, so, will you move in with me?

Mava....(Maybe we should give this a chance, i want to try this again with him, a relationship where am treated like i deserve, not like trash). Sure....i will move in with you.

After eating, he drove her to the hotel she was staying in with Palm.

Mava....Thanks for everything, the food, the building and the lights, everything was just right.

He suprisingly hugged her.

Jk....Isnt this what you guys do in the states when you havent seen a friend for years? I couldnt bow like we do here, see ya, goodnight.