"Shoot!" Apparently, Lucy had already started the game and was now in the middle of fighting off the zombies in a jungle.
Owen died instantly. He wasn't even able to shoot one bullet.
He was respawned immediately and started shooting with precision.
"Hey! You said you were not good at this!" Lucy says angrily but they both know it was just playful banter.
"I'm not," Owen says as he enjoys getting headshots hit after hit. He also figured out reloading and masterfully coordinated his movements covering even Lucy's side when some zombies got too close.
All 100 coins on the Crisis IV that day.
They were both so hooked that no one wanted to lose the game until the end. Most of the tokens were taken by Lucy since she died a lot more than Owen.
By the end of it, both were hungry, only remembering the fact that they hadn't had breakfast yet when the adrenaline had died down.