Why do I even want to help them? I mean, I hated them, didn't I? Shouldn't I just let them war amongst each other and escape from here instead? What's compelling me to tell her? Is it because I'm an ant like them now and can see the world from their perspective, or have I finally realized how much of a lunatic I was for taking out my problems on them?

Whatever the case, I have a strong desire to save this colony, Ari said to himself. As the ants' work shift ended, Princess Tanya came back to his prison cell once again with food, just as she had promised.

"Ari, I'm back again, and this time, I got two berries and more meat for you, so eat up, okay?" said Princess Tanya as she smiled and handed Ari the food.

"Thank you for this. I don't know why you're so kind to me," said Ari. "Aren't you hungry? If you have something on your mind, feel free to tell me. Listen, Princess, you might not believe me, but Vladimir is not the ant you think he is."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Tanya.

"Last night, a couple of hours after you left, I heard and saw him plotting with ants from a neighboring colony to invade this one and steal all of our food and resources. He did it all for a high-ranking position and a steady food supply," said Ari.

"I've known Vladimir for as long as I can remember, which makes it sixteen years. There is no way that he would plot against our queen. He has been serving her long before I was born. He is her most trusted friend and soldier. There's no way—you're lying. I thought you were different from all these other prisoners, but I guess I was wrong," said Princess Tanya.

"I know it's hard to believe a prisoner you've only met a couple of days ago who's telling you something bad about someone you've known your entire life, but it's the truth. I saw it with my own two eyes through a crack in the wall," said Ari.

"But Vladimir would never do such a thing. He's really kind to me and to everyone in the colony."

"Everyone except me, it seems," Ari thought to himself.

"If I'm wrong about this, no harm will come of it. However, if I'm right, it will save us all. There is nothing to lose if I tell the queen. Please, just do it for the colony's sake."

"I'll be right back," said Princess Tanya as she left.

"I wonder where she's going, if she confronts Vladimir about what just said then I'm dead and so is the colony" said Ari to himself as he started fretting.

In five minutes, she returned with the key and opened Ari's prison cell.

"How did you get your hands on the keys so quickly?" asked Ari.

"It was easy. The warden was slacking off—he's sound asleep."

"Thank you for believing me, Princess."

"I'm choosing to trust you now for the sake of the colony. However, I'm certain that Vladimir is innocent. If it turns out that you're lying and you betrayed my trust, I'll never forgive you," said Princess Tanya.

"I'll accept that. Now take me to the queen. I'll tell her everything."

Tanya led Ari to the queen, but they had to avoid all the wardens in the prison area to get to her. Just as they thought they were in the clear, a guard walked close to their direction, and Tanya dragged Ari into a corner, hiding from the warden's sight.

"That was a close one," said Tanya in relief.

After avoiding a few more wardens, they finally reached the queen's chamber.

"This is where the queen is. However, to even reach her, you'll have to get past her ant servants, who are very strong. How do you plan on getting past them?" asked Tanya.

"Thank you for leading me here. I'll take it from here," said Ari as he came out of hiding and confronted the servants.

"Ari, no! What are you thinking? You'll only get punished!" said Tanya as she tried to stop him.

The servants noticed Ari and were startled by his sudden appearance.

"You—you're a slave, aren't you? What the hell are you doing here, and how did you get out of your cell?" asked one of the servants.

"You ask too many questions, and none of that really matters. I'm here to speak with the queen on an urgent matter that could ultimately determine the future of the colony."

"Quit talking nonsense, or I'll have to escort you back to your prison cell in pieces," said one of the ant servants as he swung his stinger spear at Ari, who barely managed to dodge it.

The other servant tried catching Ari off guard and attacked with his stinger from below, but Ari reacted quickly and jumped over it.

"You're quite a swift one," said the ant servant as he attempted to swing at Ari again. Only this time, Princess Tanya stood in front of him, causing them to cease their attacks.

"Princess Tanya, what is the meaning of this? Could it be that you were the one who set him free?" asked the servant in shock.

"I order you to stop attacking him and just give him a chance to talk to the queen. Everything will be clearer then."

"We can't just let this bastard walk right into her domain and do whatever the hell he wants," said one of the servants.

"Let him through," said the queen.

"But, Your Highness, he's just a lowly slave. I can't just—"

"Did I stutter? Are you questioning my power?" asked Queen Celeste.

The servants at the entrance of the queen's chamber immediately stood up straight and cleared the way for both Ari and Tanya.

"So we meet again, mysterious ant. I see that my daughter has taken a liking to you. She has never conversed with a prisoner, much less set one free so that he could speak to me directly—or so I thought. What makes an ant like yourself so special?" asked the queen.