Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2473 - 2.6

Chapter 2473 - 2.6

Shard told me what happened. I... I'm not sure what to think. I'm pretty sure Shard broke my arm based on her story, but at the same time she did worse to 'Switcher Man'. Also 'Red Sun Lady' doesn't seem overly happy on the team, so maybe I can use that. First, I need to come up with at least the -start- of a plan to get away.

Shard and I worked on it for a short time, but it turns out Shard can sort of 'sleepwalk' me normally. The poison they used apparently dulled part of my mind though, so all she is getting is vague information from senses, and can twitch extremities, so no 'sleepwalking' away. Luckily I seem to still be in full control of my mana since Shard can access it, but we're already in a building. I don't want Shard to reveal -too- much. If they think she can't get back out then that gives me some time to create countermeasures to that poison and keep it from being too troublesome to deal with.

I have shard sit across from me in the 'Safe Zone' of the dreamscape. "Alright, since I'm not in danger of dying they're either going to try to recruit me or do something for them through blackmail or maybe torture. I doubt bribing would be a thing or they'd have come to me directly." I nod to myself but Shard looks like she wants to play with the robots. I shoo her off, "Go play, I can talk to myself." She grins and zips off at a robot while I continue plotting. "If -I- were going to forcibly recruit someone, and I had no reserves as to what I was willing to do, how would I do it?" I think for a few moments going over all the 'quick and easy' options as I wouldn't have to worry about the time consuming ones.

"Okay, easy options. Capture and blackmail by threats to friends and family." My mind flicks over how they'd end up if they went after my parents, then the same for Taylor and I bark out a laugh. "Yeah, that's not gonna work."

"Next; disease or poison with only one way to delay death, constant doses of the cure they have." I think over that for a few moments, it's not a bad plan so I should develop a countermeasure, but that falls under the 'filter' effect I want to make anyway - I just need to get my mana sense to differentiate between molecules. Ok, so possible countermeasure there with a bit of work.

"And finally, threat of pain or death. If I can get all my shields up, the only things I'm worried about are incredibly high powered attacks, along with some 'non standard' attacks like removing all air from the room. Or they may do surgery and implant a bomb or remote taser, possibly with a safe 'area' they designate." High powered attacks... I guess I have to build up a better dodge. I start moving with flight side to side to feel -why- Shard can move faster than me. The overall conclusion is the obvious 'she's smaller, less power needed. But the less obvious was 'wind pressure'. I can't do anything about my mass, but wind pressure... I just need a deflection shield that pops up when I burst my speed like that, it'll cost more, but having my shield hit by whatever I'm trying to dodge would be worse - also going to have to counter my inertia with a secondary boost so I don't fly off into a wall.

I might be able to make the dodge automatic... Maybe emit tiny layers of mana that act like light? The time between firing off and reading would give me relative speed, no idea how to get mass though. Then there's building in the direction of the dodge, the limits, etc.

I sigh to myself "Stop thinking about it, you're not sure how to do it right now anyway - it goes on the list. Stick with just making a super dodge for that 'dragonfly' effect Shard has." I continue my thoughts, Non-standard attacks... all I can really think of are sound waves and and maybe filling the room with water or something... "Well, for water I'll need to put a 'gills' spell on the list since I'm going to have to do research. Sure with 'filter' I could separate the oxygen from the hydrogen I think, but breathing pure oxygen is -probably- bad for you. As for sound waves." I facepalm, "Why haven't I done that already!? That's just -so- obvious as a great type of spell to have, both fairly simple -and- effective." I shake my head "Alright, that's what I'll work on until I get some inspiration for 'filter'."

I nod having a plan set. "First thing's first." I modify my Astral Shield so when I cast it, it will log items I designate as 'equipped' in its defenses. That was a problem with the fight before, my staff wasn't affected by it since I changed my shields to be a little over my skin. Luckily I'm pretty skilled with Astral Shield so it was a quick change.

"Next, a dodge 'spell'. Easy enough, it's just a combo Boost with Deflection Shield oriented the direction I'm going and a weaker Boost to cancel inertia - so base it on the first Boost." I weave it together and practice for a while with the robots until I have it so I can do it about as fast as a standard boost.

"Now, sonic defense, then attacks" With all the practice I had in creating force (Foxfire) and vibrations (Fireball), sonic defenses were fairly easy, though using a series of frequencies on myself to figure out what to defend against while still allowing me to hear was... disturbing to say the least. On the bright side I knew roughly the frequencies and power needed to make -other- people suffer from those effects. Sadly, anything beyond intense nausea, disorientation, and visual impairment required -immense- amounts of power.

"Alright, I need a break, and I've been putting this off. Let's get rid of the stupid robots." With some alterations and a few extra laser 'shields' I built a way to redirect the robot's lasers. I had to be hit dead-on for it to work, but robots are pretty accurate. A short while and twenty scrap heaps later a giant four legged robot fell from the sky. Laser turrets were the primary weapon with several drones that flew around firing their own lasers. It took a couple of tries, but I refined my shield and control enough to blast the thing with enough of its own weapons it went down. "There. No more robots." I nod to myself satisfied, but with a little annoyance since this meant I'd have to get back to work.

The robot started to dissipate similarly to the demon/dragon thing of level one. Inside was left a glowing orb that looked similar to the battery orbs that I use - only with a metallic look. Seeing as how I got Shard from level one... "I wonder what this is?" I walk up to it, but when I go to grab it, the thing slams into my chest and disappears. I blink for a moment. "Well, at least it didn't hurt... Guess I'll figure out what it actually -did- later."

A moment later the ground shook, then several yards away the road cracked, then burst open with a -swarm- of eight foot tall ant-men. I instantly jumped into the air to fly to the safe zone yelling to the sky "Seriously!?" before I was tackled to the ground by a -flying- giant ant man. A short fight later and lots of fire, I finally managed to make it back to the safe zone. I flop down on my back, "Alright, massive army of giant ant men, more problematic than robots."

I managed to recover an ant man leg to practice sensing at the molecular level. I start focusing down at the basic structure of a the leg making use of infusion to get a feel of how the structure works, and focusing deeper and deeper, trying to get a feel between different molecules. Moving several around and vibrating, pushing them together, attempting to sense -deeper- I finally manage to feel the slight gaps between the miniature structures. A while after that I start being able to feel the differences in the molecules themselves. When I'm satisfied with that I nod with a grin, "Alright, feels like I spent -days- looking at that stupid leg, but I think I've got this down well enough."

A little trial and error with the sense spells I use for shields, some modifications and I was able to set up an air filter. Anything that wasn't within a standard mixture of air and moisture would be infused and repelled. A funny note on this, it would keep me dry in the rain since that much water would go beyond air's 'standard mixture'.

This external layer would make my skin a little harder to break as it fights backs, but it's not really a -shield-. Still, it should be enough to stop your standard needle. I'll have to turn it off to eat now that I think about it... Oh well, I'll modify it later.

Next step, a spell to purge my bloodstream of non-bloodstream things. This part actually kind of terrifies me. Get it wrong and suddenly all that fancy oxygen meant to keep the brain going is gone. I take a deep breath and use my sense filter to start picking up what blood looks like all over my body. Since in here I'm in pristine health it -should- be a good scan.

.... Nope. Not going to risk making myself explode until I -fully- understand this stuff. I'll just... transfer the incoming chemicals somewhere, or break them down into non-harmful molecules. I'll have to sleep off what they have me on, but it's better than screwing up and exploding.

When I spoke to Shard I was rather surprised to find out they had -just- stopped the chemical concoction that was keeping me under. Two people were standing over me as I gradually came to, and one was in a room to the side with two on the other side. I kept my eyes closed as I started crafting my flight and assorted shield spells, I forcefully kept the batteries empty so they wouldn't glow, I had to get Shard to help me do that.

While I was getting my spells in place I heard one say to the other "Isn't he supposed to be awake by now?"

The response was slightly accented, "The timing varies, five more minutes at most."

That's when the accented man got a phonecall. "Out? but-... alright, alright. I still don't see- " He grumbles and hangs up the phone saying to the other man, "He's all yours, I have to grab some cargo."

The accented man and one of the auras outside left down what I assume is a hall, they left my range, but I heard the man's phone ring again before he got too far away for me to hear. I didn't hear the conversation though as he kept moving.

During this, I did a quick scan of myself using the basics of my new Filter spell checking for small groups of metals in case I'd been implanted with something. The only result was an old dental filling I had. Well that and I noticed I was naked with a towel covering me. I mentally grumbled at Murphy, what did they think I was hiding, a bomb in my pants or something?

Shard points out they could just be really big fans and wanted authentic Oblivium pants.

I snapped my eyes open at the same time I let the battery orbs fill thinking 'I really need to finish combining these' as seven glowing teal orbs sprang into existence behind me (Astral, Deflection, Energy, Sonic, Laser, Filter, Flight). I felt a -very- large sudden strain on my core, but it started to ease as my mana recovery started refilling my aura. The orbs springing up startled the man in the black bodysuit. He had a white snake design on it wrapped up and around his body ending on his mask. I guess I should study PHO more, I don't know who this is.

When Shard says he's probably called Snake, I agree. I mean, it's obvious, unless he wanted to be 'White Snake' or something, but that'd just be silly.

I'm not exactly keen on trusting him. I create a couple of modified highly charged Foxfire orbs, meant to have a directional blast. Luckily they look similar to the batteries... Now I had nine orbs following me around. It's getting a bit ridiculous. I tilt my head as I sit up and start to clothe myself with constructs. "So, I assume you wanted to talk to me?"

The man nods, saying, "Before we go further, I know you don't have reason to trust me, but I rescued you from the ABB. They had hired the Travelers, Uber and Leet along with some mercenaries to capture you. Bakuda even set off her bombs as a distraction. Of course, they wanted revenge for you taking down their leader and making them the weakest of the local gangs - it was why your house was destroyed." after a slight pause he continues, "When I retrieved you, I thought it would be a waste if I just deposited you at a hospital for recovery, and meeting with you after would be... challenging. I took the opportunity to bring you here so I could offer you a job."

Once I had 'clothes' and my mask built up I shrug, "No thanks." and make use of an idea I had for my filter. I get up and act like I'm just walking around to get feeling back into my legs while I infuse the wall between my room and the one I just felt the accented man and his guard enter to my left where that unmoving aura was. I start crafting a spell based on what I can feel of the wall I just infused.

The man seems a little stunned for a moment, then continues "But, you haven't even heard-"

I interrupt, calmly saying, "The answer's no." I'm wondering if the guy thinks I'm stupid. Then I realize he doesn't know Shard can feel what's going on while I'm unconscious... I guess I've -already- started taking that for granted.

He tries again, "I'd pay you to-"

Interrupted, "Nope!, don't want it, you try again I'll put a hole in your foot." and I have Shard craft a weak Mana Bolt and aim it for his foot. I just -barely- hear something under the guy's breath 'How ... not supposed to ... anything'. I then speak up again, "I hope you don't mind a bit of remodeling." just as I tap the very center of the circle of wall I had infused. Grains of steel and other materials start falling as a hole starts enlarging in the middle of the wall where I tapped. The Filter spell just grabbing the molecules and removing their bond from each other then pushing them out. Sure it was a -little- expensive, and showy, but it's fun. I'm going to use this spell -so- much.

The Snake-Man's eyes grow huge, "Y- You can't go in there!, it's... it's sensitive equipment, there are unstable materials in there!"

I shrug, "The place needed more than one door anyway." I tilt my head to look through the hole then intone in a flat voice, "Oh hey, there are people in the room with the unstable materials. As a hero I guess I should rescue them." I apply more power to the spell to speed it up and the Accent Man - who appeared to be a doctor, was staring at the growing hole in the wall from his side. He was standing over a young girl on a bed with monitors and IV drips all over her, but her eyes were glazed, she looked drugged out of her skull. Oh, and of course no unstable materials.

Shard pointed out the girl could be unstable. I pointed out that Shard needed a mirror. She asked if she could use the Mana Bolt she was aiming at Snake's foot. Eh, why not, shoe is probably bulletproof anyway.

I stepped through the hole as I heard Snake start cursing after something impacted his foot. I saw the doctor look at his phone. Someone hung up on him. His terror filled eyes then looked up at a camera in the corner of the room and he started shouting "No! no you -can't-!" That's when I knew things were going to go badly. Goddamnit Murphy. Well, the obvious thing would be to explode the building because the mastermind was on the other end of the stupid camera and better to have the girl dead than rescued. The less obvious thing would be filling the building with water, but I don't think that's going to be the case. I also really doubt the doctor would have been so distraught if the mastermind was bringing in a birthday clown.

I mumble to Shard, "I need you to grab the girl, I'm making a hole." I build up this new use of the Filter spell and super charge it to create a hole at an angle as fast as it can - a quick scan had shown there was earth above me. Of course it had to be an underground base. A moment later I aim my spell at the ground and a -river- of granules of dirt and cement flood upwards and into the room covering the floor like an ant mound - only huge. I dove in when Shard grabbed the girl, the doctor followed just as the explosives went off.

Heat washed over us along with the pressure from the explosive - I was in luck, my sonic shield held up to the sound. That's when the rocks and dirt started falling. Tons of rock falling and burying you alive is -not- a fun time. My Deflection Shield kept us from being brained by falling stones and we were lucky a chunk fell to cover the hole instead of loose dirt just filling our little hole in. The downside was the lack of air. Oh, and that I was out of mana to such an extent my core HURT. I could feel it trying to crack. I released my shields to try to lessen the strain.

After half a minute or so I was back to normal, but Mr. Doctor was hyperventilating and shaking in terror. Oh his eardrums were also bleeding. Not good to be hyperventilating when you're stuck in a cave-in. So I grabbed him and put him in a sleeper hold - taught by mother. Unconscious people don't hyperventilate, and tend to eat less of that precious oxygen stuff. The girl was mumbling something about 'eighty-six point two zero zero zero zero three' and 'candy'... yep, she's nuts. I do the sleeper hold to her too. No need for crazy, and again, less oxygen eating when not conscious. Shard told me I wasn't being heroic. I hugged Mr. Doctor and Little Crazy just to appease her while my mana was recharging.

Shortly after the group hug I used my Filter spell again, this time straight up, with the grains of dirt sliding down the walls. I had to lift my two companions every once in a while, I didn't -dare- use flight for fear the use of mana would drain me before we hit the surface.

A few minutes later I broke through to the surface, sunlight, and other surfacey things, like mom. "Oh, hi mom." I hold up Little Crazy. "It followed me home. Can I keep it?"

Mom and dad were standing over the hole, in the middle of a HUGE pit. Mom speaks up. "When you stay at a friend's house you need to let us know if you're going to be late for dinner." Dad nods in agreement.

I shrug, "What day is it?"

Mom looks at dad. Apparently she doesn't keep track either. Dad speaks up, "Early Wednesday." Huh, a little over a full day. They found me fairly quickly all things considered.

I look to mom, "I'm going to be late to dinner yesterday." Then I correct myself for Shards sake. "Shard says she isn't, she's going to be on time yesterday."

Mom nods, "Well, in that case Shard gets dessert. None for you Will. Now as for..." she tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows looking at Little Crazy, then looks at dad.

Dad nods, "Looks like we just completed an outstanding contract. That's Dinah Alcott." He looks at me, "Sorry son, when we came in to get you I think we set off the burglar alarm. All the mercs started- " he stops himself at a glare from mom, "Fine. -Continued- running for their lives, only this time away from the building instead of us."

I shrug, "I'm okay, besides, not sure if it was you. Mr. Doctor here looked at a camera like he was begging someone not to hit the big red button."

Mom nods, "Well, this is -fascinating-, but you're late for school. Go get changed, we'll take Dinah to the hospital to check her over."

Yep. Those are my parents. Just survived a collapsing super villain's underground lair and they complain I'm late for school. I sigh, "Fiiiine. I'll see you guys after school." I wove a flight spell and hugged my parents, just to ensure they got dirt on them before heading to the hotel to get -real- clothes