Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2475 - 2.8

Chapter 2475 - 2.8


Sadly I ended up -really- late because I went home, forgetting there was a giant ice explosion inside. Oh well, I needed some stuff from inside anyway. Several Filters later and I had made a path to the basement to gather some toaster projects I was planning to scrap for materials.

When I made my way to the hotel and dropped my stuff off in my room I knocked on my parents door so I could join them for dinner. I was right, I ended up late for dinner so got another week stacked onto my grounding sentence. They didn't blame Shard at all, I blame the fact that she's the youngest and they're spoiling her rotten. Mom had 'borrowed' the hotel's kitchen and made a meal for us, though she grabbed some of the workers to help her bring it to the room.

Throughout dinner Shard managed to -somehow- convey the conversation from lunch. Seriously, the girl would be a world champion at charades. I was getting glares at first, then mom nodded having decided something and told Shard that I had to be myself through the dinner, so I couldn't just push the socialization off on Shard.

I was forced to give my story of the last couple of days. My mother literally put me into an arm-lock. That lady is -fast-. Seriously, once her core grows a bit I think she'll be able to beat -Cricket- in hand to hand. So, through the pain of my mom trying to tear my -good- shoulder out of the socket I had to give a -real- report of my actions instead of the super abbreviated version I gave to Hutchison.

I explained -everything- even the odd networking phenomena among the capes and the fact that I got to the next level in the dreamscape, which, either that or my own growth let me build Filter. I continued the story on, mom and dad gave each other a -look- when I brought up Hutchison, but they didn't interrupt. I finished up with the rescue and enchantment of Noelle and finding my stuff.

The first thing said was from my dad, "You take orders from your team leader. You do -not- listen to a damn thing the PRT says. I don't think Taylor would agree to that sort of regulation." Mom gives him a -look- which makes my hardened father look a little sheepish, "Eh... yeah, sorry. We figured that out a while back. Taylor is Arachne. The only other person that could convince you to join a team is Shard, and she wasn't around at the time."

I roll my eyes, I figured they probably knew, "Just don't tell her, she'll come around eventually." They both nod their agreement

Dad continues and mom is okay with letting him, "My team managed to track down where you were taken, and found some information on the place. They had a fairly open end contract for hiring personnel for missions meant to stay 'under the table'. The offer was high end tech, and experience with a requirement of secrecy and living on base for three years. None of my agency took it, too few details and too large a run for our taste, it was more like building a small army than precision strikes. The contract was traced back through a couple of front companies to a man going by Coil. We -think- either this guy, or that 'Snake' guy dressed like him might have been the mastermind behind those people that tracked down Taylor and who hired the Travelers to get you. All records say the guy's normal but hires capes, meaning he probably has some thinkers on his side." He shrugs, "The guy lost a -lot- on the stunt he pulled, so I'm guessing he won't be bothering you anymore. If he hasn't learned his lesson... " I got the gist, he's lucky he's hard to get to, but if he so much as sneezes in our direction again it'll be strike three.

Mom picked up from there, "So, this 'Noelle'... I know you said 'nightmarish abomination for legs' but did she have a cute face? I mean we could just make her a big coat to hide the nightmarey bits."

I put my head in my hand. Of -course- mom wanted to set me up with 'Nightmare girl'.

Mom continues, "But you -should- try to help her out some, I'm sure you can figure out something." She turns serious, "Now that -that's- over. Give me an enchantment to fly!" she holds out her wrist expectantly. Dad smirks, he knew it was coming.

I squint my eyes at mom, "I'll figure out something to make it work, but this isn't a gift. I'm going to use it to -bribe- the two of you to get out of my grounding." I was already getting annoyed with having to walk. I'm sure that's not healthy but I don't care.

Mom smiles brightly, "I accept bribes in the form of cash, jewels and special abilities that let me fly."

Dad thinks for a moment then says, "I'd accept any bribe that let me use your Mana Bolt." Mom raises an eyebrow and dad shrugs, "What? Flying is -nice- but it makes you a target, it was that or fancy body armor, and the stuff I already have doesn't -glow-. Do you -understand- just how incredible having an adjustable projectile in the field is? I could go into a fight and have access to twenty bullets or three armor piercing shots that I can aim -at the same time- as my pistol." Mom thinks for a moment then nods both in approval and impressed.

I wince a little, sounds like dad's is going to be tough. Mom's is just an infusion and determining a way for her to control it, dad's I'll need a way to build him some preset shapes and force levels... Both are going to be reliant on how well my new ability to feel electromagnetic waves works. I had also realized something about how the batteries work now that I can sense molecules. The battery orbs act -similar- to an infusion, the reason my battery orbs are so large is they 'infuse' the air. Air is not dense. That means I'll need some metal rings or something to work with.

I nod, "I -think- I can manage something, I've got to work on an idea for it and will probably need your help when I do. For now though, I need a metal ring, something dense that you won't take off that I can imbue the enchantment into." At that both mom and dad give me a flat look and hold up a hand... revealing their platinum wedding bands. Right.

Mom then looks at dad and gives a false gasp, "John!, you'd use your wedding ring for -combat-!?"

He's completely unfazed and answers in deadpan, "Yes."

She blinks then shrugs while nodding, "Yeah, ok. I would too." I hear her muttering, "I never thought this thing would actually be -useful-. Well, for anything beyond keeping this guy around to clean up after me."

Dad -almost- looks offended, then smirks grabbing mom, leaning her backwards as he leans over her to sweep her into deep kiss, I realize now that I know to watch for it, she actually has to keep her body from throwing him across the room, countering the 'attack'.

When dad lets her back up she's out of breath and flushed, then she nods, "Okay, you're good for that too."

I roll my eyes, "You're like teenagers. You have a -room-, use it."... then we all realize what I said.

I cover my face, Shard is staring at mom with huge eyes, mom has donned a devil's smirk and dad's looking at me like I'm the best wing-man ever. Mom grabs the collar of dad's shirt saying, "You heard him." and proceeds to -drag- him towards the bed.

I'm -not- asking them to help me build a spell tonight. I activate my Sonic Shield - Just in case and -sprint- out of the room slamming the door behind me startling a couple of people in the hallway. I then walk at a normal pace to my own room.

Now, I -am- going to have to have a way to get enchantments for myself and my team. If I can't combine the shields I need a temporary way to not have a hundred freaking balls of energy following me around. I don't mind a few but I'm starting to feel like a dangerous Christmas tree.

I dig through my materials. I find plenty of copper and a few other metals I can use. A few hours and several melted toasters, ingenious use of Filter and some heat shields, I've made seven identical small blocks of metal I can use Filter on to make rings once I get measurements. A filter shield over the casting I made let me keep the material ratios -just- right. It's not the density of gold, but a little under half that. Still better than what I gave Noelle, I'll have to find her and set her up with an upgrade. Though I doubt her core would be able to support two of these so we'll have to destroy the current one.

I used Filter to make four rings the perfect size for my index and middle fingers on both hands. The rings were plain, I'm not much for anything gaudy. Once I had them on, I spent the next hour enchanting them to myself the same way I had with Noelle. I linked one each for four different shields, Deflection, Astral, Laser and Filter. Once it completed and all four links attached to my core I had to -gasp- for a moment. It consumed my full regeneration trying to fill the rings with power, it felt like trying to breath in vacuum. I guess I'm just more sensitive to this stuff than everyone else. Noelle didn't act like anything was wrong.

It took roughly a full minute for the rings to fill up, and they had a faint foxfire afterglow when I moved my hand. Still, I was happy, I had my main shields up all the time without those pesky orbs around. The down side is when one was used I'm sure it would use my full regeneration to fill it, so no personal regen until it was done.

The entire time Shard had been bored so had managed to find the remote to the TV and was watching that cartoon she likes with the super hero that saves the day and converts the bad guys to good with hugs and candy or some crap. I find myself wondering if I should start carrying around candy. It'd be a great way to break the ice and keep things civil until fighting started.

Just as I was considering what to do next, my pocket vibrated. Oh yeah, Sonic Shield is up. I dispersed the shield and brought out my phone... Why is Greg calling? Ugh, I do -not- like being popular. I need an 'ignore me' aura. I'll have to get to working on that. Too many other things to do first though. Top of the list is answering my phone I guess. "Hey Greg."

He sounds out of breath, "Dude!, I've been trying to call you forever! Everything exploded, then the E88 suddenly attacked me! I need help man!"

I blink slowly... no.... no that's too coincidental, it can't be. "I'll call you back." I hang up as he's trying to say something. Then I access my pictures. I flip through until I find the one of Rune. I flip it around then zoom in... closer... oh god. Rune fell out of the vehicle onto Greg and knocked him out. He apparently thought the explosion was an E88 attack and Rune was there to strangle the life out of him. How he came to that conclusion, who knows? I know I was busy, but seriously, why didn't I realize it was Greg?

I sigh and grab the bridge of my nose. This is just -way- too much for one day. I call Greg back, "Why do you think the E88 is after you?"

He seems a little sheepish, "Um... I ... I sort of posted some things online that they -probably- didn't like... and I think they figured out who it was."

I need to find a desk so I can slam my head against it. "Greg. E88 is -not- after you."

He's frantic, "No, wait, I'm not being paranoid, they -really did- attack me Monday! I've been hiding ever since. I tried your house but it was frozen! I- I don't know what to do, I thought that I had powers for a while, it was this cool telekinesis thing, but they just got weaker and weaker until they were gone, now I'm defenseless I need your help!"

I'm tempted to just tell him to go to the PRT. Still, I've known him for a while, I should at least try to explain what happened. "Greg. A PRT van was hit by rubble from the explosion. Inside were three E88 members. One of them was thrown from the vehicle and landed on you. I know, I was there, but I was too busy taking care of people critically injured by the debris to grab you. Now, I suggest either getting on with life, or talking to the PRT to join the Wards."

He seems at a loss for a moment then adamantly says, "No, I wanted to join you and Taylor on the Backup Buddies! I swear I'd be a-" God... I know it's not hard to make the connection if you know me, so my parents and Greg are pretty much the only ones, but still. I'm half willing to bet, just because Murphy's an ass, that Greg is in the middle of a crowd and most of them just heard that. So, do I pass the buck to Taylor or the PRT. Taylor would get revenge. PRT it is.

I cough, because that's what you do to let everyone know it's your turn to talk. "Greg. Talk to the PRT. The Backup Buddies are a group that are made of the best for precision strikes. Prove yourself with the Wards and you might get moved over."

He's still trying, "But, we go -way- back, you could, like, put in a word or something! Everyone knows not to mess with you, I mean Bakuda got your house, and less than a day later she's dust, then someone else picked a fight and you caved in the guy's secret base! They're even saying Glaistig Uaine has your back and she gave you one of her spirit things to protect you!" Nope. I'm done. If he was -really- in trouble I'd be more open, but the guy can go to the Wards or the PRT for protection, live a normal life since apparently his power faded out... any number of things.

I sigh, "Look Greg. I'll put in a word for you. For now, either get on with life or talk to the PRT." and I hang up. Just -way- too much shit today. I guess to 'put in a word' I'll have to tell Taylor 'Hey, Greg wants to join.' and be done with it.

Alright, so that's another fire put out. What's next?... Oh right, testing to read brainwaves and how they relate to my core so I can transfer the use to enchantments. I construct a 'helmet' -into- my skull with infusion. The entire thing meant just to sense brainwaves using my new sensitivity. I do what I can to copy a program into a block of metal I have to make the rings. I try to set it to exactly duplicate my flight spell. It makes it... challenging, since I can actually -cast- flight I end up doing double what I try in the sections where I get it right... I think I've irritated the downstairs neighbors due to crashing myself a few times. This process is mainly just to give me an idea of what it -should- look like when you cast flight so I don't screw up my mom's chances of casting the spell herself later by her being used to doing it the wrong way.

After about half an hour I get a call from Taylor. I drop the block I was enchanting and move to the bed so it'll leave my aura and disperse the enchantment, I flop onto the bed and let out an explosive sigh. At the fourth ring I pick up the phone. "Hey Taylor."

She sounds like she can't decide between... lots of options. She's apparently decided. She growls into the phone, "You. We are having words later. I found out you weren't -dead- from Greg! I'll deal with that later. For now, I need your help. Come by my place. I need you to help me deal with this."

I sigh, "Alright. Be there in a few." Ugh, it's eleven at night, what the hell were you thinking Greg? Oh well. Taylor asked for help. She's getting help.

I toss up a flight spell and slip out the window with Shard. She's a bit upset at being torn from the TV but she'll live. I pick up speed quickly and end up -rocketing- across the night sky towards Taylor's place. A burst of energy and I come to a complete stop across the street and I lower to the ground to walk to her house. I know she's already seen me, she brought up a small swarm and motioned around her house. So I went around back to find her talking to Greg. Greg only looks -slightly- chastised. Guess I should fix that. Also Taylor is in pajamas. I give a wave, "Hey, sorry about the delay, I've been busy all day, escaped a secret underground base, went back for my phone then rescued a nightmarish abomination."

Taylor is mostly ignoring me and seems -really- angry, "Greg, you ASSHOLE, you -never- once helped me and you think you can spring this on me!? You've -never- been my friend. You've -never- been there for me and you want me to do you a -favor-!?" She's completely -distraught- she's just out of it. She looks like she can't focus on a single thing and trying to deal with the weight of the world all at once and her insects are swarming in and surrounding her sounding -angry- she looks like she just realized I was here. I know she knew I was, but it's like she just fully realized it, "Will, I- I need you to fix this. I know you don't mind people knowing, but... I -can't- have people know who I am. My dad-... He wouldn't survive what can happen to him in this world. I... I don't know what I'd do if I lost him."

I nod. "Alright, but you're coming with." I grab Greg and Taylor and float into the sky and start heading towards the edge of town. Now I understand why I didn't recognize Greg's aura. The activation of the secondary core has caused a slight change, a taint or something in the primary core. I don't think it's the case in the others. Now that I'm looking, it's like it's artificially stimulating the core or something. I'm a bit worried when I think to Noelle's core, that odd energy could be eroding his like it does hers.

Taylor is struck a little dumb, she doesn't know what to do and hadn't planned for this, on top of that I'm pretty sure she is -pissed- at Greg. from what I heard, I'm betting it's the whole 'Hey, I'm your friend let me join your team' speech he probably made. A few minutes later we land at the edge of the city graveyard.

Taylor asks, "Why here?", Greg seems to agree.

I shrug, "Privacy. Having this conversation behind your house in the middle of town isn't the -best- idea in the world." Then I use Filter to 'dig' a hole. Roughly the size and depth of a grave. It looks pretty creepy since the dirt just filters up and out like a giant anthill. After the hole takes on the rectangular shape of a grave, Greg is looking unnerved and Taylor is looking at me with 'What the hell are you thinking!?' painted on her face.

Shard grabs Greg in a hug. While he's distracted -I- grab Greg with a shell, then pick it up and place it laying down on the grave while he's screaming. Taylor is staring at me wide eyed, "What the -hell- do you think you're doing!?"

I shrug, "You asked me to fix your problem." I nod my head toward the grave, "This will fix your problem." Also I'm pretty upset with Greg and I kinda want to scare the shit out of him. I mutter to myself in my head 'this'll teach you to piss off and scare my friend.'

Taylor is shaking her head horrified, "No!, no no, you can't do that! Damnit Will, you can't bury people alive when they cause you problems!"

I shrug, "Sure I can. In fact, I am." and the dirt starts slipping in. Wow. Greg has a -real- set of lungs. I see his aura lash out and push some dirt back out, but it's fairly weak and as he uses it, it just gets weaker.

She takes a deep breath and calms down. There we go, she's back, thinking of solutions instead of freaking out. She glares at me, "Stop burying Greg and let him up. What other options can you think of that do -not- involve killing him?"

I smirk, then lift a terrified Greg out of the grave and set him on the ground. He scampers behind Taylor screaming at me, "You son of a bitch, bastard motherf-" and that's when a fly zips down his throat and he starts coughing and gagging.

Taylor tilts her head looking at him, "You done? Good." She turns back to me. "Options."

I nod, "Well, we could wipe you out of his memories, but it's a long process that's -incredibly- experimental and risky. Basically apply energy waves through his head that converge on points that relate to you. Of course if I screw up he ends up a vegetable."

She smirks when Greg squeaks in fear, "No, next."

I think for a moment, "Have him join the Wards and explain the unwritten rules. Of course we -could- have him join the Backup Buddies..."

She nods, "I understand, but we don't know what he can do or how he'd work with us. I think the Wards is the best option if he's willing to join them."

I shrug, "We could always just let him do what he wants but if your ID gets out we track him down and finish up this grave."

Taylor looks over at him. "Greg. You have no -idea- how much I want to let Will just bury you right now." She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Make a choice. Mind wipe, Wards, or one foot in the grave."

His voice is tiny as he speaks up, "... I think I'd like to join the Wards..."

Taylor nods and I can see the tension draining away from her. "Alright. Home, Jeeves." she smirks at me.

I grumble about being a glorified taxi service and undertaker but lift the three of us into the air and fly off to Taylor's back yard, leaving the suddenly appearing grave to confuse whoever comes by the area next.

When we land Greg has mostly recovered and growls at me, "Damnit Will, why'd you do that!?"

I shrug, "You pissed off Taylor and made me come out here near midnight. If you'd been anyone else Taylor wouldn't have come with us." Greg and Taylor both pale a little. Well, if he had been anyone else I wouldn't have been certain Taylor's secret would be safe. I look between the two of them, "So, you guys have it from here? I can go get some sleep now?"

Taylor sighs and nods, "Yeah, but be prepared to give me the -whole- story of what happened tomorrow."

Greg just blinks and seems to be trying to keep his existence at a minimum.

I nod, "Alright, See you tomorrow Taylor. Later Greg." And I fly off toward the hotel and my evening of pummeling ant men.