Chapter 3 - SUCCESS

A year passed and Jk got his first role in a serie, it was named "HIGH-UPS", after shooting it for months, it was released and he was the mainlead.

Director....Jk, good work boy! Youve made me proud and am positive that this will be a hit serie worldwide.

Jk....Hope so director, am also thankful for you.

CEO....Attention to everyone, we are going to celebrate Jk's 17th birthday together.


CEO....Well, you heard me right.Our agncy is a small one and not popular, but your acting was great and we are all looking upto it to succeed.

Jk....Thank you sir.

Director....Lets celebrate guys.

They went to a restaurant to celebrate.The series started getting views and they got higher each day.In a month, it ranked best drama in whole of Korea and Jk was awarded as the best new actor.

Their agncy became popular and their earned loads of money.Fans were most interested in Jk's acting and handsomeness.He went to school and everyone took pictures of him though he kept a low profile as usual.Jisoo approached him.

Jisoo.....Hi Jk, am Jisoo.

Jk....I...know you.

Jisoo....Lets hangout somwtime, just the two of us.


Jk was happy because he only had his eyes on Jisoo they started going on dates and she was now his girlfriend.

After a few months, he got another role in a movie "AM NOT A ROOKIE" which trended worldwide and gained him many fans.

In a year, he was very rich and bought a nice fancy house and a car. He was always called for interviews on popular shows, he was famous worldwide.

Nina never stopped loving him and she was a huge fan of his movies and series.

Giwon....Watching High-ups for the tenth time, huh?

Nina....Mum, look at him, his so hot.He gets hotter each day.


Nina....Am going to his fans meeting so that i get his autograph too.

Giwon....Just let him be, you know how muchhe resents you.

Nina....I could care less.

The day of his fans meeting in Seoul arrived and many people were there, he also arrived and the crowd went crazy.

Jk....Thank you guys for coming, it means the world to me.

As he was still talking, he saw Nina in the audience who was screaming his name.He called his bodyguard and whispered to him.

Jk....I want you to throw that girl up there in a red dress outside, this instant.Do you see her?

Man....The one screaming your name louder?

Jk....Yes, that one.And also, never let her inside our agency if she ever shows up.

Man....Got it.

Nina was thrown outside and she left angrily.Jk started appearing on different magazines, he became the ambassador of the most popular companies and appeared in ads too.

Giwon....So, you all sold your shares to this mysterious person, which is means they own 70% of my hotel's shares?

Board members....Yes Giwon, he will be here in a minute.Oh, here he is.

Giwon....Wait...what? Jungkun?

Jk....In the flesh, long time Giwon, no, mother!

Giwon....Whats your deal young boy?

Jk....Everyone, excuse us please.

They all went outside, Nina heard that he was at the hotel and rushed to see him.

Nina....Jungkun....your here at last.

She hugged him and he pushed her away.

Giwon...Nina! Control yourself.So,Jungkun, whats with this sudden suprise?

Jk....Let me make this quick, your fired Giwon.

Giwon....What??? Hahaha...this is my hotel.

Jk....It was but not anymore.I own the biggest shares and we've debated this with all the board members.

Giwon....Why are you doing this to me? I took you in when you had nowhere to go, remember?

Jk....Oh, you mean when this crazy animal of yours raped me and you turned a blind eye? Guards, take them out and make sure they dont come back here.

Giwon....This is not the end Jungkun.

Jk....Ofcourse, you killed my mother, so, wait for your arrest warranty anytime soon.


Giwon knelt down on her knees.

Giwon....Blame it all on me Jungkun, but please spare my poor daughter.

Jk....Spare her? You raised a devil and your proud?

Nina....A devil? How could you say that Jk? You know how much i love you, right?

Jk....Listen to me you animal, i will never love someone like you, not even your look-like.You dont have a heart, if you really have one, its black than the dark.


Jk....Take them!

They were kicked out from the hotel and went home,Nina was crying for the words Jk said to her.

Giwon....What are we going to do now? That hotel is my life and i cant go to jail.

Nina....Mum, he doesnt love me, he called me a devil.

Giwon....Seriously? Is that what your thinking about in this moment of a crisis?

Nina....Mum, i dont care about your stupid hotel or if you go in jail...cant you tell?

Giwon slapped her twice in the face.

Giwon....We are in this mess because of you, pull yourself together you silly girl.Jk will never return your love, his still 17 for crying out loud.

Nina.....Dont irritate me mum.

Giwon....Or what? Your blinded by him yet he doesnt even care.Listen to me carefully, Jungkun doesnt and he will never love you.


Nina went to her bedroom crying while laughing loudly.She pulled out her phone and made a call to a mysterious man.

Giwon....Nina, am heading out to see our lawyer, i will be back at night.

Giwon met with her lawyer, at night, she drove to go home but stopped after seeing a person laying in the middle of the road.She went to see him but got stabbed in neck.

Jk was served wine to celebrate chasing Giwon out from the hotel, he fainted after taking a sip.He woke up later and he was laying in the middle of the road with a knife covered in Giwon's blood who was dead already.