Chapter 2 - KIM NINA

The director kept calling on his phone but he didn't answer, he was still depressed. 

Jungkun.... What am I going to do without your love mother? This world feels lonely and I feel empty inside. 

Nana.... Well, I can take away your emptiness. 

Jungkun.... Kim Nana? What are you doing in my room? 

Nana.... Your room or our house? 

Jungkun.... Sorry, how may I help you? 

She locked the door. 

Jungkun.... What are you doing? 

Nana.... Do you know that I dumped my boyfriend because of you? 


Nana.... Honestly, I like you Jungkun, your hot looks and the innocence in your eyes drives me insane. 

Jungkun..... Ummmm....sorry but I want to be alone.

Nana..... Hey! Am trying to give myself to you, do you have any idea how many guys want this with me? 

Jungkun.... Please.... stay away. 

Nana.... Hahaha... don't be shy cute boy. 

She crowed on his bed to him, he jumped out of it. She chased him until she raped him but cause she was three years older than him, she was 19.

After, she left, Jungkun started crying for hours until it was dark.Giwon opened his room furiously and went to where he fell asleep from after crying.

Giwon.....Wake up you ungrateful boy.

He woke up, Giwon slapped him.

Giwon.....How dare you force your small body on my daughter?

Jungkun....What??? She...

Nina.....Mum, spare him, i've forgiven him so let him be.

Giwon.....Fine! But i was going to throw him out on the streets this very night.

Giwon left.

Nina.....I was fast, werent i? I knew that you tell my mum but am smater as you can see.

Jungkun....What did iever do to you?

Nina....Nothing! Its not my fault that your handsome, i just happend to fall for you at first sight.Good night, leta do that, everyday...hahahaha.

She walked away.In the morning, Jungkun woke up early and went to school with his eyes swollen.After school, he went to the agency.

Director.....Oh, look who's finally showed up.

Jungkun....Am so sorry director for not coming.

Director.....Apology accepted but your dismissed.

Jungkun....I lost my mother...she committed suicide.

Director.....Wait...what? Am...sorry, i didnt know.Come, lets talk in my office.

They went to his office.

Director.....You look miserable, just let me know if there is anything i can help you with.

Jungkun.....I want to be an actor whom the world will love, i will work hard, i give you my word director.

Director.....I like that! Now lets get down to work, but you know that if your not good enough, you will be dismissed.

Jungkun.....Am well aware of that director, but i wont slack off.

Director.....Good! Lets cut your name short to Jk, how's that?

Jk....Sounds fine.

Director.....Okay Jk, get ready because we have practice in five minutes.

He went to the washroom and cried again.

Jk....This is my chance to change my life, losing my mum doesnt mean that i cant protect myself.Am a man and i swear to be on top one fay, fighting Jk!

They started practicing but girls couldnt keep their eyes off him, he was very very handsome and attractive.After, he went back to Giwon's massion, Nina was waiting for him.

Nina....Where have you been?

Jk....Why? Am i your prisoner or your toy?

Nina....Hahaha...did you just talk back?

Jk....Excuse me.

He walked away and Nina followed him, she tried to open his room but he had locked it.

Nina....Open it you stupid poor boy! If this is what you want, then game on.

Giwon.....Whats going on Nina?

Giwon arrived, they went to her office to talk.

Giwon.....Be honest Nina, that boy is just 16, he cant rape you.

Nina.....So what mum?

Giwon....Goodness! What exactly do you want? Just let that poor boy be.

Nina.....But mum, his hot and i like him.

Giwon....Dont give me your petty reasons Nina, his not your age.Am not going to cover up for mistakes everytime.

Nina.....I never asked you to.

Giwon....Am your mother! Your the reason why that boy is an orphanage.Why did you even kill that girl in my hotel in the first place for his mum to see?

Nina.....Because she irritated me, i had to teach her a lesson.Served her well.

Giwon....Enough! Stay away from that innocent boy, let him have a good future for crying out loud.

Nina.....Dont tell me what do mother, this is my life not yours.

Jk was heading to the kitchen and heard everything, he ran back to his room and teas started flowing from his eyes.

Jk....They...killed my mother and made it look like a suicide? My poor mother, now they took me to silence me? These wicked monsters will pay, i swear!

In the morning, he went to school as usual and then to the agency.Two months passed and he was doing well.

Director.....Jk, youve outdone yourself and your officially our actor.

Jk.....Thanks ditector, can i ask you for a favor?

Director.....Sure, what is it?

Jk....I have no place to stay, can you help me please.

Director....Where have you been staying?

Jk....I was chased out.

Director.....I see, since youve worked hard like you promised, i will grant you this one wish.Am going to rent a room for you.

Jk....Thank you director.

He went back to Giwon's mansion and packed all his belongings.

Nina....Whats this? Are you leaving?

He didnt say a word and kept packing his things, Nina threw away his suitcase.

Nina....You are going no where, you belong here with me.

He stood up to leave and she held his hand, he pushed her away.

Jk....What do you want? Stay away from me you crazy shameless girl.

He picked up his clothes back in his suitcase and left.Nina was bruised and started crying, she was mentally unstable.

Director got Jk a room where he lived peacefully but not a day went by without thinking and missing his mother.