Upon the woman's words, the girl's jaw dropped comically where her eyes went wide behind the frames of her glasses too.
Hadn't realized that until the next ten seconds and quickly, she remained her composure.
November tried to search for something in the woman's eyes, and seeing that they were just blank, and serious, she needed not to doubt further.
Then, it hit her;
No wonder that the female warden had looked at her that way after she'd told her about herself!
She'd been wrongly admitted here, but how?
" Ma'am..I - I don't understand." November confessed," I'd applied for this university,and wrote its exams." Her hands moved as she spoke.
The lady then, leaned back in her seat and crossed her fingers like she was amused. " Say," she pinned November with a solemn look,"what was your exam score?"
Yet again, November was thrown off guard by this woman and instantly, the tips of both of her ears, turned pink." One eighty-two,over four-hundred."
" Poor."remarked the woman with an indifferent tone," Even your score, alone is enough for you not to get an admission in any university. "
Right, November sighed softly..
Before November had gotten this school's admission letter, she'd cried throughout the night at the sight of her result. Not that she didn't study hard for the exam, but the questions set were not what she'd pulled all nighter studying for.. it was like a whole different studying schedule, pulled out from maybe older textbooks and year, were set.
And then, it seemed like the sun had decided to smile on her when the letter was received by her uncle. Whereas now, the sun seems to be glaring at her rather than smiling..
" But-"
" You may leave now."
November's eyes almost popped out of their sockets until the woman's next words came," This matter is not mine to handle alone and therefore would need to be called for a brief meeting." She told her," And whether it works in your favor or not, we'd let you know."The Vice principal's words softened at the end of her sentence, earning the red-eyed girl a little strand of hope to hold onto. For now..
With the arrival of the night, past the curfew time, the entire block turned quite with the students asleep, well, except for few because , in the principal's office, the woman whom November had met today, stood amongst the rest of them there.
"....What do you think? That she needs to be retransfered? "asked the man who sat behind the desk in his front. His hair tousled and casting a shadow over his face, under the lantern that sat on the table.
June's eyes reflected to the light upon his direct question and she slightly turned her face to the other side as if hiding her cheek that had a permanent scar," Sounds like it." She remarked,"I wouldn't sit and take the risks of letting an undermined into this place."
The boys who were as well in the room, listened without any contributions.
One was poking his nose and brought out his finger to flicker the thing off the pad of the tip..
While the other just leaned with a hint of frustration in his eyes.
" Give it a thought, June."said the principal," Regardless of her grade, I think she deserves a chance to study here."
The scar around the woman's face, twitched.
" Your niece could be transferred elsewhere."he continued.. He sounded like he knew something and this caused June's eye to darken.
Meanwhile, November Grandeur, which was whom they were talking about, was already dead..